I attacked the hornet nest this morning at about 6am. The temps had dropped 40 degrees f from the last few days so I thought they should be less active. 49Fº just starting to get light, and these hornets were already busy bees.
I used 2 can of Hot Shot hornet and wasp spray, and 2 cans of Raid hornet and wasp spray. Raid sucks! It did not give instant knockdown and the cans emptied almost as fast as I could grab the next. None of the cans lasted long.
I noticed with the Hot shot though, they were dying fast and plugging up the exit hole I was aiming at.
Got no stings but had a few dozen trying damn hard. Carhart coveralls, jeans, rubber boots, leather gloves a hoodie and a polyfill coat with a ball hat, safety glasses, and an mosquito net shirt with attached full hood kept me safe enough. If there has been many more attack me though.. I would want a real bee suit. Those F'rs dont play.. You dont know they are coming til they hit ya.
The buzzing sound coming from inside the nest was loud as hell! Its the first time I've actually heard them, even as close as I've gotten.
I'll check it again in a few hrs. Soon as the spray was gone and I was clear of the attackers I was inside lol.