The James Gang


Really Active Member
I am really only seeing a change in the quality of what I grow since I have no comparison. It can be chalked up to a lot of things, basic experience being the prime one. But in general my dankness level has gone up.
There really is no replacement for exp, being able the spot the precursors of everything isn’t something that you can acquire from reading alone, you need to apply that in real time and watch the plants change over the next few days.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
There really is no replacement for exp, being able the spot the precursors of everything isn’t something that you can acquire from reading alone, you need to apply that in real time and watch the plants change over the next few days.
I grow them for recreational smoke and medicine - but growing is also part of the medicine. If it's too much like work that doesn't help. I think the extraneous work with the worm bin and such is worth the effort if nothing else.

I know that in a pinch I can jam some Happy Frog in a pot and bat guano top-dress it to a fat harvest. If I was in need. I don't think I'd ever switch back to the salts.

Part of my hunt right now is for plants I like that like me. If they don't want to grow well in my environment, fuck 'em. I already found some that do so I have a fallback. I also don't need fat yields if I keep the buffet restocked. I still have mostly full packs of everything but I have bought an extra pack of a few just in case.

When I start diving back into packs I'll know what to look for I liked, or to look for something different if I didn't like the first one.


There really is no replacement for exp, being able the spot the precursors of everything isn’t something that you can acquire from reading alone, you need to apply that in real time and watch the plants change over the next few days.
I agree there is also Something to be said for dialing a strain in after growing from the same mother for a couple years same media, nutes, lights and room only real change is the ability to know what they prefer and want


Really Active Member
I grow them for recreational smoke and medicine - but growing is also part of the medicine. If it's too much like work that doesn't help. I think the extraneous work with the worm bin and such is worth the effort if nothing else.

I know that in a pinch I can jam some Happy Frog in a pot and bat guano top-dress it to a fat harvest. If I was in need. I don't think I'd ever switch back to the salts.

Part of my hunt right now is for plants I like that like me. If they don't want to grow well in my environment, fuck 'em. I already found some that do so I have a fallback. I also don't need fat yields if I keep the buffet restocked. I still have mostly full packs of everything but I have bought an extra pack of a few just in case.

When I start diving back into packs I'll know what to look for I liked, or to look for something different if I didn't like the first one.
I like it, balance and a practical approach. One strain I’ve found that pretty much does well in any environment is Critical Kush from Barney’s, I know it’s sorta passé now but back in the day that fucker was a beast.


Really Active Member
I agree there is also Something to be said for dialing a strain in after growing from the same mother for a couple years same media, nutes, lights and room only real change is the ability to know what they prefer and want
💯 %, especially when you give cuts to people for years and see what they do with them, it’s day and night really, so that being said, I’ve always thought the pics that breeders use to portray their strains are the biggest joke in the genetics game. That’s one plant out of how many? What environmental parameters? They should list this along with the other info, I’d also like to see a punnet chart relating to characteristics so we could judge the probability of ending up with “x” phenotype, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what I think is cool may not be they phenos they like. For that reason there should be a few different pics of the various sub types. For example the pic they use for Critical Kush looks leafy af, it’s not like that at all, there is one pheno that is, but it pops up about 10% of the time and mostly only with regs. Idk maybe it just me.


The Laziest
This is why I like using a bed. I used to do a lot of this when i did the 25 gallon no tills. FPJ, worm bin, compost teas, sst, ect. Once i started to follow soil food web methodology for the beds, the need to do this went away. The key is mulching and resting. Once i got into the pattern of mulching the clover and anything from the cannabis plant I found all the rest of it moot. Giving the beds 2-4 weeks rest time between each rotation is also key.
Again keep in mind im a lazy grower and dont want to be in the garden that much. So ive built my set up with that goal in mind. Low hands on time. I'm also not trying to meet some production goal.
All i do anymore is water with Quillaja, fresh aloe (that i grow), coconut powder, Mikrobs, and Big 6. Mow clover, mulch all plant material on top of bed.
I take that elevator to a different floor. I use domes for seeds but that's about my only crutch. I have a spare bedroom where everything is, and the house stays in the 72f range. I moved all the drivers out of my tents to drop temps, and my humidity is in the 40-60 range year round. I dialed in my lights to about 80% power, found the right exhaust setting to keep temps good, and now other than raising and lowering lights I don't do much.

