The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@BrokenHoeFarms - The Sacred Lotus are in the process of being pruned up, They are just showing pistils and I only prune until they show good fluffy tops. My first rule is that the lower ones that start popping a second node get gone. (red circle)
The ones in the orange circle will probably go. But if this was the last pruning and they had nice tops, I might keep the one on the inside and snip the one that will be on the outside (shaded)

Last thing is that I look at all 4 limbs before I prune. If there is just one monster sprout and the rest are tiny I'll leave them. But whatever I do to one limb I just rotate the plant and do it to all of them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Rainbow Man will be a good representation of density vs bulk. The tightly pruned one will likely be a little less weight than the shrub. I'm guessing about an ounce per limb with the 4-top leaning towards the 'under' and the shrub leaning towards the 'over'.

The 4-top will take about a half hour to trim and hang at harvest. The shrub will take that long per limb or more, depending on how many different limbs I have to separate it into.

Even if they were exactly the same weight, the dense one will not have the bulk of the fluffier one.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Banana Hashplant from County Line
For starters I got about 2g of 120m keif just from the fan leaves I plucked by hand last night. This was very leafy - and the leaves were very frosty. But there's still some meat on the bones.
Just under 200g trimmed. 106 days in 12/12.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The G13 Genius is almost cured. Dumped all my stuff out today to check rH packs and make sure nothing is growing.
The tops are cool. Almost no leaf - but each little knob has it's own petals/leaves. IMG_0125.JPGIMG_0126.JPG
And the little calyx-pillars dried up nice too. The small green area that grabs your eye lower right is where the tip of one broke off. IMG_0124.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hippie Crippler clones got jarred. 3 ounces here, plus another from the first one.
The next to go will be Rainbow Man, and they will definitely not go the same day. A tale of two plants. Everything has been exactly the same for them, except the pruning. My guess is that it needed more food than the other one at a certain point and I missed it so they both got the same.
Heavy limbs on the ugly one. The little Sacred Lotus clone-top that has been 12/12 from snip is looking good.
The main SL crop lost a round of lower shoots tonight.
And the Heisen testers and the re-veg SL clone got a teaspoon each of Jump Start - basic beginning/veg top feed.
One Dank Sinatra looks great, the other may not make it. Wonky leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am really impressed with Heisen's plants. Very hearty, those are only 3 weeks old.
I got a small bag of FFOF free with the purchase of a big bag of FFHF. I have been debating when/how to use it since I am not a fan, but I haven't tried it since I learned how to grow better so I think that it should be perfect for up-potting them.

The 'regular' DS looks cute - destined to be a tiny plant, so it'll be a while before I find out if I got a girl.
The other one is still trying, I'm just not putting any money on it.


Hobby Farmer
I have some Rock Island Rockets sprouted....the sole purpose for this run is to produce hash. :D

Rock Island Rocket is a stellar combination of the American Chemdawg and European Hash Plant. Extremely loud citrus and gas terpenes makes it an instant favorite among flavor seekers.

10 went in the drink last night...5 or 6 have tap roots busting out this morning...i like when that happens.

All testers this round....and some of them are County Line Genetics !


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The RM got their last feeding tonight. I started plucking dead leaves off the ugly step-sister, but I stopped when my fingers got sticky. What's left needs to get saved for dry-sift.
Fortunately, once trimmed these will look fine
This one is perfect top to bottom, still has it's lowest set of fan leaves - green LOL IMG_9332.JPG

The Sacred Lotus are trained 'tight' towards the middle.
I'll adjust them as they settle out. They have the lower ties pulling them out, then the middle ones bending them straight.
The opposing branches are hooked to the same wire, which is wrapped twice around the bamboo stake.
I left the wires long so I can adjust them out when needed.
Hopefully this will make one stake work instead of needing 4 per plant.