#Heisenbeans Genetics


Hobby Farmer
This Dubstep has at least 1 more week of stretch to go and it just hit full stride. The leaves are not as big as purple punch but....still pretty big.

I think it will probably double from this height and that would make it just right.

The other one i put in really early is in flower. I mangled it up a bit but its recovering. DSCF1488.JPG


Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Yes frankenstein'd ez cloner. Clonex Solution - 5mL/liter. Plus gel on the stem then into collar.
I only use tap water in my cloner. Those instructions cam from the manufacturer. The last round i did try dipping in clonex gel. Seems like they might have rooted a day sooner but not much if any faster. Once my clones have roots i transplant them into coco and then use the Clonex solution. However i feel like the PPM'S are way to high with the recommended dosage of 5ml liter. The last time i checked that recommended mix my PPM's were well over a 1000 PPM's. Would like to here some other input on this as far as what others use in the cloning reservoir!!!!


Super Active Member
I don't like punishing my cloner and it's pump with my well water. It runs 700 - 800 ppm from my faucet. Even my RO water sucks and I've been through 2 of them. They could get it down to 200 something, but that's it. But it does work, just more of a chore cleaning it up when done cloning.
I try to grab water from my Dad's when I stop by. Pretty decent city water. I use clonex on them before I put into the neoprene sleeves and into cloner. Normally 8-12 days till roots.
10 to 14 with just water.

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
I don't like punishing my cloner and it's pump with my well water. It runs 700 - 800 ppm from my faucet. Even my RO water sucks and I've been through 2 of them. They could get it down to 200 something, but that's it. But it does work, just more of a chore cleaning it up when done cloning.
I try to grab water from my Dad's when I stop by. Pretty decent city water. I use clonex on them before I put into the neoprene sleeves and into cloner. Normally 8-12 days till roots.
10 to 14 with just water.
I was thinking it might have been a day or two sooner using the clonex rooting gel.


I only use tap water in my cloner. Those instructions cam from the manufacturer. The last round i did try dipping in clonex gel. Seems like they might have rooted a day sooner but not much if any faster. Once my clones have roots i transplant them into coco and then use the Clonex solution. However i feel like the PPM'S are way to high with the recommended dosage of 5ml liter. The last time i checked that recommended mix my PPM's were well over a 1000 PPM's. Would like to here some other input on this as far as what others use in the cloning reservoir!!!!
Thanks for the insight Cap'n. Yea was thinking of changing out the solution for straight tap to see how that goes. I got a lotta chlorine in the tap but past veg clones did fine with it.


Dont Need One
Plugs FTW. I get roots in 5 days across the board. Took me a couple years to actually perfect my cloning to 100.percent. I cant afford to lose clones with several tables waiting for cuts. Woody stems will take longer than green softer stems. To high a GA on soft stems will rot em. 0.3 and below good for soft stems. Woody stems need 0.5
Aero cloners are great for good water but I just dont have the time or patience to chance losing clones when I have to have them. You can use bleach or pool shock but it inhibits root growth over 2 ppm. Me and @Dustjesus did a really good comparison last year testing out different ppm levels of free chlorine and shit. The results I had was super interesting but I decided to keep it to myself honestly cause there is so much misinformation about dwc hydro systems and tea formulas and pool shock and UC roots which is not pool shock at all BTW. It's basically pasteurized bleach water which took me 2 weeks to get to the bottom of it to fund out exactly wtf it is.
Final.results were heisenberg tea in an aero or DWC for explosive root growth. Warmer temp the faster the roots.

Plugs for the win at 84 foot zone temp and GA at .3



Really Active Member
Plugs FTW. I get roots in 5 days across the board. Took me a couple years to actually perfect my cloning to 100.percent. I cant afford to lose clones with several tables waiting for cuts. Woody stems will take longer than green softer stems. To high a GA on soft stems will rot em. 0.3 and below good for soft stems. Woody stems need 0.5
Aero cloners are great for good water but I just dont have the time or patience to chance losing clones when I have to have them. You can use bleach or pool shock but it inhibits root growth over 2 ppm. Me and @Dustjesus did a really good comparison last year testing out different ppm levels of free chlorine and shit. The results I had was super interesting but I decided to keep it to myself honestly cause there is so much misinformation about dwc hydro systems and tea formulas and pool shock and UC roots which is not pool shock at all BTW. It's basically pasteurized bleach water which took me 2 weeks to get to the bottom of it to fund out exactly wtf it is.
Final.results were heisenberg tea in an aero or DWC for explosive root growth. Warmer temp the faster the roots.

Plugs for the win at 84 foot zone temp and GA at .3

View attachment 11817
you should bottle it up and sell it. Heisen's cloning solution.


Really Active Member
Haters gonna hate. just a sign that you are doin it right. I know id buy some cloning solution if i could get roots in 5 days. For now i dont have trays to cut so I stick to good old cup of water. no wilting no humidome, just 2 weeks of time. lol. There was this stuff called gel4plugs many years back that would give roots in that amount of time or faster but it was discontinued sadly.

El Viento

When I clone - I use straight water and always get %100.....clone juice, gel, dust, powder, ez cloners, humidity domes, etc.,.......they're like cigarettes in that Im surprised people still use them.

Literally, just straight water. The trick is getting the clone to drink on its own via its cut stem...and that only takes about 36 hours....

ANYBODY that disagrees with this method and has a plant with a nodal shoot they're willing to test this on, I urge you to try it.....IMG_20190410_171849333.jpgIMG_20190212_091201588.jpg

Not one of these clones saw any water or any humidity dome....unless it's TRULY TRULY struggling - which given the survival desire of our beloved plant, should be very minimal....