The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'll be damned if I can pick out a terp/smell/flavor of the 88G13-Hashplant once it's ground up. It's a little of everything but nothing jumps out. That'll probably change when it cures. It smells like weed, and works like weed. :)

Smooth in a joint, burned well, not too harsh. Bowl-hits was where I was looking for the flavor. Again just weed. But it'll put you in a zone. Not morning weed if you have something to do. Good thing I'm retired! LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The covid's might be a challenge. There's a lot of stretch between nodes, and the lower shoots are taking their time trying to get light. After I flip I might have to train the upper ones sideways IMG_7548.JPG
The Banana Hashplant will be opposite. I'll need to veg longer and get some lower stuff pruned/thinned so I don't have a crowded mess.
All seemed to like the topping just fine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
G13 Genius
Runt Hippie Crippler. I have the clones, I have the three big girls growing "regular". This one is getting pruned up for fat cola. I took some sprouts today, and the longish ones that are still on the plant are going in a few days.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just made similar seeds. I hit three of my G13 phenos with the Apollo 13 gorilla arm x Apollo 11 genius. Seeds is a week or so
LOL - my only point was that I'm a newb. I have no cue what hashplant tastes like, or what G13 tastes like. Since it looks like I got one of each from yours, after I chop JJ's G13 I can compare it to the two and see if one is more like it.

Then if that works, by process of elimination I'll kind of know what hashplant is like :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think I am going to continue to rearrange and end up with the XB200 tent just running clones.
For now, the G13G and runt HC started stretching well. They get new pots tomorrow.
Which means they can hang out with the Hippie Crippler and just be short for a bit.
And if I didn't fuck up the timer this closet is now 18/6


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner dude had an epiphany. I hate messing with plants for a long time in veg when I don't know the sex yet. But I am not in a hurry and I keep forgetting that. I just have so many packs I want to drop that I rush things.
Can't rush this:
There was such a height difference between nodes that the sprouts would never even up. So instead of having a half-ass 4-top these are now manifolds. Still going to be a 4-top, but the veg will necessarily be longer. bumped the Covid's up to 2gal until flip.

I also added the other HLG65 to my clones.
Stoner dude had an epiphany. I hate messing with plants for a long time in veg when I don't know the sex yet. But I am not in a hurry and I keep forgetting that. I just have so many packs I want to drop that I rush things.
Can't rush this:
View attachment 58707
There was such a height difference between nodes that the sprouts would never even up. So instead of having a half-ass 4-top these are now manifolds. Still going to be a 4-top, but the veg will necessarily be longer. bumped the Covid's up to 2gal until flip.

I also added the other HLG65 to my clones.
View attachment 58706
IMO Build another small area for clones/veg. That other 65 is just overkill for your setup.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
IMO Build another small area for clones/veg. That other 65 is just overkill for your setup.
I have a larger propagator dome set-up arriving, and a smaller one. so I have the one/two light capability to make it an actual veg area instead of just seed-starting.

And the XB200 by HGL is weak. It works well for slow-veg, maybe a mother plant, but if you want something to grow quick it sucks. That 2x2 tent will be the clone area.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The runt Hippie Crippler and the G13 Genius are in their final pot now. Nice roots on both. I spread them out a little, hoping they'll do the phototropic-mambo back to vertical with a little more spread. I pruned lower shoots, and the first node that I kept shoots from I pruned the 'outside' one but left the 'inside' one. The LST should get good light to those.
Might have to add a fan at a lower level once these two get done stretching.
So here's this tent until harvest. 4 Hippies and a G...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The itty-bitty seed cups work fine, and it seems about 15 days is the right time to bump them up into regular cups. The Rainbow Man had a nice round of roots at the bottom and came out in a plug. This and moving them under a real light should do wonders :)
I have them un-domed for a bit, but the side-wall extenders are keeping the direct breeze off. The Bonnie plants starter cups and tray are cool ;) The holder was designed for 10 cups. I got two full of herbs and stuff. Cut one into a 6-cup and a 4-cup.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You ain't seen "cute" yet LOL
@Opie1 and I were just discussing them. I don't like that it isn't a 10x20, but it is sturdy and I'll never have to buy another one because it cracked or something. Look up "Earlygrow" on amazon. I just ordered this 24" x 15", which was the only one in stock and has 2 extenders. I was going to get it with just one extender - but it's all they had. I am going to be doing the flower clone thing on my regs now when needed, and might even just sex the tops when they are still in veg. I'm just not about taking 30 clones to cull 20 males.



Oh heck ya! Those are sweet! I might browse around random dollar stores and see what I can find. I know someone, maybe G, found little single cups with domes on them :)

Totally know what you mean about taking cuttings from everyone...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oh heck ya! Those are sweet! I might browse around random dollar stores and see what I can find. I know someone, maybe G, found little single cups with domes on them :)

Totally know what you mean about taking cuttings from everyone...
I like having the option for size. And since my rH here is low I can keep bigger plants domed now if needed. I know some cuttings I have taken in flower were rather large. Also, more air can't hurt if it's all in the dome.

It shows up tomorrow and I'll have the clones in it as soon as it's put together. I had them undomed overnight to see how they did, but I think they need at least a little more time, but with more vents open that the regular dome doesn't have :)
I am noticing that the flower-tops are not as prominent now, somethings happening!!! LOL