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Mediocre grower
Why isn't trump becoming an authoritarian and imposing Marshall law like every libtard said he was gonna do for the last 3 years? Why are libtards saying his response is so horrible when Obama didn't even acknowledge swine flu untill 1000 Americans died? You can't please these fucking retards no matter what you do... Fucking idiots will beg for universal basic income then talk shit about trump when he suggests temporary help for people affected... Hypocritical fucking idiots...

F series

Insanely Active Member
Why isn't trump becoming an authoritarian and imposing Marshall law like every libtard said he was gonna do for the last 3 years? Why are libtards saying his response is so horrible when Obama didn't even acknowledge swine flu untill 1000 Americans died? You can't please these fucking retards no matter what you do... Fucking idiots will beg for universal basic income then talk shit about trump when he suggests temporary help for people affected... Hypocritical fucking idiots...
Bro... Give it time?
Crazy shit is already going on, not Corona related. Don't hate or love Trump, but only person I'll blindly follow is Jesus Christ, the son of God :)

Legit no reason to plug Jesus... Fk it

Anyone laid off cause of this shit?

Deleted member 60

Anyone find it weird how poorly everything was handled?
Not really. Elect a CLOWN...get a Circus. Of course, the Socialist bastard is now gonna hand out checks to the guy with the 100 bills at Xmas. I thought that Commie/socialist Sanders was the only one who was gonna bankrupt us givin out free stuff? Funny how everybody went from "Socialism BAD" to "Where's my check, Mr. Govt"? Some of these good old boys are gonna have to grow a third arm to collect all of that booty out of their mailbox. Yet...their mouths will still be stuck on "I paided in" and "Get 'em outta here" . Americans are pretty tough motherfuckers if they have their toilet paper hoard to fall back on.

And folks are already asking our Governor to figure out a way to force 2 months where nobody has to pay rent or a mortgage. Socialism much, folks? Again....things change fast when it's the average guy who (didn't save or plan and bought that truck/went on that trip/eats out every meal) needs help...for whatever reason. It's definitely gonna fuck things up for those who never thought to save when times were good. Ooops.

@Old ST1R Movin weight is easy. Just take it from one closet and put it in another. Then..if you really want excitement...move it back.

I still know folks who think it's all a joke and who are not changing their ways. At some point...shit is gonna catch up to these people. I just hope they don't infect/kill anyone but themselves.

good luck out there Chuckers......

Deleted member 60

It wasn't good enough to say twice.
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Hobby Farmer
Martial the arts.

Marshall is a dude or a sheriff but that is not the law in force.

So many up here are thick too. Oh its nothing...its the flu...its 18% of the elderly dead. Its no joke you yolo fuckers.

But for the most part its a straight shot to the beer store...

Please tip your server.

And even if you really really really wanted cant come to Canada. Sorry we dont accept you have a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Oh and i have had my faith restored in the youth of one showed up for that street party...

They had house parties instead but at least it wasnt as stupid as last year....well done you yolo bastards !
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High kev

Yankee seeds
If the numbers are right that weight will fly like the wind over here

My job didn’t cut my pay but I don’t get overtime any more. Only essential workers are to report to work all around me. I am an essential worker. As of next week my crew will be alternating days to work so I will be working about 1 day a week and a few hours on the weekend. Getting full 40 hour a week pay though. Time to get some stuff done around the house.

High kev

Yankee seeds


Here's a summary of the Imperial College Report that got countries moving on's scary..actual report is linked as well.

The Imperial College team plugged infection and death rates from China/Korea/Italy into epidemic modeling software and ran a simulation: what happens if the US does absolutely nothing -- if we treat COVID-19 like the flu, go about our business, and let the virus take its course?

Here's what would happen: 80% of Americans would get the disease. 0.9% of them would die. Between 4 and 8 percent of all Americans over the age of 70 would die. 2.2 million Americans would die from the virus itself.

It gets worse. People with severe COVID-19 need to be put on ventilators. 50% of those on ventilators still die, but the other 50% live. But in an unmitigated epidemic, the need for ventilators would be 30 times the number available in the US. Nearly 100% of these patients die.

So the actual death toll from the virus would be closer to 4 million Americans -- in a span of 3 months. 8-15% of all Americans over 70 would die.

How many is 4 million people? It's more Americans than have died all at once from anything, ever. It's the population of Los Angeles. It's 4 times the number of Americans who died in the Civil War...on both sides combined. It's two-thirds as many people as died in the Holocaust.

Americans make up 4.4% of the world's population. If we extrapolate these numbers to the rest of the world (warning: MOE is high here), this gives us 90 million deaths globally from COVID-19, in 3-6 months. 15 Holocausts. 1.5 times as many people as died in all of World War II.

Now, of course countries won't stand by and do nothing. So the Imperial College team ran the numbers again, this time assuming a "mitigation" strategy: all symptomatic cases in the US in isolation. Families of those cases quarantined. All Americans over 70 social distancing.

This mitigation strategy is what you've seen a lot of people talking about when they say we should "flatten the curve": try to slow the spread of the disease to the people most likely to die from it, to avoid overwhelming hospitals.