They are living in my terrior - which is close enough even though it ain't perfect.
I take the elevator to this floor as well. I use the watering of my beds to help bring humidity up by increasing frequency and reducing volume. House stays 76F year around. I just have to play with humidity. While not perfectly maintained I do keep within decent VPD.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is why I like using a bed. I used to do a lot of this when i did the 25 gallon no tills. FPJ, worm bin, compost teas, sst, ect. Once i started to follow soil food web methodology for the beds, the need to do this went away. The key is mulching and resting. Once i got into the pattern of mulching the clover and anything from the cannabis plant I found all the rest of it moot. Giving the beds 2-4 weeks rest time between each rotation is also key.
Again keep in mind im a lazy grower and dont want to be in the garden that much. So ive built my set up with that goal in mind. Low hands on time. I'm also not trying to meet some production goal.
All i do anymore is water with Quillaja, fresh aloe (that i grow), coconut powder, Mikrobs, and Big 6. Mow clover, mulch all plant material on top of bed.

I take the elevator to this floor as well. I use the watering of my beds to help bring humidity up by increasing frequency and reducing volume. House stays 76F year around. I just have to play with humidity. While not perfectly maintained I do keep within decent VPD.
76f??? That is like the depths of HELL!!! :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All i do anymore is water with Quillaja, fresh aloe (that i grow), coconut powder, Mikrobs, and Big 6. Mow clover, mulch all plant material on top of bed.
I try and rotate what I water with just for variety. Aloe, coconut water powder, and barley and corn sprout teas. I add 1tsp/gal LAB culture whenever I use any of the additives. I use the recharge microbe boost about once a month, and plain RO every other watering. I never add a lot of anything.

At transplant into the 5g the babies get a little of the big6 watered in with some Beauveria Bassiana to fight root pathogens and some VAM ecto mix for the mico's. The other one time use product is the Microbelift BMC mosquito control that I originally got for gnats. I used it all the time with no ill effects while doing the harsh nutes, now I think since I am keeping the stuff alive once is good.

Biggest drawback with a bed for me is the regs. Doing 18 plants next I'll have to take them to flip in small pots. I can see the beds working for fems and clones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I use the barley sprout tea in veg and the corn in flower. I remember hearing that the different enzymes had dofferent applications.

For those I just put a half cup of seeds in a mason jar of water for a day, then rinse and drain it daily for a few. Corn takes a little longer to sprout, but you don't need a lot of growth. Tails popping is good enough. I put it in a blender with RO and a little kelp then bubble the whole mess for a few hours tops with some LAB culture to get things jumping.

I dump it through a strainer before feeding just so I don't clog the watering can, then the pulp gets fed to the worm bin.


The Laziest
76f??? That is like the depths of HELL!!! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, My step dad cant get cold. Its painful to is condition if he does.

I try and rotate what I water with just for variety. Aloe, coconut water powder, and barley and corn sprout teas. I add 1tsp/gal LAB culture whenever I use any of the additives. I use the recharge microbe boost about once a month, and plain RO every other watering. I never add a lot of anything.

At transplant into the 5g the babies get a little of the big6 watered in with some Beauveria Bassiana to fight root pathogens and some VAM ecto mix for the mico's. The other one time use product is the Microbelift BMC mosquito control that I originally got for gnats. I used it all the time with no ill effects while doing the harsh nutes, now I think since I am keeping the stuff alive once is good.

Biggest drawback with a bed for me is the regs. Doing 18 plants next I'll have to take them to flip in small pots. I can see the beds working for fems and clones.
I can see that draw back. Ive only ever done Fem seeds so this was a moot issue for me.

I use the barley sprout tea in veg and the corn in flower. I remember hearing that the different enzymes had dofferent applications.

For those I just put a half cup of seeds in a mason jar of water for a day, then rinse and drain it daily for a few. Corn takes a little longer to sprout, but you don't need a lot of growth. Tails popping is good enough. I put it in a blender with RO and a little kelp then bubble the whole mess for a few hours tops with some LAB culture to get things jumping.

