The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is after two weeks. Castings, some eggshell, and an orgy LOL

I still have a tent to do and more pics but I wanted to check and see if any came out before I got done. I just scratched away a new section of soil and battered up the empty cup with the banana/avocado babypoopvomit and stuck it in the new spot. The worms and castings I spread out a little and covered with some new rice hulls.

I use a garden sprayer with RO just to re-wet the top since I just watered yesterday.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On two of the pots the new area I was clearing off was also super thriving with worms right in that mulch layer.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I forgot about taking pretty plant pics after this one. Something didn't look just right. The Cement Shoes feminized bean from Cult Classics was a gift -
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@J.James watch your plants when you get to these... True herm
So I spent time with all the planmts and found another I'll have to watch.
I almost culled the Querkle from TGA but I don't see a nanner - yet. Crazy growth at the nodes but it all looks to be pistils so far. A few look like they could be a nut-fest, but pistils are coming out of them all.
If anyone has seen this before holla!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If the Querkle turns out herm that'll be the first one from seedsherenow that did. They have been great so far if I had issues, but not cracking or having little mutant seedlings is one thing. Selling herms is no bueno. And like on the Cement Shoes there are obvious pistils in the same pic.

But this could be just extra nugs where there would only be a single pistillate calyx - or nothing. Like the ones that grow on the trunk where you snipped the first few limbs.
Likey this H.A.F. ? And is there a specific node count you normally let them grow until you manifold cut em? Or do you just base it off how healthy the shoots look above the 3 toes?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Likey this H.A.F. ? And is there a specific node count you normally let them grow until you manifold cut em? Or do you just base it off how healthy the shoots look above the 3 toes?
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All I look for is that first set of leaves on the limb I am keeping to have open leaves and look healthy. So when it comes time for the next topping it is just the same. Watch the stuff you are keeping, the rest is there to support it.



I need to find some good peat. Theu want to charge $$$ for shipping. For now I am cycling some coco coir into the worm bedding to keep a little aeration. I got a big bag of "deer corn" cheap at wally world that I use to sprout, I plan to grow whatever I can next summer for future use. There's a local spot that has rice hulls really cheap.

So I guess I'm paying for some extras just like people would get bloom boosters or whatever, but I think I could make it work without a lot of that stuff.
My very first bout of spider mites originated from a big bag of rice hulls I been gun shy ever since sure would like to give them another go... My son bought a dump truck load of peat for his raised garden beds i have been bringing some 5 gal buckets when I visit 😬 Private peat bogs not far from our houses


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My very first bout of spider mites originated from a big bag of rice hulls I been gun shy ever since sure would like to give them another go... My son bought a dump truck load of peat for his raised garden beds i have been bringing some 5 gal buckets when I visit 😬 Private peat bogs not far from our houses
If you want to try rice hulls the ones I got were for brewing - basically food-grade stuff. But the company was on amazon and now that isn't available. Might be seasonal or something? But when I need more that's the route I'll investigate. Anything food grade should be fine. Build-a-soil has it but their shipping is more expensive than the product unless they offer free shipping. And they don't on those.

So instead of $15 for a cubic foot of rice hulls it's $30 total to get it shipped to you. But I keep that in mind when I do find a source. If the other vendor wants in the vicinity of $30 for a cubic foot then I'll go with the BAS stuff. Same with the peat.

Peat is everywhere, but most of the crap you find at the hardware store is on pallets outside, and there are vent holes in the plastic bags, and on top of that most of it is "enriched" with some fertilizer or another.

I agree that sourcing the stuff you put in is important. So in the long run I really don't need much so I'll bite the bullet and get the good stuff - or find an alternative.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just checked out of curiosity, and if I did have to bite the bullet the 20lb bale would be the way to go.
Not crazy about the shipping, but a 20lb bale is what I got from the other source and that is lasting me a while just using a little cup or two for each plant.


If you want to try rice hulls the ones I got were for brewing - basically food-grade stuff. But the company was on amazon and now that isn't available. Might be seasonal or something? But when I need more that's the route I'll investigate. Anything food grade should be fine. Build-a-soil has it but their shipping is more expensive than the product unless they offer free shipping. And they don't on those.

So instead of $15 for a cubic foot of rice hulls it's $30 total to get it shipped to you. But I keep that in mind when I do find a source. If the other vendor wants in the vicinity of $30 for a cubic foot then I'll go with the BAS stuff. Same with the peat.

Peat is everywhere, but most of the crap you find at the hardware store is on pallets outside, and there are vent holes in the plastic bags, and on top of that most of it is "enriched" with some fertilizer or another.

