The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
After reading more about the GMO Cake, I am flipping it tonight. The sprouts are all opening a second node of leaves. She is supposed to stretch pretty good, and take a while - and be really stinky. THAT might be the thing I separate into two different flower rooms - the smelly dankness in one and the fruity sweetness in the other ;)

Since I am flipping it, the DCP also flips. Trimmed her bottom shoots yesterday. I think it's gonna be a midget no matter what I do unless it has some stretch to it in flower.

I have the 7 girls plus the GMO fem. The three new additions may still have culls, as could the DCP. That's minimum 8 maximum 12 plants, plus the 2 hashplants. I want to get everything sexed and sorted before my new seeds show up, but I think everything will still fit in the tent. Watering will be fun.

The tiny hashplants in the veg tent are also regs. I had to raise and prop up the little one. It has almost 2 full curls in the stem like a spring. I guess the weight of the top kept pushing it down, but the phototropic growth kept it pointing north just enough to stay vertical. I stretched it up then packed dirt around it and soaked it in.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing I have tried with watering is to keep adding until the run-off fills the little hydrofarm saucers about halfway. I let that stay for a few hours, then go back in and put them each in a new tray. Sometimes the plant will drink more of what was in the tray. Just another way to make sure they are soaked when watered.

I didn't like that the damn saucers come in 25-packs, but now it makes sense :) two together makes them pretty sturdy too. I like these better than the 1020 trays with multiple plants.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
two more flipped, 12 in the tent now. Still no sex on the three, but zero signs of balls yet. I'm leaning towards 3 for 3 girls.
Pretty much done with the rooter project now. gonna test extremes now. I let the cubes get pretty dry by weight, then the roots started showing more. I fed/watered them today and will see how long they go before dying.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Next time I buy those Horticubes, they have sheet with more, smaller rooters. I think that might be the way to go for seeds. These bigger cubes seem better for clones with a lot of initial lateral root growth

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Next time I buy those Horticubes, they have sheet with more, smaller rooters. I think that might be the way to go for seeds. These bigger cubes seem better for clones with a lot of initial lateral root growth
I’ve seen one member, I forget who it is, but he stacks those cubes and speaks them with something (like a couple pieces of long wire) to keep them together. This allows for a longer tap root.

Give it a shot!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I’ve seen one member, I forget who it is, but he stacks those cubes and speaks them with something (like a couple pieces of long wire) to keep them together. This allows for a longer tap root.

Give it a shot!
Actually, this is good enough to get them in cups or small pots. My main issue has been getting them vertical without helmet-heads or seed-skin condoms over the tips. After that not damping them off would be a cool trick too :cool: 🤙

I think these will be perfect. The soil should wick away any excess moisture from the cube, and that air-pocket around the stem seems fine too. Might help protect the main damp-off area from issues.

I think the smaller cubes are over 100 per sheet, the big cubes are 50 per sheet (all 10/20 tray size). Same price, twice the rooters. I just meant that seeds/taproots don't need that wide of a cube like a clone does. I only want them to get the first set of leaves opening. Still plan to use a cup-o-dirt, but my success rate going straight to soil from a soak was fluctuating. this seems more consistent.
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Cocaine Cowboy
Next time I buy those Horticubes, they have sheet with more, smaller rooters. I think that might be the way to go for seeds. These bigger cubes seem better for clones with a lot of initial lateral root growth
104, 162, 276 are the sheet quantities (other than 50) that I found. Like you said, you don't need much for seed starting if that's all you plan to use them for.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
104, 162, 276 are the sheet quantities (other than 50) that I found. Like you said, you don't need much for seed starting if that's all you plan to use them for.
The stuff is easy to work with, I'd settle for a sheet with no grooves and holes :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Pretty much same pic as last night but I don't like the crowding. Tonight the 4 @J.James Blueberry crosses get their own home. the closet next door is open. That will leave 8, with four known girls. The GMO Cake still looks a little wonky, hoping that the 12 hours of rest helps perk her up. IMG_5928.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I like guitarists (and/or drummers or bassists) more than any specific band.

Fun ZZ Top facts:

The Drummer - only dude with no beard - is Frank Beard ;)

On the Ed Sullian Show, Jimi Hendrix was asked if there were any up and coming musicians he thought would do well. He said that he saw a guy named Billy Gibbons down in Texas that was really good...


Hobby Farmer
And Nigerians and Sinatra...

Sinatra probably smells like a martini :)
who loves ya babe

I cant wait to see how the hash plant works. I should have said yes to some but i have so much shit going on. I am looking for hash monsters now. :)

I just remembered... i used these 1 inch rockwool cylinder plugs that are split in half. I think they work GREAT. And i put them in coco after because rockwool is weird and loves algae. But a great seed starter and clone holder. I am impressed so far.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I cant wait to see how the hash plant works. I should have said yes to some but i have so much shit going on. I am looking for hash monsters now. :)
I was in a hiatus between testers and was hoarding seeds. the 2 @jacrispy auctions, and 5-6 packs from @SCJedi. I realized my bone-headedness - never be able to run all of them now - so I did the roulette thing.

Not counting j.james blueberry crosses I popped 10 random regs and got 7 girls. Out of the next 3 so far 2 are girls, the other is a probable. It would show some kind of balls in a week... Then the 2 hashplants just because I wanted a better shot at a girl - Probably get two LOL
15 seeds, 9+ girls...

Was not counting on filling the tent, but I'll grow the hell out of this stuff :)

i used these 1 inch rockwool cylinder plugs that are split in half.
Not rockwool. Oasis Horticubes. I used to work heating and air and I will NOT voluntarily play with fiberglass :)
This stuff seems like that green florists foam, but more porous. If you crunch some in, it stays permanently.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
- never be able to run all of them now -
But I am getting a good taster of everything that I still have packs of. Next break in testing I'll try the roulette thing again until I try everything. If by some miracle I acquire no more seeds between now and when I have tried everything I will start running packs.