#Heisenbeans Genetics


LED Recruiter
I veg my plants under a 600 watt hps turned down to 450. I use the 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, and 5.5 off again method for 4 weeks. I top them for 4 colas each. When they go into the flower room the hardly stretch at all under a 11.5 on and 12.5 off method. Here they are after almost 1 week of flower. I used a flash this time and turned the hps off. The taller ones in back are the BBC and the ones up front are the Corey and ADUB. I know they will stretch a bit more but my plants flower faster and don't stretch as much over the first 3 weeks using my lighting method.

This first pic is the back half of a 4 x 4 tent.

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Front right corner with a nice ADUB
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Front let corner with an ADUB
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Front middle with a very nice Corey.
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Very beautiful plants thanks to Uncle H. The Coreys have major stem stink and every plant is healthy as fuck so far. I hope the Dyna-Gro has everything they need for the next 7 to 8 weeks. I'm so fucking psyched man :alien:
Is that a newer schedule? Does it have a name?

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
I veg my plants under a 600 watt hps turned down to 450. I use the 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, and 5.5 off again method for 4 weeks. I top them for 4 colas each. When they go into the flower room the hardly stretch at all under a 11.5 on and 12.5 off method. Here they are after almost 1 week of flower. I used a flash this time and turned the hps off. The taller ones in back are the BBC and the ones up front are the Corey and ADUB. I know they will stretch a bit more but my plants flower faster and don't stretch as much over the first 3 weeks using my lighting method.
Man, that's extraordinarily timely info. I've been planning to change flowering light schedules as new seedlings go into the rotation and hadn't given a thought to changing 18/6 veg time. That looks very worthwhile to consider.

*** That ~gu guy gets a lot of crap tossed his way, deserved or not. I apologize for misreading your joke a few posts back.


Can anyone here point me in the right direction as far as how many BTUs of air conditioning you need per every 1000 watts of quantum boards?

I know that for HID lighting you are supposed to have around 6,000 BTUs for every 1000 watts of light.

I will be building out a 600 square foot space in a couple of months, and I want to make sure I have enough AC from the very beginning.

I would really appreciate any help!
I would not think you would have a huge temp gain with quantum boards. Completely different animal compared to a HID on heat. I have 560 watts in a 4x4 and hardly any gain with the duct fan running.
Thanks guys :alien:

Yes Terpy it's what Cob said. Gas lantern routine. I've been growing like this for 5 years now. I can get a 10 week plant to finish completely in 9 and a 9 weeker to finish a bit over 8. I accomplish this by lowering the light cycle in flowering by 30 minutes every 2 weeks after the stretch. So I end up the last 2 weeks with a 10 on and 14 off cycle. If the plant normally finishes in 9 weeks or less I don't change the light cycle.

@ Amos Otis, give it a shot. It saves a bit of electric over the month. If they grow too slow for you then you can always go back to what you had. There was a good write up on RIU a long time ago about how many "USEFUL" hours a plant will take in light. Anything over 16 hours of light was proved to be "wasted" light. They proved that plants basically "fell asleep" with the light on and didn't generate any new growth.

The only time I do more than 16 hours of light is when they are fresh from seed. I go 20/4 for 2 weeks to keep the stems nice and short and then change to my Gaslight cycle after that.

I'll post updated pics next week to show how much stretch they do (or don't) :)

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Thanks guys :alien:

Yes Terpy it's what Cob said. Gas lantern routine. I've been growing like this for 5 years now. I can get a 10 week plant to finish completely in 9 and a 9 weeker to finish a bit over 8. I accomplish this by lowering the light cycle in flowering by 30 minutes every 2 weeks after the stretch. So I end up the last 2 weeks with a 10 on and 14 off cycle.
I've done that in bloom with plants that looked like they were gonna take forever to finish. Can't say that it helped, and can't say that it didn't, since I'll never run a long finisher a 2nd time.

Gas Lantern Routine.Works very nice as Hotwired stated to kick girls into flower quicker by removing the 1 hour on in the middle of the night cycle.
Nice garden and canopy @Hotwired
Man, it just feels too easy. Why hasn't this become well known? Also, why hasn't this become everyone's go to method? This makes so much sense if there's no major drawbacks.


Dont Need One
I've done that in bloom with plants that looked like they were gonna take forever to finish. Can't say that it helped, and can't say that it didn't, since I'll never run a long finisher a 2nd time.

Man, it just feels too easy. Why hasn't this become well known? Also, why hasn't this become everyone's go to method? This makes so much sense if there's no major drawbacks.
Ive tried it and got revegging plants on the ECSD and the Cake, It may work OK for seedlings but you start janking around with light schedules on old cuts you'll get vegging plants begin to flower or they will reveg and reflower 3 weeks in. i stopped doing it and just run 18 / 6 veg and 12 12 in flower. I wrote on the old GP thread over at rollitup 2 years ago about 11/13 in flower will finish plants faster and got laughed at. To many opinions so i really just keep all my shit to myself these days unless someone really ask.


"Justa Ganja Lover"
I used it for a few years.I didn't do the flower routine tho.I went 11/13 straight to 10/14. I run 10/14 now.I read that thread on RIU you speak of.It's the reason I tried it,I'm a tinkerer,that and I like to spend as less on my grow with the best results as possible.
GLR IME and opinion can also help stretchy or leggy strains be more squat.I don't know the science behind it but,as Hotwired said these gals can only use so much daylight.
Perhaps as they reach their DLI requirement and are still being blasted with the same number of photons as when they woke up,causes some intermodal elongation in some cultivars? (Heh,the shit I can think of when blazed) Sounds good but probably way off.
I may just revisit my the GLR veg schedule being that summer is here.I veg under 14/10 and flower 10/14, I've tinkered with 15/9 but it was summer here and humidity is brutal,that extra hour of darkness had the dehuey humming.
(I wrote this earlier in response but apparently I didn't hit "post reply".

