The James Gang


Heathen Basterd
I got a $500 Contempt of Court charge first time I went into a Canadian Court, Judge says The Crown charge against You is.. ( I didn't have my insurance papers in the Jeep) I told the judge I don't recognize Your Authority as I put proof of insurance down on the table in front of Me , I told Him I am American and I bow to no King or Queen and I'll be damned if I start now. Place got quiet and I got charged. Yea good times.


Heathen Basterd
Fucking COC charges suck , got 1 in Iowa when I got custody of the kids, EX quit job and signed up for College classes so she would have child support set at the rate of an unemployed student, $50 BUCKS A MONTH FOR 2 KIDS !!! Judge says to Me I don't think She quit Her job to avoid Child Support and I told the Judge if I had tits on My back I would be getting a Grand a Month , Yea that cost Me 300us and 30 days suspended sentence on jail. Fuck Me.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
I got a $500 Contempt of Court charge first time I went into a Canadian Court, Judge says The Crown charge against You is.. ( I didn't have my insurance papers in the Jeep) I told the judge I don't recognize Your Authority as I put proof of insurance down on the table in front of Me , I told Him I am American and I bow to no King or Queen and I'll be damned if I start now. Place got quiet and I got charged. Yea good times.
You got some fucking balls man!