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Heathen Basterd
Damn, washington state is getting hit hard. Did it swim across the ocean or something? I think it has wings.
West Virginia is the place to be. I told you that shit wouldn't dare head down in those hollers'. lol
Huge Chinese Invader ( Immigrant) populations in Washington State , British Columbia, Ontario and New York , All have the highest Chinese populations , the Devils went back for Chinese New Year and brought it back . Immigration and allowing travelers from Countries that are our enemies is the reason, Iranians brought a ton of it back as well into Canada. West needs to wake up and stop immigration from hostile and 3rd World Countries or the Pandemics will continue along with the welfare abuse and crime they bring.
I died but came back to life. My heart no longer beats and I no longer need to breath. My diet now consists of human torso's and brains. I have eaten my neighbors and their dogs. I wait quietly for the unexpected to come out of their homes. Then I pounce and bite their necks open. I drag them back inside their home and eat them slowly while I enjoy their exquisite tastes. Sometimes I get full quickly and have to chop them up and freeze them for later use. I don't like my food spoiling. Flies bother me.

I have no need for toilet paper or towels. I don't poop anymore. I have no need for pot anymore either because I am completely stoned 24/7. At least it feels that way. I also have permanent munchies and feel hungry almost all the time. I crave human flesh and can't watch TV because I try to eat the people on my screen. I can no longer watch movies or my favorite programs. I will miss "Curse of Oak Island" very much.

Last night I waited to see which neighbor was walking their dogs. They all had different hours which was awesome. I could pick them off one at a time. Chop/chop then freeze and I'm all set. I now had 7 grow houses going with more on the way. My only concern was someone else turning into what I have become. I would not tolerate competition. Trolling would not do.................I found the only way to rid myself of the competition was to blow it up into pieces. I believe if the brain is blown to bits the body can't reform. New versions of myself were a bit slow at first so they were easy prey. But the ones in other areas within a few miles of me had a good head start. They were already clearing out their neighbors and getting stronger. Many of the smart ones had cameras installed and watched their areas closely. I had those in addition to night vision cameras. I had encountered several of these areas in my search for food and learned quickly how to avoid them.

Pickings were quite easy, much easier than you would think for a largely populated area. People were too afraid to come outside but many still did. They mostly minded their own business and went about their way so they had no idea what was going on around them. One by one I picked off the old and sick. Ate the flesh of each one but threw out the pharma infected livers. The brains were quite delicious and I would save them for last. Once their homes were cleaned I set up large grow rooms. These home owners had no families so I was set. No questions would be asked. If someone was curious they would be eaten the next day. Cya later alligator. What was weird was I didn't look like a zombie. I had black circles under my eyes by everything else was human standards. So no one suspected a thing.

At first I was suspicious about "looking" around the internet and seeing if their were others like me. No one is talking, which is smart. No ones knows about us yet and you guys probably won't even believe what I'm writing. I checked many websites and all the ones I frequent. No one even asked where I was. I knew I got this made. I figure you guys are saying "lol Hotwired yer funny!! hahaha"

I am coming to eat you all and take your seeds. Especially Lemon Tree. All your Lemon Tree are mine. Bullets can't hurt me. I am fire proof and machete proof. Shit actually grows back after chopping a limb off. I know cause I tried. First a finger..........then a hand.........then all the way up to my elbow. Awesome shit really. Don't be jealous. Shit happens.

I want to thank you all for being so kind to me over the last year. Even Heisen who is a cock teasing bastid. I will make sure to eat you real slow tho Uncle H. But not the Gov. She gave one of my pics a "like" once and I will never forget it. No matter how hungry I'll let her live. I promise.

This will be my last post here as I will be traveling a bit from here on out. I think I have given you the time you need to prepare for our kind. I'm not sure how you will kill us but there must be a way. I'm sure you will find one. Humans are very resilient. Blowing the whole brain and body to bits seems to do the trick. The thing you need to worry about is if my kind get together to form large groups. Might as well use those guns on yourselves then.

Farewell for now dear friends. It's been a pleasure. Tell you last thing to save you from me. If you hang a purple pot leaf outside on your front door I will pass your house.

God bless you all,

Hotty :alien:

ps........................if I run into anything juicy I'll let you know :devilish:


Huge Chinese Invader ( Immigrant) populations in Washington State , British Columbia, Ontario and New York , All have the highest Chinese populations , the Devils went back for Chinese New Year and brought it back . Immigration and allowing travelers from Countries that are our enemies is the reason, Iranians brought a ton of it back as well into Canada. West needs to wake up and stop immigration from hostile and 3rd World Countries or the Pandemics will continue along with the welfare abuse and crime they bring.
And they're telling us this all started over some fucker eating a bat. SOB's

Notch Hohnson

Banned least UPS is still working !

