The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Sacred Lotus are looking a little harsh. Just got their first veg-feed, and I was pulling stuff different directions checking for sex. A few are showing something, but nothing definitive. Still 18/6.
Tonight or tomorrow when they look good again they will get pillaged again. Enough of the keeper shoots are big enough that topping is eminent.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
da-da-dum dum dum
Another one bites the dust
Sacred lotus are down to 9. For what it's worth, I labeled those tall seedlings that needed support #1-#5 - so far 2 and 5 have been the males :unsure:
#1 was Trinity - which is popping what appears to be girly parts - and will officially be a 3-top, so instead of topping I removed the 6 lower shoots.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Hippie Crippler flower clones are NOT going to be cute, uniform, fat buds that look like they came from a bowl trimmer!
These are already getting gnarly and frosty compared to the mom that had almost no leaf-frost.

In my humble opinion - all you cloners out there that keep your favorite strain going, try taking a clone a few weeks into flower and re-veg it. You might find a new love :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Big tent watering day.
I snipped 4 fan leaves off the 4-top Rainbow Man that were jammed up in the middle. Beautiful symmetry. IMG_8959.JPG
And here's an idea I came up with instead of a stake - opposing forces work if the plant is sturdy but top-heavy.
They were already secured to the pot to spread them, so I just tied the opposing limbs together.
The second one I put on is wrapped around the first wire once.
And the good stuff.
More RM

Banana Hashpalnt


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And in her first appearance since the unveiling,
The artist formerly known as "Scamdemic"
Momma Moonshine. IMG_8966.JPG
Momma is chubby on top so I had to add some under-wire support.
No worries about anything breaking now, but nothing will stop that wiggle when you move momma around :)