The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Info has been passed to the proper authorities, but the runt should have also had a clone or two taken. If you run any Hippie Crippler from Hillbilly Bob, or their crosses from CLG - if it's female keep it. No telling what you'll find, but it'll be fire.
Never was unhealthy, just slow - but got to roughly the same size and weight as the sweet-diesel one when flipped at the same size.
This one has the 'in the jar' smell of fresh shucked corn on the porch on a hot summer day 😋 Not grassy, but like it just needs some butter.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For the newcomers, here's granny's wardrobe. Got it for $20 at a yard sale. Added the PVC rack, a temp/rH monitor (remote sensor), and the previously advertised AC Infinity air-plate fan. It has 3 speeds, 40-80-120 cfm. I keep it on full speed the day of chop with an oscillating fan on the floor, then day two it is back to low speed and the fan goes off. I have a piece of in-wall duct on the back for the exhaust, and dryer vent to a carbon filter setting on top.
The Momma Moonshine is curious. I think it has stinky chlorophyll. The keif lost the BO smell once it was separated, and the buds now smell like raspberries. This should cure up mighty fine
And tonight's haul of the last Hippie Crippler


Master Grower
Info has been passed to the proper authorities, but the runt should have also had a clone or two taken. If you run any Hippie Crippler from Hillbilly Bob, or their crosses from CLG - if it's female keep it. No telling what you'll find, but it'll be fire.
Never was unhealthy, just slow - but got to roughly the same size and weight as the sweet-diesel one when flipped at the same size.
This one has the 'in the jar' smell of fresh shucked corn on the porch on a hot summer day 😋 Not grassy, but like it just needs some butter.
View attachment 67628
Damn HAF, I need a sackful of that, a really big sack. Not a snack sack or a sandwich bag, a contractor size (42gal) sized sack. Good stuff!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Road trip to H.A.F.
Im driving:ROFLMAO:
I am definitely getting some experience in long-term weed storage. Note the amber mason jar in the pic. Way cheaper than a C-vault, and you can vacuum seal it with the little jar-lid attachment. I have some of the C-vaults, but mainly use them for overflow storage when there's just a little left after filling jars.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy night I wasn't planning on.
I slid the two clones into one-gallons. This one will veg for a bit just to see what happens.
3 of these 4 were light, so I repotted. The last one to show was also the one still heavy. Just rooting slower?IMG_9283.JPG
I propped up the BHP to get her to finish, and put the 12/12 from snip clone in here. This one belongs to the mom still in the small pot. IMG_9284.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Last pic of the Momma Moonshine quadruplets together. Checking the rH so I had to snip it apart. IMG_9285.JPG
Very frosty. These 8 larfy-nugs are what goes first. letting them dry out until the morning and get a nice first impression.
The ones just above them will probably be the 2-3 week testers. Very nice smell, but not like a berry when it was first chopped. It's like a combination of chicken bouillon - kind of sour but tasty, and sweet like a brownie or cookie. Ground up should be interesting.

the weight is 64g for now, but it's under vacuum to see where it's at in the morning.


Info has been passed to the proper authorities, but the runt should have also had a clone or two taken. If you run any Hippie Crippler from Hillbilly Bob, or their crosses from CLG - if it's female keep it. No telling what you'll find, but it'll be fire.
Never was unhealthy, just slow - but got to roughly the same size and weight as the sweet-diesel one when flipped at the same size.
This one has the 'in the jar' smell of fresh shucked corn on the porch on a hot summer day 😋 Not grassy, but like it just needs some butter.
View attachment 67628
Jesus! That strain needs to be renamed "Austin Powers" with all that chest hair! :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The BHP is close enough. I gave her a standing trim, anything with a stem is gone. All that is left is frosty hair-cut petals.
Stoner me just noticed the perfect net formed by the Rainbow Man leaf stems.
Since I don't want her dry right before harvest (low rH here) I am watering with just RO tonight, then chopping tomorrow afternoon. IMG_9293.JPG