MidwayUSA Logo

Great news! Your order has been shipped. See details below.
Please note that the firearm(s) included in this order will be shipped to the FFL Dealer that you selected. For firearms, please be sure to:
  • Confirm with the dealer when your gun is ready for pickup
  • Pick up the gun within two weeks of arrival at the Dealer's location
  • Inspect your gun thoroughly before completing the transfer
  • Be Prepared for any required fees or licenses/documention
Please remember to contact your FFL Dealer to arrange transfer when you receive your delivery confirmation.
Shipped to FFL Dealer
Package 1
Track Package
Beretta APX Pistol 9mm Luge...

Beretta APX Pistol 9mm Luger 4.25" Barrel 17-Round Flat Dark Earth
Qty: 1

High kev

Yankee seeds
Home quarantined all around me. I’m hearing of more people that had close contact with cases everywhere all around me. Now people that I know. It’s just a matter of time before I become a victim to this shit


Hobby Farmer
I ordered my groceries. I will drive over Sunday at 9am and they can load them in my car. That is a good idea !

I am just getting it topped up because they will at some point TELL people to stay at home and not advise it. Flour and yeast. I will finally nail this making bread thing. I suck at it...and its bugs me because i am a pretty good cook.

Russia has 200 cases total....are they lying? are they underreporting? Did they create and administer a vaccine for their lab produced KGBorona virus?

Hopefully that vaccine does work..or leads to the one that will. The sooner the better.

Here in Canada they are pulling out all the stops. Allowing no payments to mortgages and bills without penalty etc

They will have the quick money to the people that need it going. You can get your Unemployment Insurance without penalty or waiting time and they will enact legistlation that prevents people from getting terminated as a result of this mess.

They should have closed it down sooner but we are here now. Lets dig out of the hole the best we can...figure the bill out on the other side and get through it.

You know its crazy when the Liberal supporters (the party) in Ontario are saying what a good job Doug Ford (the Conservative Premier) is doing.

Albertacons hate trudeau forever i dont think you will see them praising his wisdom. :D

Scheer would have fucked it right up i think. Hard to say. If it were me i would have had 2 magic eight balls and a crystal ball or two.

And even then they would both say..... Reply hazy, try again.
Last edited:


The key to nailing the bread thing is in the assembly process. More than one rise makes a difference. Bread flour helps.
Get this book! Read and're an ace!

It's humbling in the beginning. Practice, practice. I bake this loaf in a cast iron bread pan, that I place in a larger pot with a lid.

Honeywell mills is OUT of flour (50 lb sacks). Prices are up 1/3 so far. Look for a grain mill or wholesaler.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Drug for carona virus approved by fda
I ordered my groceries. I will drive over Sunday at 9am and they can load them in my car. That is a good idea !

I am just getting it topped up because they will at some point TELL people to stay at home and not advise it. Flour and yeast. I will finally nail this making bread thing. I suck at it...and its bugs me because i am a pretty good cook.

Russia has 200 cases total....are they lying? are they underreporting? Did they create and administer a vaccine for their lab produced KGBorona virus?

Hopefully that vaccine does work..or leads to the one that will. The sooner the better.

Here in Canada they are pulling out all the stops. Allowing no payments to mortgages and bills without penalty etc

They will have the quick money to the people that need it going. You can get your Unemployment Insurance without penalty or waiting time and they will enact legistlation that prevents people from getting terminated as a result of this mess.

They should have closed it down sooner but we are here now. Lets dig out of the hole the best we can...figure the bill out on the other side and get through it.

You know its crazy when the Liberal supporters (the party) in Ontario are saying what a good job Doug Ford (the Conservative Premier) is doing.

Albertacons hate trudeau forever i dont think you will see them praising his wisdom. :D

Scheer would have fucked it right up i think. Hard to say. If it were me i would have had 2 magic eight balls and a crystal ball or two.

And even then they would both say..... Reply hazy, try again.
they closed the bored before anyone I believe


fekkin ebay cretin sells me alc for $40 a gallon on the 14th..............there were 32 in stock..........send email today......not sending.......prick, waste a week on me.
He goes onto my "Email for Scumbags" list. He'll need a new email soon and god forbid if I can get fucking his phone number(s)
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