Laws. They help keep order. Follow them. It’s easy.
I'm glad you brought that point up, it can be true, but has some drawbacks. I don't see "order" as necessarily a good thing if the means to achieve it violates rights.
I say evaluate a law and if it mirrors ideas which bring or sustain peace, follow it and if doesn't, ignore it and encourage others to do the same. There are many laws that should by right, be ignored.
Laws do help keep order, but order and peace are not always the same thing and they often come about thru different processes.
Order in the realm of a political hierarchy is a top down imposed situation. There is an or else, and the or else could just as easily be a violation of right as it could be a protection of a right.
Meaning, in an imposed order situation. if you don't do X or if you try to do Y, and that inaction or action isn't lawful, the "authority" will punish you.
On the surface order can look like peace, but it isn't, since it includes an ever present threat of force being used against people even if they already are peaceful, but decide to disregard a law that violates rights rather than protects rights.
Order is arbitrary and not tied to any fixed principles. "Do it because we say so or you'll get hurt".
Peace, on the other hand, is what happens when people do not initiate aggression (or threaten it's use against a peaceful person) and don't try to impose arbitrary mala prohibitum type laws on other people. The key difference is "order" in the political sense, begins with a default understanding that an "authority" can initiate aggression and it's acceptable. It isn't. "Authorities" have no right to initiate aggression, only to use defensive force like the rest of us.
Peace is a more desirable outcome for me than imposed order. Imposed order by virtue of the blanket imposition uses an opposite operational means as peace. Imposed order begins with a threat and removes choices, peace includes choices and doesn't permit offensive force, only legitimate defensive force. Voluntary versus involuntary basis for human interactions.
In other words peace begins with the default that you own yourself, but you don't own others. If you try to own others they have a right to resist.
Peace aligns with justice, imposed order may or may not.
"The law" by itself is not reason enough to obey it, it has to spring from a rightful circumstance or the law itself is wrong and so would imposing it on others be.