The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm one of those cut-corners growers in that I only run fems these days. I was THE guy who popped whole packs of regs for years....

Good luck with Mr. James wares........
I flip the plants at 30 days tops, in one gallon pots. only girls get a bigger pot than that - and that soil is not loaded with nutes, I'll use the soil from the culled males in repotting the girls.

As far as the County Line Genetics seeds, no worries about luck, just me not fucking something up. I have had a pretty good m/f rate as well. Never dropped more than 5 beans at a time and I always got a girl or two.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 6 of 12/12 and there are 7 remaining. Two known girls (one each of the Blues) two possi-balls (might be a pistillate calyx - too early to tell) and 3 no shows yet.
The culled:
But the third gives me hope. 6 days in and this is a vigorous sunnuvabitch!
If one is like this, I think any other Blue boys would have shown themselves at least a little. The 2 possiballs are from the random regs. Wish I was breeding this one @J.James

And the anticipated 3-days-after-transplant growth spurt is kicking off as planned :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Call me weird, but I don't mind culling males. Growing in dirt I like the chance to check the progress on a plant that it doesn't matter if I fuck up.
On the three from yesterday I can tell that they are ready for repot, because they came out fairly easily and stayed together in pot-shape.
The Blue Eyes is the third one and was farthest along root-wise. After I broke apart the rootball, it is like a dirt-shell. This is by no means root-bound. After the dirt got shaken out the root mass was about the size of a baseball.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I suck at getting close up pics of balls and pistils, but @SCJedi's Blackwater Mystery has shown her colors.

The other BB & BE show nothing - which I am taking as future female but the are marked as no-shows. The OG Skunk and Citrol Sledgehammer are no shows as well but all 4 are getting little pre-sex growth in the right spots. I think by Monday the cast will be set.

Amazing if I pull 7 girls out of 10 plants.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
I'm one of those cut-corners growers in that I only run fems these days. I was THE guy who popped whole packs of regs for years.... and got 1 female and 9 males...all the damn time! I simply got tired of wastin all that time and space. At the time...both meant $$$$.....and I've just never gone back to the "hunt". Had multiple rooms in the day..... but now...I just have this 4 x 8 tent and my 20' x 26' high tunnel out back.....

It'll get crazy here in a few months....Might have to set up a temporary thing for veg to get everyone rollin.

Good luck with Mr. James wares........
I will be adding some fem seeds to the website in March. Trying to add some diversity as we expand out. The other breeders involved have had some issues along the way and we had to push back the release dates on our fem seeds.


Anyone that has been interested in trying a decarb-machine but was thrown off by the price, they have a valentines coupon code for the weekend.

Don't delay. Save Now. Get $42 off a Nova or 20% off anything on the site this weekend only with the code HEART20.
Damn bought mine one week too early.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just realized that it was the two lollygaggers that were culled. :unsure: I thought it was usually the overachiever tall-boys that tended to be males. Karma may be smiling on this grow. I just have little colored tags hanging from the pot-edge for now. As soon as I only have girls they will get their 3-gallon "possibly" last pot.
If any show signs of being long flowering (like later for first brown pistils) I may bump those particular plants to a 5 gal. Flipping at day 30 means they should not be too rootbound by the end if they flower in the 7-8 week range.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Damn bought mine one week too early.
You'll love it.

They are still a small company - Shanell is a sweetie, and answers e-mails.
I wouldn't ask for money, but she might toss you an accessory kit or something.

I have 2, one still unopened that I got Black Friday :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I will be adding some fem seeds to the website in March. Trying to add some diversity as we expand out. The other breeders involved have had some issues along the way and we had to push back the release dates on our fem seeds.
I like the mystery of growing regs, but it is a lot more efficient for testing to know they should all be girls. I know how many big pots will fit in each space. Plant seeds accordingly.


Hobby Farmer
The ardent is money well spent at full price. You will not regret it. I was on the fence and cheaped out and bought a MGBM2....a do not buy.
The ardent is worth it. From nasty decarbbed buds straight from the machine to any edible imaginable can start with that machine. Quality edibles.
I love it.
I am on #3. 1 i broke when it dropped, 1 i wore out and they replaced it.

I love that you are getting fem beans. I like vegging them until they fit in a bigger pot. I have space and they look nicer when in late flower. Fem beans save guessing and medium.

And a lot of people in the great white north will only buy fems...4 plant count is for everyone and fems make that possible with less BS.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I love that you are getting fem beans. I like vegging them until they fit in a bigger pot. I have space and they look nicer when in late flower. Fem beans save guessing and medium.
My one gallon pots are about a foot tall, and a good gauge for flipping when they get almost as tall as the pot, then repotting when it gets a little bigger than the pot.

Now that I have a defined veg-space I can flip plants whenever. Not as worried about feeding schedules and whatnot. I can flip individual plants as they look ready instead of basing it on drop date.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are cruising now finally
Except for the DCP - which may be a mutant. It has another set of leaves popping so we'll see.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It’s definitely you.

Hahaha. JK.
Think about it - Me asking "How tall?" or "What is the flower time?" not only gets me info I want - it shows the breeder I am growing their seeds. They can ask for pics, or smoke reports, or help me if needed.

Other people also say "Hmmmm, I haven't grown THAT yet :unsure: "

Some strains have little tricks to make them grow better. Like some saliva's not liking the nitrogen so much. (just learned that). Reggie packs I am getting rarely have the "mix" listed like "80/20 Indica dom".


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I froze a half ounce of a few strains that I have more of. I got a new sorter that I like a lot more than the rednecked stuff. The bottom bowl didn't come with it.
I kept the stuff from the 96 and 66 trays. I put a little of the smaller dust from the bottom in a bowl, and other than taste it had nothing. I now am fine with letting the waste stuff go through in the bubble bags.
I think I may actually have to add water to start the hash process.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Found 2 more girls tonight!

The Citrol Sledge and the second Blue Eyes are the only white-tags left. (green tags on the girls ;) ) IMG_5807.JPG
Tale of two plants with @Schwaggy P's OG Skunk and @J.James Blue Eyes.
The Skunk is lanky, uniform nice symmetrical shoots popping out at comfortable spacing's,
The Blue Eyes undergrowth looks like the gates just opened at a general admission concert :)


Hobby Farmer
I tried rolling it with heat and silicone and that was a waste of i pressed it into a puck.


My hash game is going to be really on point when the weather is nicer and i want to sit in the garage and make hash while i make some rosin..Load up for the summer of smoke.

The pool may be a skating rink but that shit melts....and the pool is only a few months away

I like Kief for simplicity but i think bubble is easier to press into normal looking hash blocks.

I took 10 grams of that decarbed kief and added 1 oz of buds to the ardent and made gummies...1 gummy lasted 6 hours...the 2nd is steam rolling at 3 after that....I love them. Just the right kind of zippy.

I am pretty sure they are over 100mg per gummy...real face melters.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I tried rolling it with heat and silicone and that was a waste of i pressed it into a puck.
I watched Frenchy's video again, and I think silicone might be the wrong thing. Not enough heat gets through it to melt the resin. I am going to try using parchment paper, and I got one of those metal rolling pins you can put hot water in. I don't have wine bottles laying around, and all my damn liquor is in square bottles or weird shapes with ridges and stuff.

Not giving up.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Not deformed, just a mini-me. You can see the yellow seed-leaf tip through the gap. It hit me that even though these are tiny, because of the issues they are over three weeks old. I mixed up a feed for them and split a half gallon between the 5. A little less for the DCP than the other three.