The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Deed is done. Once they all fluff out I'll rearrange and check the lumens. Maybe raise the lights. So far it doesn't look like anything is stretching crazy. @Schwaggy P skunk is the tallest but only by a little. Synergy's Blackwater cross has sprouts and flower-sites everywhere, the notches at the nodes for example. All will need a little training after I repot them. I'll get better single pics after they perk back up.
Couldn't justify flipping either of these. The DCP is just a runt, but @Heisenbeans GMO Cake just looks like she's a longer grow. Definitely have to watch the stretch. Not sure the height or the flower time, but he said he likes the stretchy girls so I'm ready :) After I top for 4 I'll see how she looks and flip a few days later.
Here's what's left in veg, and the tray won't be grown past the rooters if they pop up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One reason I post what I'm doing is so that if other people like it they can try the same thing. Any questions feel free to ask.

The other reason is so that if any pro's see me doing something screwy they can yank my chain.

So if anyone was wondering, or new, the blueberry crosses are the girls from tester runs. I am done with them after this run.

All the rest I still have packs of. I'm only looking for a few ounces out of each plant - including a fat top cola for glamour shots. I may screw around with the pruning on some of those just to see what happens.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still have a sack of the rooters as well. I was going to be cloning and breeding. I got a 3-flat pack (150) so I am going to use them. The hole seemed a little large for seeds, but it made placing (and repositioning if needed) the seeds in easy with tweezers.

I trimmed them to fit, then wadded up the scraps and ran it across a cheese grater. Used that dust to top the holes. Soaking them doesn't hurt. It holds water well, but you can "sling" excess water out of it to get the dampness you want.

I'm hoping that as they pop out I'll get a better 'scrub" to get the seed skins off the leaves. The loose soil does not do that, and I had a lot of helmet-heads and stuck-together cotyledon from the inner seed skin. Rooters did that well too.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Had to go grocery shopping, and in east-bumfuck where I live they had this - didn't even check the price ;)
I can't tell much difference between the varieties, except for the mango kush, probably because it is a wheat beer and the others aren't. Definitely has a hemp taste to it, like they used hemp vs hops.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Definitely sold on the Oasis Horticubes! Easy. Just waiting to see what the root development does, maybe a timeframe for getting them into cups for planning purposes.
The hashplants. The bigger one might go into a bigger small pot just to see if that helps. Maybe just a full size solo.
All of the final roulette drop got soaked GMO Cake and DCP still in veg
So day 2 of 12/12 for the lower left, The HAOG Skunk is gonna be a beast :) I am hoping that 1-2 of the new ones are girls. seems 9 plants in here would be perfect. I could jam 16 in if needed. Tomorrow after company leaves they get new 3-gallon shoes. IMG_5874.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Old ST1R - I think I was having trouble with the wrong moisture content in the soil and was damping them off right at the soil. All of these look just fine, even with a gap around the stem. You can see down to where the roots start.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Breeding isn't about cloning, it's about the seeds, imo.
I get that, but if you want to flower out plants to see which to breed, taking the clones would have been part of that. So the point was that I did not buy them for seeds. Still have them and am no longer cloning. No room, too many seeds. Now they have a purpose again, and it seems a more consistent way to start the seeds.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm just messing with you. You would take some clones, but it's more about running the seeds is all I was saying.
And the decision was that it was best to leave the seed-running part to those that need grunts like me to grow flowers.


All better. Already see a few more fans that need taken. View attachment 50074
Them little ones on left, I'll normally clip one of the upper fans off to let more photons in to secondary branches to help speed up nutrient consumption leading to new, "healthier" growth early on. I'll even "stagger clip" the tops on the secondary branches and leave the leaf while they are small. As long as it is getting enough light to be an asset.
I'll pull my 2nd set of decent leaves on the bigger ones to allow light to your "mini canopy" hiding under those top leaves. I bend the big ones out of the way if there is enough room to spread more light around. I'll eventually take them off. Plant can feed off those nutes from the fans if the plant gets in trouble.