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Hobby Farmer
The bill for Covid will be staggering. The TSX had to stop trading, stocks continue to hemorrhage money.

The CDN to US hit 1.45 today and i have not seen that before. Oil is gutted. Crazy times.

Deleted member 60

Hey...not mad here about folks being bailed out. It will be interesting to see where the money goes and if it does anything to soften the blow. I just think some folks fail to grasp how infused a large portion of our society already is into collective funding & them what you will. Either way, I hope it helps everyone here who is under the gun/facing tough times.

Notch Hohnson

"Just as grocery stores have been stripped bare by Americans panicked by coronavirus, guns and ammunition have started flying off the shelves. Retailers say the buying frenzy is being fueled by consumers who are worried that people are becoming so desperate and unpredictable, they need to ensure they can protect themselves. "


High kev

Yankee seeds
This is crazy. I can’t stop thinking about this. It’s not going away for a long time I’ve been following this pretty since before wuham China shut down. As much as I think about this I just can’t get it in my head how we all are going to have to live for at least the next 6-8 months. How life changing and how drastic this is going to be for everyone. I’m starting to loose sleep at night. All these memes are funny as hell and at least we can still laugh about some things. But this is going to get much worse before it gets better. Can’t stop thinking how life changing this is going to be. What will stop this? A cure a medicine? As much as I think there’s a way. There’s always a way it will just come back to this crazy shut down society type living. What is the fix? We are here how do we get to there? I always like to think I can fix everything but every conclusion on this topic leads back to quarantine unless some pill fixes everything. Someone must find a cure


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
This is some crazy shit isn’t it but i’ve been preparing for this as an individual with ocd. Hahahha.

For real tho, very serious trouble. I’m self-quarantined in my home. Not leaving for a while so that gives me time to visit the paradise again. When chaos closes a door, it opens a window hahha

Be very safe guys and practice extreme social distancing as individuals. History proves that we are resillient creatures but this is a very big problem we’re facing now so we need to be smart too.

And @High kev i’m sure they are going to find a cure eventually but it’s gonna take at least 18 months i think. So taking extreme action during this time is the only way to save millions of people around the world imho.

Also we have a very potent plant under our hand. We are using it for asthma, emphysema and copd. I’m not saying it’s gonna cure an 80 year old smoker but a little bit of rso or edibles could potentially help with the easing of milder infections.

Anyway, i hope all y’all are ok and corona free! Peace and love!


Mediocre grower
Not really. Elect a CLOWN...get a Circus. Of course, the Socialist bastard is now gonna hand out checks to the guy with the 100 bills at Xmas. I thought that Commie/socialist Sanders was the only one who was gonna bankrupt us givin out free stuff? Funny how everybody went from "Socialism BAD" to "Where's my check, Mr. Govt"? Some of these good old boys are gonna have to grow a third arm to collect all of that booty out of their mailbox. Yet...their mouths will still be stuck on "I paided in" and "Get 'em outta here" . Americans are pretty tough motherfuckers if they have their toilet paper hoard to fall back on.

And folks are already asking our Governor to figure out a way to force 2 months where nobody has to pay rent or a mortgage. Socialism much, folks? Again....things change fast when it's the average guy who (didn't save or plan and bought that truck/went on that trip/eats out every meal) needs help...for whatever reason. It's definitely gonna fuck things up for those who never thought to save when times were good. Ooops.

@Old ST1R Movin weight is easy. Just take it from one closet and put it in another. Then..if you really want excitement...move it back.

I still know folks who think it's all a joke and who are not changing their ways. At some point...shit is gonna catch up to these people. I just hope they don't infect/kill anyone but themselves.

good luck out there Chuckers......
I should point out that there is a huge difference between temporary government relief during a crisis and socialism. I suggest you research it...


Mediocre grower
I believe Obama didn't even address the public about swine flu until 1000 Americans died. Over 12000 people died from the swine flu and over 60 million were infected. I fail to see how people who thought that was nothing to worry about are saying this is already a disaster, and the administration dropped the ball. This is being blown way out of proportion. Members of the media have stated many times that a recession or depression is worth it to get trump out of office. Sorry if I question their credibility.

Also, I don't agree with a lot of what trump does; I'm no trump supporter, I'm independent but this isn't a republican vs. Democrat battle anymore anyway. This is normal people vs. leftists. Leftists are the biggest danger humanity faces right now. That's why trump won, not because he's a conservative but because he is anti-leftist.

Notch Hohnson

All these memes are funny as hell and at least we can still laugh about some things. But this is going to get much worse before it gets better.
"I've Found Out Why People Laugh

They laugh because it hurts so much . . . because it's the only thing that'll make it stop hurting...find me something that really makes you laugh...a joke, or anything else — but something that gave you a real belly laugh, not a smile.

Then we'll see if there isn't a wrongness in it somewhere and whether you would laugh if the wrongness wasn't there."
— Valentine Michael Smith
Stranger in a Strange Land
Robert Anson Heinlein


High kev

Yankee seeds
We got to laugh I love the memes keep em coming. just worried I can’t quite completely isolate myself and am with f- series. Keep it away


Seed Aficionado
Bro... Give it time?
Crazy shit is already going on, not Corona related. Don't hate or love Trump, but only person I'll blindly follow is Jesus Christ, the son of God :)

Legit no reason to plug Jesus... Fk it

Anyone laid off cause of this shit?
Not yet I'm in construction and I'm just waiting for it ...


Seed Aficionado
Trudeau closes the USA border.....

I make light of the situation but i take it with all seriousness. My wife works with the elderly effected by dementia and alzeimers. That is one part of that place...the entire building is at risk.

What can i do?....apprantly keep to my house and smoke weed actually works for this.

Be a hermit...holy shit i have that covered.

I think most of us stoners are already doing the social distancing so we should be ok :)

But then you think...if you thought no one was counting before....big and tasty are soaking...

I will grow my way through to the other side.
I will see u there !


Hobby Farmer
The vaccine is really a number of the beast tracker. Get your razor wire while you still can. Stock up on beef jerky and pickled eggs...its going to get rough in here.
Gassy like GMO diesel.
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