Mac's lovely ladies and some dudes too


Oh no, it wasn't the CNC I was worried about molding.I have some other gals in the same tent that are nearly done with thick mains.
Agreed,as a matter of fact all of the other gals beside 3 that just went in,show signs of not liking the new environment.Not one leaf tip burn in 2+ months,add a fan up top and within 3 full days of it going,I see the effects.
It's all good tho.I know it's the change in environment and not so much "un-healthy" plants. As you said,they'll adjust.
I'll trade a lil tip burn for non-moldy top colas any day.

I'll check my calender and snap a few pics of her a bit later. The nose? Eh,I'll get that too.I am not as good as I thought I was with the nose palate.There is something creamy going on tho,the stem rub is different than the buds scent.This was 4.5 days ago tho.
I was just putting it out there about cnc's mold resistance. There's a lot of her seeds and @SSGrower f3s floating around. It's just good info to be spread, good options for outdoors too, IMO. And she can switch gears without skipping a beat for the most part. I think I even flipped her when I cut her in half this last go, no recovery time. Root pruning, I've put her through a lot, lol.


Gotcha.My bad bro that.Damn good info that she's hardy.
No worries man, there's been so much cnc talk in here I thought I would put the info up. But that's about to change. I put 8 miracle warp (mac x alien apple warp) in solo cups tonight. I'll let them get about 14" tall, transplant to 1 gals and flip em. I keep hearing nothing but apple terps on these, that will be a nice change up. I have a batch of cnc f2's going, and a few random seeds too. Hopefully I'll come across a nice male.


Indeed,you should. it'll be my first cookies or chem anything.Cultivated or consumed.
2 days you say? Neglect much!!? Kidding my man.
Neglecting the shit out of my ladies 😅🤣😅Today would be day 2. I was in there yesterday morning top offs and pH regulation. Missed last night and they were still sleeping when I left for work this morning. So maybe I'm exaggerating but still. First cookies or chem though that's got to be exciting then. I just smoked Mac for the first time and I was not let down. May be one of the best smokes I've ever had. Even better then my blueberry that I'm more partial to because I grew it.
Edit: good news my qb will be here tomorrow !


No problem brotha
Macsnax I've been frequenting your thread more often and catching up with the older content when I can. Really awesome work you're doing. That seed separator you hooked H up was pretty badass too. Solid work man nice job (y)
Ya those cleaners really take a lot of time out of the process. I'm going to making myself a pretty nice one out of curly maple soon.