I have some updates to toss around on other pages, but I'll start here.
I got some pics while I had room. This is the last of the Sacred Lotus from clone.

The Dank Sinatra

But since I had room I flipped the regs (RIR/HQ) to get them sexed.
These are the first of my new system, if I don't get a girl they get re-dropped next drop.
I 'culled' clones in here - meaning that the decision was made, but I haven't ditched them yet. I have room, so I am letting them drink the soil dry.

In front are the three fems - not flipping them until they are 'ready'. I want them to get taller, and maybe start showing asymmetrical nodes popping. I'll start pruning some lower shoots. and training them. They are drinking normal so not worried about repotting them yet.
Left is the DS flower clones - keeping one, one gone for now.
Rear is the LB clones and flower clones, keeping one each.
Right are the DS regular clones. One is gone - might not keep either.

And here is my teachy part. Disclaimer: this is what I do and how - do what you want...
The FFHF dry fertilizers (organic) have 5 different mixes, different combo's of each based on where the plants are in growth, and I use teaspoons where it calls for tablespoons per gallon of soil. So it is cost effective.

The 'veg' combo is these two. I put a teaspoon of each around the top, then 'raked' the soil to break up the surface and mix it in.
The sports bottles are great for mixing up a large batch of water for a lot of little plants, then getting it divided up before it settles if there is any food mixed in. Handy other times too, but I got a mess of them for that purose.