I've done that in bloom with plants that looked like they were gonna take forever to finish. Can't say that it helped, and can't say that it didn't, since I'll never run a long finisher a 2nd time.

Man, it just feels too easy. Why hasn't this become well known? Also, why hasn't this become everyone's go to method? This makes so much sense if there's no major drawbacks.
People become brainwashed with the old canna way.Like Cal mag cures everything even warts, light leaks cause hermies etc...afraid to step out of the box and experiment or tinker. I understand those with commercial grows and those who are dependent on a certain amount at a certain time.

As Ol Heis mentioned, Old cuts being hormonal imbalanced by the screwy schedule and revegg'ing whilst in flower, then ref lowering or new cultivars and cuts for that matter....drawback.
Had it happen to 3 different new cultivars to my garden before I understood what was going on. It happened under a 6/6/6/6 veg schedule tho....tinkering.

Some cultivars,if not grown from seedling under the schedule may do "freaky shit" Heisen spoke of,if put under the schedule.
I've found seeds mature,pre flower and sex quicker under GLR than standard veg schedules...i.e.16/8 18/6 20/4 etc..


"Justa Ganja Lover"
Ive tried it and got revegging plants on the ECSD and the Cake, It may work OK for seedlings but you start janking around with light schedules on old cuts you'll get vegging plants begin to flower or they will reveg and reflower 3 weeks in. i stopped doing it and just run 18 / 6 veg and 12 12 in flower. I wrote on the old GP thread over at rollitup 2 years ago about 11/13 in flower will finish plants faster and got laughed at. To many opinions so i really just keep all my shit to myself these days unless someone really ask.
If anyone wants to copy and paste my pics on the RIU thread I have no problem with it. I can't do it myself for undisclosed reasons :alien:

ps..................I use cheap digital timers for the GLR. Makes it so easy. Program #1 = On @ 6am and Off @ 6pm. Program #2 = On @ 11:30 pm and off @ 12:30 am. Done :)

pps................Also, adding to what uncle H and Cob said. I think if you have a very high percentage Sativa hybrid you may have trouble with the GLR method. The only strain I ever had a problem with in the 5 years I have used GLR was the Sativa hybrid of Bodhi's Prayer Tower. She was a heavy Lemon Thai hybrid and would go into flower using GLR. She was so awesome but I had to drop her because of this.
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I must have explained it bad

It is in the middle of 4 plants in 7 gallon fabrics that are in flower the small container fits perfectly inbetween the gap when they are stacked in a block of 4

I have it propped up by 1.5 foot to be at same canopy at the 4 in flower

There is less stretch and the vegative grow is so much better then my mars 250

my question was will i lose potency taste or will flowers color be different because im using hps for entire plant cycle

Well that hps has a lot more intense light than a blurple. You gonna have more growth


Dont Need One
Sorry i did not mean to clutter your thread up

Other site I come from most people just post in the bean company thread to keep the thread going

I had originally posted a pic of one of your strains I am currently growing and ended up asking questions my bad
I was just saying if you made a seperate thread you would probably get more responses. Most people here overlook that stuff.


Super Active Member
Quick update on my 12/12 heisenbean run. This is my first ever hydro run so we will see how it goes. Had to transplant way earlier than I usually do because I got busy and left the seedlings under way too low light and they stretched really bad so had to do what I had to do only lost a few started with 51 I think.Oldest pic is the 6th newest is the 22nd.IMG_20190622_191250.jpgIMG_20190615_141519.jpgIMG_20190606_125550.jpg


Super Active Member
I was just saying if you made a seperate thread you would probably get more responses. Most people here overlook that stuff.
Going to make my own thread and do exactly that just busy atm

Lost all my abilities could not like posts and my post were pending approved bc my account was lost so creating a thread did not cross my mind thanks for the idea

I just mean sorry if I annoyed you Bc a little of it was me posting to be able to like posts and post without moderation. I went back and i did not realize i made 5-6 back to back posts and a said to myself maybe he ha to approve these and that could be annoying also

I like your beans and have no problem with you. Not to change the subject but in you opinion what are the best tasting strain you have? I want the ones that you said to yourself yummm bc i have no doubt the will be potent


Dont Need One
Going to make my own thread and do exactly that just busy atm

Lost all my abilities could not like posts and my post were pending approved bc my account was lost so creating a thread did not cross my mind thanks for the idea

I just mean sorry if I annoyed you Bc a little of it was me posting to be able to like posts and post without moderation. I went back and i did not realize i made 5-6 back to back posts and a said to myself maybe he ha to approve these and that could be annoying also

I like your beans and have no problem with you. Not to change the subject but in you opinion what are the best tasting strain you have? I want the ones that you said to yourself yummm bc i have no doubt the will be potent
You could have messaged me or the Gov and your status could have been upgraded without any issue. It's just a safe guard we put in place to prevent people from creating accounts and coming back to stir up the shit. If we someone as being a standing member than we usually go ahead and over ride the waiting period. No biggie


Super Active Member
You could have messaged me or the Gov and your status could have been upgraded without any issue. It's just a safe guard we put in place to prevent people from creating accounts and coming back to stir up the shit. If we someone as being a standing member than we usually go ahead and over ride the waiting period. No biggie
All good I am a noob and since i had lost only a few days of stuff and was able to make same name I just went with it and did not want to bother anyone

I wont be trying to stir things with up with anyone especially breeder like you

I only care about learning things i do not know and meeting people that do cool shit I can not do and trying to learn how to do some of those things