I dump it through a strainer before feeding just so I don't clog the watering can, then the pulp gets fed to the worm bin.
Yeah I used to the same on my 25 gallon pots right after i transplanted. In the bed I didnt notice any difference and just stopped doing it. I have considered top dressing with some gnarly barley.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Yeah I used to the same on my 25 gallon pots right after i transplanted. In the bed I didnt notice any difference and just stopped doing it. I have considered top dressing with some gnarly barley.
2 things on that. First is that I also use malted barley fresh ground as a top dressing. Slow release worm food. Second is that I don't really expect to see some drastic change. With the enzymes and bacteria and stuff I am just feeding the soil. Nothing bad is going in, and if they don't like it it'll get processed into something else.

It also seems to make the worms happy. That stuff is soaking into the rice hulls and mulch layer as well as watering the roots. That was my main goal when I started this. I figure if I can keep the worms alive and happy everything else will follow. 😁


The Laziest
2 things on that. First is that I also use malted barley fresh ground as a top dressing. Slow release worm food. Second is that I don't really expect to see some drastic change. With the enzymes and bacteria and stuff I am just feeding the soil. Nothing bad is going in, and if they don't like it it'll get processed into something else.

It also seems to make the worms happy. That stuff is soaking into the rice hulls and mulch layer as well as watering the roots. That was my main goal when I started this. I figure if I can keep the worms alive and happy everything else will follow. 😁
I dig it. So how often you top dress with castings from your worm bin?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I dig it. So how often you top dress with castings from your worm bin?
When I top dress I cut it 50/50 with castings. Maybe every two weeks. To keep in the tradition of Mondays being the worst I do stuff today. Last Monday was top dressing, today is feeding the worms. It's a decent cycle so far.
I have 16 plants going and 16 little 3oz bowls for the worm food so I needed roughly 48oz of worm treats. No clue if it's close but so far it has
2 apples, 4 small bananas with peels, 2 avocado without peels or pits, some sweet potato skins and some pumpkin seed coffee grindered to flour. Basically trying to pack it with potential nutes. I still need to add some coffee grounds and eggshells and make sure I have plenty of volume. I can add oats or something for bulk.

What doesn't fit in the bowls will go in the worm bin.


The Laziest
When I top dress I cut it 50/50 with castings. Maybe every two weeks. To keep in the tradition of Mondays being the worst I do stuff today. Last Monday was top dressing, today is feeding the worms. It's a decent cycle so far.
View attachment 101901
I have 16 plants going and 16 little 3oz bowls for the worm food so I needed roughly 48oz of worm treats. No clue if it's close but so far it has
2 apples, 4 small bananas with peels, 2 avocado without peels or pits, some sweet potato skins and some pumpkin seed coffee grindered to flour. Basically trying to pack it with potential nutes. I still need to add some coffee grounds and eggshells and make sure I have plenty of volume. I can add oats or something for bulk.

What doesn't fit in the bowls will go in the worm bin.
Ok so from my POV, it appears that your just doing a mini wormbin in the pots your growing in. So once you harvest do you then stop feeding so the worms can work through the pot and rootball? I once considered something like this when i was doing 3 gallon pots years ago. What i never worked out was amending the soil and always having worms. So I suppose the bowl of treat would bait them to the surface and then you could redistribute to new pots with fresh soil per run? Sorry stoner rambling now.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ok so from my POV, it appears that your just doing a mini wormbin in the pots your growing in. So once you harvest do you then stop feeding so the worms can work through the pot and rootball? I once considered something like this when i was doing 3 gallon pots years ago. What i never worked out was amending the soil and always having worms. So I suppose the bowl of treat would bait them to the surface and then you could redistribute to new pots with fresh soil per run? Sorry stoner rambling now.
I don't know yet LOL.
When I kill the plant and set the pot aside I just let it go for a month as is setting by a sunny window. Keep 'em wet and let the worms do whatever. When I put them back in service I scraped all the much layer off leaving the rest of the pot intact. I added some compost, some castings, new cover crop seeds and some of that mulch layer back on top with new rice hulls. One plant (Creature Panic fem) is in a pot that just lost a plant a few weeks earlytier and the cover crop was still going. Before that everything was dumped out, combined and mixed back together.

So the excess pots are like a worm bin waiting on plants I guess, When I add fresh castings I am adding new baby worms, so even if those thin out there will be more.

