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Super Active Member
I misspoke, and meant that he’s been studying coronaviruses for years. Are you going to use that as an excuse to not listen to what he has to say? If you watch the whole interview you can also here him explain that they predicted it spreading the way it had been, too.
You can call it misspoke if you want. I'm not wasting my time with anything on a Joe Rogan show especially if I have to sit down and totally waste 90 minutes of my time. There is dozens of videos of people saying the exact same things all over the net who predicted it spreading the way it has. Even blind squirrels finds a nut now and then. I have one question for you, do you often listen to and follow so-called medical experts who appear on the Joe Rogan Show? Think about that!


You can call it misspoke if you want. I'm not wasting my time with anything on a Joe Rogan show especially if I have to sit down and totally waste 90 minutes of my time. There is dozens of videos of people saying the exact same things all over the net who predicted it spreading the way it has. Even blind squirrels finds a nut now and then. I have one question for you, do you often listen to and follow so-called medical experts who appear on the Joe Rogan Show? Think about that!


You can call it misspoke if you want. I'm not wasting my time with anything on a Joe Rogan show especially if I have to sit down and totally waste 90 minutes of my time. There is dozens of videos of people saying the exact same things all over the net who predicted it spreading the way it has. Even blind squirrels finds a nut now and then. I have one question for you, do you often listen to and follow so-called medical experts who appear on the Joe Rogan Show? Think about that!
You really are a treat. Neil DeGrass Tyson and other extremely intelligent scientists, doctors, and even politicians have been on his show. He’s pretty much one of the ONLY non-biased interviewers out there who gives his guests anywhere from 90 minutes to over 3 hours to explain things. You seem to only have enough brain power to handle the tiny 2.5 minutes bites the MSM spoon feeds you. Good luck! Can’t say I didn’t try.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Neil DeGrass Tyson and other extremely intelligent scientists.
Gotta call you out on that one. Any scientist that promotes the theory that man makes the climate change, and that giving money to Al Gore will fix it, I can't trust anything else they say. Might be smart but he's monetized.
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Gotta call you out on that one. Any scientist that promotes the theory that man makes the climate change, and that giving money to Al Gore will fix it, I can't trust anything else they say. Might be smart but he's monetized.
My point was that Joe has people from every side on and he gives them a long interview to talk about what they feel is important. I also find it hilarious that @hhibrownsbacker judges Joe on his appearance when Joe is the type of guy who can relate to so many different types of people and isn’t embarrassed to change his view on things when someone convinced him he has been liking at something the wrong way.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
BTW, I’m not a huge fan of Neil’s personal opinions, but he’s still extremely intelligent.
I hate when people of obvious intelligence slide into the agenda-driven sphere though - simply because it lends more credence to myths. And all for personal gain.

People worried about trash, banning straws and whatnot. It's all virtue signaling. America pollutes less than any other industrialized nation on the planet. And as far as trash specifically, there are countries that use the tides as a convenient way to rid their countries of refuse. They all want to implement changes in the US. They deny the fact that almost every other country is more problematic.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Laws. They help keep order. Follow them. It’s easy.

I'm glad you brought that point up, it can be true, but has some drawbacks. I don't see "order" as necessarily a good thing if the means to achieve it violates rights.

I say evaluate a law and if it mirrors ideas which bring or sustain peace, follow it and if doesn't, ignore it and encourage others to do the same. There are many laws that should by right, be ignored.

Laws do help keep order, but order and peace are not always the same thing and they often come about thru different processes.

Order in the realm of a political hierarchy is a top down imposed situation. There is an or else, and the or else could just as easily be a violation of right as it could be a protection of a right.

Meaning, in an imposed order situation. if you don't do X or if you try to do Y, and that inaction or action isn't lawful, the "authority" will punish you. On the surface order can look like peace, but it isn't, since it includes an ever present threat of force being used against people even if they already are peaceful, but decide to disregard a law that violates rights rather than protects rights.
Order is arbitrary and not tied to any fixed principles. "Do it because we say so or you'll get hurt".

Peace, on the other hand, is what happens when people do not initiate aggression (or threaten it's use against a peaceful person) and don't try to impose arbitrary mala prohibitum type laws on other people. The key difference is "order" in the political sense, begins with a default understanding that an "authority" can initiate aggression and it's acceptable. It isn't. "Authorities" have no right to initiate aggression, only to use defensive force like the rest of us.

Peace is a more desirable outcome for me than imposed order. Imposed order by virtue of the blanket imposition uses an opposite operational means as peace. Imposed order begins with a threat and removes choices, peace includes choices and doesn't permit offensive force, only legitimate defensive force. Voluntary versus involuntary basis for human interactions.

In other words peace begins with the default that you own yourself, but you don't own others. If you try to own others they have a right to resist.

Peace aligns with justice, imposed order may or may not.

"The law" by itself is not reason enough to obey it, it has to spring from a rightful circumstance or the law itself is wrong and so would imposing it on others be.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
And if you disagree with them, take it to court - if you decide to argue the matter with the cop you are an idiot.
Going to court can be sort of a poor solution if you want justice though. Judges, especially in lower level courts are like head cashiers and search for ways to sanctify the collection of revenue from law breakers. Their primary purpose is "protection of the system" rather than dispensing justice.

Judges / courts primary function can't provide "justice" , until every law is just and every law is not just, far from it.

Arguing with a cop is not a good idea, not because you are wrong and the cop is right, because cops might kill you or violate you in some other way since that is what cops do on a routine basis.
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