#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
Damn this is where the list went. I though I found familiar sounding strains elsewhere come to find out it was you the master grower himself. So glad I finally made it over I was on the old list but I'm sure that's over by now ? All the good hiding over here it wasn't easy to find but I'm not so good with tech in old school and just old . How's shut going hope its going the way we all though it would months back.
You arent on the list. I'm calling bullshit account on this one.


Super Active Member
Do they weigh the whole plant?
They could but I'm pretty sure all you need to do is get an expert witness to testify that the roots, leaf matter, stems and such aren't finished product they weighed up. I'm sure that costs a penny but it's better than going without.

Expert witnesses in a jury trial are crucial.

I have no idea how but an old buddy got a dui after hitting like 6 parked cars. Super fucked up but dude was holding court with a gang of officers. Not under arrest when the accident investigator or whatever showed up after refusing a breathalyzer immediately. Took hours for them to get him to a blood draw. Tests way over the limit.

Gets off with just a suspended license for a year. No charges. Keep in mind dude was drunk and probably doing other stuff, caused over 100k in damages and outside of the 4 hours he was in custody he was a free man to do as he pleased.

Good lawyers are worth it guys. If your old lady has to sell her ring, the car, the house and live in a box and ride the bus to pay for the lawyer, do it.


New Member
Every preorder has gone out except for 1 in Australia and the 2 in New Zealand. Even your freebies opie after 200 emails and messages. Thank you baby jesus , the others will go out tomorrow and I'll post a list of everyone who is here that signed up so they can get the freebies.
Please dont ask me about my website. I have no clue and I stopped looking at it to avoid doing something I dont wanna do. We will see how it goes. I apologize for what's over there and that is not the way I want people to perceive the way I do business. I trusted someone to get a job done based on what they told me so we will see how it plays out.
Good luck getting them here! We have a pretty reliable customs...but most packs have made it through one way or another.


Mediocre grower
Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked already, but I think I may place another order when I get paid tomorrow, and was wondering how to get the wedding cake s1's. They aren't on GPS, and they aren't available as freebies. Do we have to wait until the website is running?


Dont Need One
Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked already, but I think I may place another order when I get paid tomorrow, and was wondering how to get the wedding cake s1's. They aren't on GPS, and they aren't available as freebies. Do we have to wait until the website is running?
No Fuck that shit, send me an email to heisen@heisenbeans.com thats the last time im gonna tell someone to keep waiting. That goes for anyone else that can read this.