And it does flatten the curve -- but not nearly enough. The death rate from the disease is cut in half, but it still kills 1.1 million Americans all by itself. The peak need for ventilators falls by two-thirds, but it still exceeds the number of ventilators in the US by 8 times.

That leaves the actual death toll in the US at right around 2 million deaths. The population of Houston. Two Civil Wars. One-third of the Holocaust. Globally, 45 million people die: 7.5 Holocausts, 3/4 of World War II. That's what happens if we rely on mitigation & common sense.

Finally, the Imperial College team ran the numbers again, assuming a "suppression" strategy: isolate symptomatic cases, quarantine their family members, social distancing for the whole population, all public gatherings/most workplaces shut down, schools and universities close.

Suppression works! The death rate in the US peaks 3 weeks from now at a few thousand deaths, then goes down. We hit but don't exceed the number of available ventilators. The nightmarish death tolls from the rest of the study disappear.

But here's the catch: if we EVER relax suppression before a vaccine is administered to the entire population, COVID-19 comes right back and kills millions of Americans in a few months, the same as before.

After the 1st suppression period ends in July, we could probably lift restrictions for a month, followed by 2 more months of suppression, in a repeating pattern without triggering an outbreak or overwhelming the ventilator supply. Staggering breaks by city could do a bit better.

But we simply cannot EVER allow the virus to spread throughout the entire population in the way other viruses do, because it is just too deadly. If lots of people we know end up getting COVID-19, it means millions of Americans are dying. It simply can't be allowed to happen.

How quickly will a vaccine be here? Last week three separate research teams announced they had developed vaccines. Yesterday, one of them (with FDA approval) injected its vaccine into a live person, without waiting for animal testing. That's an extreme measure, but necessary.

Now, though, they have to monitor the test subject for 14 months to make sure the vaccine is safe. This part can't be rushed: if you're going to inoculate all humans, you have to make absolutely sure the vaccine itself won't kill them. It probably won't, but you have to be sure.

Assuming the vaccine is safe and effective, it will still take several months to produce enough to inoculate the global population. For this reason, the Imperial College team estimated it will be about 18 months until the vaccine is available.

During those 18 months, things are going to be very difficult and very scary. Our economy and society will be disrupted in profound ways. And if suppression actually works, it will feel like we're doing all this for nothing, because infection and death rates will remain low.

It's easy to get people to come together in common sacrifice in the middle of a war. It's very hard to get them to do so in a pandemic that looks invisible precisely because suppression methods are working. But that's exactly what we're going to have to do.

The end



Hobby Farmer
Trudeau closes the USA border.....

I make light of the situation but i take it with all seriousness. My wife works with the elderly effected by dementia and alzeimers. That is one part of that place...the entire building is at risk.

What can i do?....apprantly keep to my house and smoke weed actually works for this.

Be a hermit...holy shit i have that covered.

I think most of us stoners are already doing the social distancing so we should be ok :)

But then you think...if you thought no one was counting before....big and tasty are soaking...

I will grow my way through to the other side.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the problem - media.

In the next few weeks as tests roll out - more people will test positive. It's fucking basic, but the media will spin the hell out of it. No more or less people are getting sick - we just know about who they are with testing.

Stand by for more hype and "Ancient Aliens" discussions. The ones where they say "some scientists believe... And IF THAT IS TRUE, THEN..."



Tegrity Greenthumb
Not really. Elect a CLOWN...get a Circus. Of course, the Socialist bastard is now gonna hand out checks to the guy with the 100 bills at Xmas. I thought that Commie/socialist Sanders was the only one who was gonna bankrupt us givin out free stuff? Funny how everybody went from "Socialism BAD" to "Where's my check, Mr. Govt"? Some of these good old boys are gonna have to grow a third arm to collect all of that booty out of their mailbox. Yet...their mouths will still be stuck on "I paided in" and "Get 'em outta here" . Americans are pretty tough motherfuckers if they have their toilet paper hoard to fall back on.

And folks are already asking our Governor to figure out a way to force 2 months where nobody has to pay rent or a mortgage. Socialism much, folks? Again....things change fast when it's the average guy who (didn't save or plan and bought that truck/went on that trip/eats out every meal) needs help...for whatever reason. It's definitely gonna fuck things up for those who never thought to save when times were good. Ooops.

@Old ST1R Movin weight is easy. Just take it from one closet and put it in another. Then..if you really want excitement...move it back.

I still know folks who think it's all a joke and who are not changing their ways. At some point...shit is gonna catch up to these people. I just hope they don't infect/kill anyone but themselves.

good luck out there Chuckers......
Can be mad a citizens getting bailed out when million and billion dollar corporations are sitting there with there hands out right now. Trickle down economics. I'm sure we all know how that works. It's the way we all live and have been programmed to live. Left, right it doesn't really matter when everyone is wrong. Socialism and communism have never existed on earth. People say well look Korea is communist you dont want to be like that. That's not communism.... the system we live in is super broken. The shows that influence your children's minds are trash, and well their parents, most of then are trash. So what do you get ? Probably a perfect generation.
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