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Highland Rogue

Really Active Member

The way the few can control the many isn't always thru force, in lots of situations it's mind control. That mind control works when the many obedient see what happens to the disobedient and fall into line. It's an illusion, but it works using human psychology.

Same reason why slave revolts, are so rare. Humans who believe in "authority" are easily herded and their labor harvested.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I seen the chance and had to take it lol....A for effort? lol
Big difference with any of these laws is whether or not your actions affect the rights of others. My right to drive through a green light for example. If you kill me by running a red there's problems. If a dude is growing weed at his house and it never leaves the front door, it affects no one.


My 380 auto with silencer will take care of any non mask wearing goofs around me. Tired of fuckin with idiots. I'll thin the herd my own self, lmfao. Hopefully the orangeanus gets assassinate too. LMFAO. Hope it kills the naysayers kinfolk, then what will they say, deep state, Obama, lmfao. Voted absentee blue yesterday, at least canceled some idiot repug vote lolol


Active Member
All around bad move...
Not worth it...
Its a better play to let 2021 handle it.
Cleaner. Stronger play.
Putin & Biden...Xi & Biden. :censored:
We gotta think about it.
I was pro sanders for pot...
I didnt expect legalization from obama.
Trump shitted all over the movement.
At this stage...i dont like it much.
Trump is in a crunch...if the next 2 months reflect errors on the GOP its gonna be gross.


Active Member
Big difference with any of these laws is whether or not your actions affect the rights of others. My right to drive through a green light for example. If you kill me by running a red there's problems. If a dude is growing weed at his house and it never leaves the front door, it affects no one.
Yeah but if don't see anybody? Should I really wait like a good boy? What is the problem to go through a red light when there is no traffic?
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