The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Can't wait to see how the Sacred Lotus turns out for ya. Same Wedding Cake mother was used for my latest cross Croquembouche.
I went ahead and flipped the other one that wasn't a complete midget. They all look good, no balls yet, but there are two "ways" they are growing. Some are really spreading out on their own like the Momma Moonshine did, and some are vertical and will need spreading.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@J.James - not worried about it. A few are actually taking off - a few are still runty.

Since I have had luck with runty plants in the past (Hippie Crippler the most recent), so the only one I am really watching now is the clone for the one still in veg.

I won't be cloning if it's a her (or probably anything else) but I will get creative with the LST and pruning and nurse it along for some fire.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Starting from the bottom.
Danks have one that looks wonky. All started with the same soil, and the other two are drying/eating faster, so I'm guessing it's less roots. I thought it was a dud/dead end, but the second leaf popped out and now it looks fairly normal.
Heisen testers all got a bit of water around the edges.
and the runt SL. very tiny shoots. I finally was able to prune the lowest round of them, the next set some look to be growing well, but some are tiny..
Looking like a lot of girls, but nothing positive either way yet. Hippies got their last watering, likely hanging in a few days.
And the Momma Moonshine might be gone tonight. She's had ambers for weeks, the lower leaves are covered, but it's finally showing some in the middles.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
First impression trimming up the Momma Moonshine
Straight-up B.O. Funk that makes you sniff the armpits to make sure it ain't you :)
After trimming it mellowed a bit, and there is a sick sweetness mixed in - I LOVE IT!
Rough weights for each limb trimmed up was 40, 50, 60 and 70g - 220g total. should get 2oz.
You can tell from the unstaked plant she was a bit top heavy


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
When the lights come on I should be able to fit the HC in the big tent and spread out the lotus in the closet.

I also tossed around a few ideas on having a consistent rotation. For testing I want to get 2-3 girls of each strain. I think the number I have for the sacred lotus is overkill and I could have had less plants of more strains. I have fems I want to run still, but too many fill the tent with no room to run regs.

Next drop will be 2 half-packs instead of a pack, and one fem. The math should put me at 7 girls but there's room if there are a few less culls.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Of the 8 Sacred Lotus, including the one still in veg, none are showing anything resembling males. Most have the girly pistillate calyces waiting on a pistil to poke out. 2 are girls for sure, maybe 2 days and I'll know on all.

Since I have room for now, the best of the two known girls got thrown back in 18/6 in dirt to re-veg or whatever it does - learning. It never showed, but has been 12/12 for a few weeks.
The clone for the veg-plant also got a pot, and the best of the others that had massive roots got a pot. If it's a girl I want to keep that one (or the best one) on 12/12 just to see what happens. The other clones are just there - will probably see sex on the plants before the clones. If most are girls, they will go into a 3-gallon pot to finish out. If I cull some they may get 5's.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Is it possible for the roots to get hung up in the seed husk under the soil and die off?

That should probably go under the "stoner thoughts" thread. But that is what it looked like when I popped the seedling out. white, healthy looking stem down to a little curl and a dead-end.