The stuff in the pots is more for feeding the soil. Nothing flower or veg specific. I just keep doing it. What I put in todayh might not be available until the next plant is in veg for all I know. I'm just keeping the cycle going and seeing if it works.

I'll get some pics when the lights come on, but the cups in the pots are probably all castings now, maybe some eggshell left, and worms just hanging out doin' the wild thang.


The Laziest
I don't know yet LOL.
When I kill the plant and set the pot aside I just let it go for a month as is setting by a sunny window. Keep 'em wet and let the worms do whatever. When I put them back in service I scraped all the much layer off leaving the rest of the pot intact.
Ok so for me, this goes against the entire point of living soil. That mulch layer that you are scraping off is what your worms would be eating if you weren't having your little orgies. Then the worm population inside the pot would regulate off that. have you considered leaving the top layer on it for the month but cover the top of the pot with plastic to not have soil evaporation?

I think that the mulch layer would help keep your soil biology from being disturbed and at peak population within the soil. You will proly find that it breaks down faster. Where as scraping it, is nutting your soil microbes after they put all that work in. Its got to be partly broken down already and then you ROB IT! LOL At least that's my perspective of your description.

Looking forward to the pics. Working in smaller pots is always a bit more challenging. I got these 2 slacker seed that im considering blooming out in the 2x4 in some smaller pots. I got a experiment with Jobos Organic Plant spikes that I been wanting to try out for while anyway.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

Ok so for me, this goes against the entire point of living soil. That mulch layer that you are scraping off is what your worms would be eating if you weren't having your little orgies. Then the worm population inside the pot would regulate off that. have you considered leaving the top layer on it for the month but cover the top of the pot with plastic to not have soil evaporation?

I think that the mulch layer would help keep your soil biology from being disturbed and at peak population within the soil. You will proly find that it breaks down faster. Where as scraping it, is nutting your soil microbes after they put all that work in. Its got to be partly broken down already and then you ROB IT! LOL At least that's my perspective of your description.

Looking forward to the pics. Working in smaller pots is always a bit more challenging. I got these 2 slacker seed that im considering blooming out in the 2x4 in some smaller pots. I got a experiment with Jobos Organic Plant spikes that I been wanting to try out for while anyway.
I get what you are saying, but after a grow of adding top dressing, castings, chop-n-drop, the mulch layer is an inch or better deep. I let them feed on that until I need the pot, and I don't toss anything. I sift it, toss the worms back in the pot, then regulate how much of the rest I put back on the new compost and castings. what doesn't go immediately back in the pot goes into the worm bin.


The Laziest
I get what you are saying, but after a grow of adding top dressing, castings, chop-n-drop, the mulch layer is an inch or better deep. I let them feed on that until I need the pot, and I don't toss anything. I sift it, toss the worms back in the pot, then regulate how much of the rest I put back on the new compost and castings. what doesn't go immediately back in the pot goes into the worm bin.
I dig it, worm bin is overflow for what you dont need. The idea of worm pots is interesting. When you set the pot to the side or even when your late bloom, have you ever tried Kashi to break that top dressing down? (Im not trying to fix or change anything, im just a stoner who asks a lot of questions)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I dig it, worm bin is overflow for what you dont need. The idea of worm pots is interesting. When you set the pot to the side or even when your late bloom, have you ever tried Kashi to break that top dressing down? (Im not trying to fix or change anything, im just a stoner who asks a lot of questions)
I add a little of that in the top dressing. I get a lot of stuff from buildasoil, but I source stuff from elsewhere if it's cheaper and still good. It's their double fermented whatever and I just add a tsp with the top dressing. I use kelp from them but will shop around when I need more. I use their crustacean meal and insect frass, fish hydrolysate, a few other things. I like the system, and every time I need something I'll check the open market with a few searches. Some stuff they're just gonna get my money.

I need to find some good peat. Theu want to charge $$$ for shipping. For now I am cycling some coco coir into the worm bedding to keep a little aeration. I got a big bag of "deer corn" cheap at wally world that I use to sprout, I plan to grow whatever I can next summer for future use. There's a local spot that has rice hulls really cheap.

So I guess I'm paying for some extras just like people would get bloom boosters or whatever, but I think I could make it work without a lot of that stuff.