I agree that sourcing the stuff you put in is important. So in the long run I really don't need much so I'll bite the bullet and get the good stuff - or find an alternative.
My mite infested rice hulls came from Amazon it's been a few years but we have a couple brew stores an hour away I been buying malted barley from them worth a look seems they want to add fertilizer to everything the last couple years even some perlite has time released nutes! I often drive by the local peat plant their raw peat is under a huge pole barn it is then screened and bagged I have gotten some odd succulent weeds in the garden from it but never bugs it would seem bugs have easy access but don't seem to survive for reasons I don't know


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I often drive by the local peat plant their raw peat is under a huge pole barn it is then screened and bagged I have gotten some odd succulent weeds in the garden from it but never bugs it would seem bugs have easy access but don't seem to survive for reasons I don't know
Good to know. I'm sure that I could get something and bake it to kill off bad bugs and good. It's just a base for the soil, so I don't need it to have anything in it but structure. My soil should provide the rest. It's finding something that is not nutrified...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just growing notes - take what you need or don't.

I was sifting castings this morning and it always amazes me how no matter how moist it is it doesn't stick to you. Like that kinetic sand. I resifted my saved castings and got the baby worms from there back to the worm bin. I have about 4gal of mixed old and new castings.

I also have two full trays of mostly processed stuff then the more active feed tray on top. But there are worms on every level. I'm thinking about converting some of my old soil into living soil for the contest/tester pots and just adding in the whole lower tray was part of that instead of sifting. I have some pumice and wood pieces in all of them that have just been moving from bin to bin as I sifted. I have a few 8g totes of the old soil and probably about the same of the living soil that is in 5g pots This is what I have going on that ain't just storage.

The afore mentioned worm bin that has a few extra trays not pictured. The tub is about half full.
4 living soil pots with no cover crop that I check every few days and keep moist for the worms. The top crates are just storage, and to keep the cat from using it like a litter box :rolleyes:
Some aloe peppermint and 2 more living pots. The cull from the bagseed is still growing. It's a girl so I might just try that to ferment with. The shelf as also a kitty barrier.
That empty pot has bubble hash leftover drying out. One plant I know had a few beans - which is why it went to hash. The seeds were viable LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are from before I got distracted with the herm. The Prana had lots of larfy looking lower stuff so I pinched a bunch of sprouts but left the leaves.
The Double Alien didn't get any major pruning
The Querkle. You can see the little beards on the flower sites. Still all pistils.
And the stars of the tent are Big D Energy, Tardis, and the SSHPxBaguettes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I might go on about the "Kentucky Fried Hashplant" pheno I have of the County Line Hashplant but it's really good. This tin has both the mom and a set of flower clones I grew out after seeing the mom looking sharp already about week 3. (poor pic)
Looking back they both went 9 weeks. I put the clones back in flower the same week I harvested the mom. Since they were flower clones they were amess and I didn't prune a lot. But it was pretty frosty and even the tiniest nug-let had some volume so instead of it going right to the hash bag I cured everything. You can always make hash later
What inspired me to go back and snap a few pics was packing a bowl with just the "trash". Body rush hits where you set the bong down or chance breaking it. Well, me at least. But you need both hands to hang on for a few seconds :cool: What I love is the full on "damn, I'm fucking stoned" feeling afterwards. It feels like I remember a buzz being back in high school.
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I saw people posting about buying some so I just want second opinions. It'll be a bit before I need to drop another one, but I might drop more than one when I do.
I might go on about the "Kentucky Fried Hashplant" pheno I have of the County Line Hashplant but it's really good. This tin has both the mom and a set of flower clones I grew out after seeing the mom looking sharp already about week 3. (poor pic)
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Looking back they both went 9 weeks. I put the clones back in flower the same week I harvested the mom. Since they were flower clones they were amess and I didn't prune a lot. But it was pretty frosty and even the tiniest nug-let had some volume so instead of it going right to the hash bag I cured everything. You can always make hash later
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What inspired me to go back and snap a few pics was packing a bowl with just the "trash". Body rush hits where you set the bong down or chance breaking it. Well, me at least. But you need both hands to hang on for a few seconds :cool: What I love is the full on "damn, I'm fucking stoned" feeling afterwards. It feels like I remember a buzz being back in high school.
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I saw people posting about buying some so I just want second opinions. It'll be a bit before I need to drop another one, but I might drop more than one when I do.
I just got a new bag of root riots and I want to try a few and make sure they are good to go to use for Mystery Pack comp. I can think of no better beans to pop atm than CLHP as I would really like to find the KFCHP. Ima get 3 wet today H.A.F. (y)


Here is a shot of BCL1 and BCL2 pink pheno

The BCL1 is a real chunker, it is on auto pots and seems to love the constant feed. The BCL2 is just different with the beautiful pink colors but not near as chunky.

BCL1 about 3 weeks to go maybe a bit less.

little blurry could not get a good shot. You can barely see one of the orgi's sticking up in the background.
Here is a shot of BCL1 and BCL2 pink pheno

The BCL1 is a real chunker, it is on auto pots and seems to love the constant feed. The BCL2 is just different with the beautiful pink colors but not near as chunky.

BCL1 about 3 weeks to go maybe a bit less.
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little blurry could not get a good shot. You can barely see one of the orgi's sticking up in the background.
That pink pheno is absolutely GORGEOUS :love: Man do I hope I get to see one of those in my tents!