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This virus crap is gonna fuck up our traditional Ukranian Easter fare, not thrilled. I'm a kraut but married a Ukr and have not missed a year in 35 or so.
You bring your food to get blessedif you do it right. We only do that every few years......always if it's a big to do. Which it won't this year, at least for us. No percentage milling about in Yonkers, with a bunch of octogenarian Ukr's , not


Insanely Active Member
The usual bullshit of misinformation or fact? Are we going to be pro active or re active as to how we play the survival game. Some aren’t bothered while others are shitting bricks . I think I’ll just go fishing and think about things .........


Heathen Basterd
I ordered my groceries. I will drive over Sunday at 9am and they can load them in my car. That is a good idea !

I am just getting it topped up because they will at some point TELL people to stay at home and not advise it. Flour and yeast. I will finally nail this making bread thing. I suck at it...and its bugs me because i am a pretty good cook.

Russia has 200 cases total....are they lying? are they underreporting? Did they create and administer a vaccine for their lab produced KGBorona virus?

Hopefully that vaccine does work..or leads to the one that will. The sooner the better.

Here in Canada they are pulling out all the stops. Allowing no payments to mortgages and bills without penalty etc

They will have the quick money to the people that need it going. You can get your Unemployment Insurance without penalty or waiting time and they will enact legistlation that prevents people from getting terminated as a result of this mess.

They should have closed it down sooner but we are here now. Lets dig out of the hole the best we can...figure the bill out on the other side and get through it.

You know its crazy when the Liberal supporters (the party) in Ontario are saying what a good job Doug Ford (the Conservative Premier) is doing.

Albertacons hate trudeau forever i dont think you will see them praising his wisdom. :D

Scheer would have fucked it right up i think. Hard to say. If it were me i would have had 2 magic eight balls and a crystal ball or two.

And even then they would both say..... Reply hazy, try again.
Not when there is video of the RCMP as of Yesterday still allowing African Invaders in from New York and the RCMP not screening them at all upon entry, Trudeau should be hung for sedition.


Hobby Farmer
I am not saying Trudeau did a good job...i am saying if the People of Alberta agreed with his methods i would be worried about armageddon.


Hobby Farmer
I thought you guys executed them or put them in cages or something.

In all seriousness i thought you sent them back to wherever they came from. For Canada it is a burden to the healthcare system. We pay for it in taxation with no user fees.

The health care system is going to be pushed beyond its capability but the gov is working with industry and they are retooling car makers to make respirators and retooling to make masks and the essentials,

That is the military's recommendation and i tent to like how they think about preparedness.

That vaccine...well good luck with that. Be prepared for a 1 year effect with surges of peaks. IF the vaccine works thats great.

It would be FDA approved because the drug is already FDA approved for a diferent purpose. If it is not exctly right it probably has the building blocks for the vaccine they will develop but that takes time and that will require trials (no fast track FDA approval).
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Heathen Basterd
Its brutal man. And they claim asylum and are then put in the system.
Whats worse is as soon as they cross the Border and are accepted in they are GUARANTEED 20 years Gold level health care , free education benefits and Unlimited welfare all on taxpayer dime to entice them in to keep the Leftists in Power. Trudeau and His Immigration policies which by the way are ran by a Somali Muslim are in direct sedition against the Canadian People . Notice the Airline pillows and the women wearing masks as they enter. Direct violation of the travel orders He so fucking proudly announced and allowed by seditious RCMP Sheep. All of them should be put up against a wall and shot .


Heathen Basterd
That's what everyone thinks. What really happens is they get free healthcare, Driver's Licenses, Voting rights, and kinds of cool stuff. I was considering denouncing my citizenship so that I could qualify.
Same facilities that were built and used during the past 3 Presidents prior to Trump, The Leftists didn't say a word till Trump took office.


Hobby Farmer
Europe is getting hammered with it.

irregulars are now being turned away...just announced...they will get returned to USA.

And that is crazy for Trudeau...HR slapped it into him.

And at some point soon there will be martial law here cant fix stupid people.

The wall doesnt seem so crazy.

And i feel for the people stuck on cruise ships...i know they chose to and all that but holy shit you book a trip last june.

They are stuck and all i just mean wow that sucks.
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