#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
I'll post some over there once I get them into flower.

If the bridezillas seedlings have somewhere to yank a clone off by the time everything else is going into flower they will get flowered in 1 gallons, if not they are gonna sit in the veg cab for a bit until I hang a second light and they will go under that.

Debating on picking up a flood table to stick in the tent instead of fucking around with saucers and shit, and to lift them up a bit so I dont have to do so much bending. Fucking kills my back.


Shinobi of seeds
Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.


Dont Need One
Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
I personally think when people see that they use it as a reason to get free seeds. One dude said he didnt get any dubstep to.pop which is a load of horseshit. I think there is an occasional seed or two that wont germinate but if everyone else isn't having issues and then someone says they didnt get a whole pack to germinate its definitely grower error or they getting a buy one get one free. One dude wrote me a bad review cause his plants stretched after germination. 3 stars lol. Like seriously dude you got a light or environment problem If your seedlings are stretching after they come out. But of course the breeders have to take the brunt of it.
I think there is an occasional genuine issue but we have to take care of it to make the customer happy.

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
Testers' first test is the germ test. Do some yourself as well even if you don't grow the sprouts. Everything after is a judgement call, or if you're going through a vendor, his call. If I have any doubts about viability, I won't put them out.


Wise Old Man
im about to pop some beans tonight but have so many to choose from.. i just want to see some of this heisen gear start to finish with no signs of balls or herms! should be close now where everyone is getting some really good dank... or bunch of herms start to pop up? im hoping for the really good dank since i have like 8 packs to go through... im great on my germ rates so well see in a couple days ill report back...


Heathen Basterd
Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
I have popped over 40 of Heisen's beans and ALL have germinated and made it to seedling stage and beyond , Early BBC which I don't have any of that strain some said there were some issues but that is the only one and no complaints I have seen in at least a month or more. In most cases its a bunch of scumbags wanting free shit .


Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
I believe if your gonna back up your beans, you have to have the same stance with everyone who purchases, not just a select few. Unfortunately, theres always gonna be those that take advantage.
Even when it is obvious that someone is just getting free shit OR they're just terrible at growing, I feel its worth the pack to pacify them until they either disappear or allow them to look like a huge tool if they once again cant get their replacement pack to go lol. I suppose if your selling through a bank, an experienced vendor will be familiar with how to deal with folks like that as well. Just my .02