Super-cropping 101.5 - Cheaters version.
about 42" from the soil to start
The cheat is that many times you will break open the stems anyway - tape them first and you don't have to be careful. And I bent them right where I wanted maybe because off that. Paper bandage tape works great. not much on the adhesive, but it sticks to itself well. Doesn't pull leaves with it when you wrap it.
About 30" from the soil now. If I had it to do over I would have gone one node space lower so the lower tops would be above that mess. Might still stretch some.
I have a little tub of soil that I use to pre-mix the top-feed in before I spread it on the plants. The only soil I use is that seed starter soil, and have been dumping the soil from non-poppers into this as used soil (the seed-soil is fairly cheap for how much I use). And I am pretty thorough about picking through to find the beans and see what happened. Occasionally you don't.
Wonder what that is