@SCJedi i have noticed if i do a soil soak and reset they will not drip for a while. Once they do start dripping is it a slow continuous drip or intermittent drip when the media needs watering? Seems like i have to adjust them a lot to slow the drip down so it will not so it will not become a runaway. When i do the first adjustment and tighten until the drop hangs the instructions seem to be saying tighten approx one notch more. I have not been doing that because the first time i tried it like that it was still not dripping 24 hours later.I have a feeling this is the area i am maybe doing incorrectly and thank you for the help
Yes, soak media to desired moisture. Open dropped until it streams, then dial back to a hanging drop +1 notch per instructions.
Remember everything is situational. If you are getting runaways my first investigative suggestion is to put individual pans under each plant and figure out which it is.
From there you can solve it easier.
Is it possible the carrot is empty of water?
It is possible the microtube has an upstream clog?
Is it possible the carrot tip is hitting something dry (pocket of perlite, rock container bottom, etc) to make it trigger?
Do you have spare carrots? If not get a couple of each. Just pull out the problem carrot, reset the new one and see if the runaways stop.