The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Longbottom Fighter cross is the only one giving me issues. It's too top heavy for the stem. If it can get a little height to it I'll pack more dirt around so it can grow straight. IMG_5726.JPG
But they all got new shoes today and will go to a room with a better veg light tonight. IMG_5725.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
grab a small kabob stick and give the LBF some support, if You grill even a little You have a pack in the kitchen .
Good idea. I think one of those rubber coated wires might work too. I can shape it to what I need. If it was my only plant I would shitcan it and drop another seed. But since it has friends it can try to stay on the island and I'll help as I can. :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 3 of 12/12 for round one.
All got a pint of RO with cal-mag, silica and amino's. Only a few had a little run-off, so this soil mix holds it well. I am starting to see some sexy things showing at the notches, but nothing identifiable yet.
This tent will be interesting. the light is 1.5" smaller than the tent all the way around 21" vs 24" square. But it has a remote driver, so the only heat to remove is from the lights. Still giving me a few issues with heat because it's not dimmable. Might have to put a rheostat on it.

It also might just be too small. I may end up with two tents I am not fond of, but both fit my old blurples perfect, so I may get ANOTHER tent... 30" square would be best. 36" is too much. I see permanent inside veggies and/or herbs on the horizon.
And last but not least, 2 days in and two of the hashplants are bustin' loose!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Wish I took a pic. The Cheap Thrills had its tail poking out of the soil, seed down. I took a toothpick and excavated it and got it turned around.

After water last night they jumped. Everything has good branching, some have lowers rivaling the trunk for thickness.
After looking at this pic I went back and spread them out a little more :) I'll be checking them all close next watering looking for balls, so I'll get some individual pics. They are definitely gettting some individual personalities now.

Edited: after watering and rearranging the @J.James blue man group is the top 5.
I think I finally hit the right combination for Round Two to take off. I don't care what anyone says about the HGL-XB lights, they veg phenomenally. And since the light is basically the dimension of the tent, anything I fit in there gets the same light. If I were to veg for a while and got stretchy plants, I would have to prop up the short ones to keep a level canopy, but that's not a backbreaking chore ;)
I love my job 😎 👌💨
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just thinking out loud.

Still debating on the schedule for the new batches. I think the 30 day flip worked fine for the 8 in the big tent. The two biscuits are a little older.

But the days thing won't work for the ones in the veg tent. After their stunted start they are way older than they look. All had healthy roots but some were still a little sparse (the tiny DCP) So I think I will just go by plant size. Most of the first round were 8-10" which seems to be fine.

My female seed plants might get to a 5-gallon eventually, and since I don't need to sex them I want them at least as tall as the pot (12") before I put them in 3 gallon. My only concern really is the height, so I may prune/LST them if needed.

The most stretch I have personally seen is about 3 the flip size before I had to behead them. I can handle 4' easy, maybe a 5' in my closet if I dim the boards at the end.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here is my first attempt at hash with the process I think will be easiest.
First step is decarb. I have the timer set for 1:45:00 so I don't forget it. The cycle can take up to two hours depending on volume, but I want to make sure I get it out warm. IMG_5740.JPGIMG_5741.JPG
And for pressing it I had an idea that may work about the same as hot water in a bottle, but you don't have to handle the hot part. A heating pad, a fat piece of tempered glass, and have the silicone mats warmed on the glass as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I forgot to add that the heating pad worked OK. kept the glass warm-ish. Better than a cold granite countertop. I did it in about 4 batches and each batch was about a half hour of rolling and folding.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
12/12 Day 5
I stuck the two lollygaggers in the middle for comfort and support :rolleyes:
Tomorrow is day 3 from repot so these should start growing shortly.
And I have problems with seed-skins sticking the two leaves together. All 4 show signs of life.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 3 since I stuck these in the 1-gal pots.
The pots are still fairly heavy just from the repot soil being moist. 3 days of evaporation and gravity means the water is near the bottom. I gave each a good squirt of water around the edge of the plant to help them in the expected growth spurt.

If all goes as planned, they will also start drinking more and get the root system stretching to the pot edges.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@stiickygreen - thanks for stopping by - this is all I have going now.

5 of the 10 in the big tent are testers, the other 5 are "tasters" :) I may get 2-3 girls - or not. Whatever. I have the Cannaventure Cheap Thrills and Heisen's GMO Cake as my only fems. More auction fodder.

@SCJedi sent out some fire that I am also growing. I like his approach of getting back to landrace genetics and starting new crosses for some variety.

Deleted member 60

I'm one of those cut-corners growers in that I only run fems these days. I was THE guy who popped whole packs of regs for years.... and got 1 female and 9 males...all the damn time! I simply got tired of wastin all that time and space. At the time...both meant $$$$.....and I've just never gone back to the "hunt". Had multiple rooms in the day..... but now...I just have this 4 x 8 tent and my 20' x 26' high tunnel out back.....

It'll get crazy here in a few months....Might have to set up a temporary thing for veg to get everyone rollin.

Good luck with Mr. James wares........


a.k.a. Rusty Nails