The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Everything from the last run is just about cured. Trying to figure out smells can be difficult, especially if it's a non-weed smell you know, but can't place.

The Dulce Cherry punch smells like corn. Not like a can, but like when you are shucking fresh corn. The buzz is better than average, but nothing particularly memorable, but it's fucking tasty LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Mystery plants and the BHP are getting close to topping again. Did the main-line thing for two primary limbs, and as soon as these sprouts beef up I'll do it again for 4 tops. But if I topped them now all that would be left is what is circled. I want more foliage there before I top. Not great for root development to chop all that veg off either.
2 of the Covid's are that size, this one has a little more
And the BHP remains a chunky little shrub :) I might bend those over and do an V-8 manifold with the limbs. I think it was "nebula's" manifold. It's fun LST if you don't bust anything.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Rainbow Man like the new soil. The DBB seems to be taking a break. Kind of wonky looking first leaves.
The flower children (hippie crippler flower clones - get it?) are definitely growing. But I am not seeing any new shoots popping out yet. IMG_7621.JPG
The previous tops look almost gone now.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I did some selective pruning on the stuff I am eventually chopping off.
Where the arrow is I snipped the fan leaf and sprout on the inside, since the fan leaf was shading the 'keeper' shoots. I removed just the sprout on the other side.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Covid #1 is a boy (a dead boy), #2 and #3 do not show balls and are leaning towards girly parts (rough guess)
I haven't flipped them yet. So to me that means they are mature enough to flip now.

It was the one with the clear sap that was a boy - the two red-sappers are still in the running.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just before Christmas in 1944, the German commander sent terms of surrender to the 101st Airborne in the city of Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge.
Surrounded, low on supplies, with weather preventing air-supply drops and with little hope of getting reinforcements in time,
General Anthony Clement McAuliffe sent his reply:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think I caught them in time, but two of the there Hippies had them. The last one looks fine, and her clones are showing single-blade petals like they are starting to take off.
I am definitely sold on the flower-clone thing now for my "growing for me" purposes.
Lost a boy, and 8 culled clones in here (more room :ROFLMAO: )
And the two in here


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The 4 remaining flower clones all have plentiful roots, and still haven't dried out the soil from when they went into pots.
Only the obvious one has started sprouting, and it looks like I'll get to be selective on which shoots to keep. It is the closest to being 'light', so will probably get some attention tonight.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think I want to top that tall flower clone and flip it when I do the BHP and the covids, just to see what the stretch is going to be like on the others.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Last time I did flower clones it was the single blade petals, then the deformed leaves, then the normal ones. Probably need to flip one as soon as the crazy leaves start popping.

I'm just looking at the fact that the monster-cropping creates massive growth in sprouts, but this has also doubled in size over it's sisters in a short time.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The BHP is now topped for 4 along with the Covids. I have room in the flower tent now, so these will all three flip as soon as they get a node or two in the sprouts.
The Rainbow Man and Dinoberry Bites are chugging along, and the other three clones are starting to get their stretch on.
The tall one will be the project clone, flipping early just to see what happens. Mom had decent stretch.
She has a good sprout at each node, and is already asymmetrical.
And the top seems to have the first weird leaf opening up.