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Active Member
Its crazy...
I respect people that dont give a fuck...
Covid party til you with that.
Just dont wig out because i where a vapor tech mask.

I mean sheep no sheep....
I wasnt out at hiv orgies...without a rubber.
& having a swab shove'd up my nose or dick hole is not on my top 10. Note: hiv is not the proper std for drilling for oil down your one eye.


Just some asshole
Its crazy...
I respect people that dont give a fuck...
Covid party til you with that.
Just dont wig out because i where a vapor tech mask.

I mean sheep no sheep....
I wasnt out at hiv orgies...without a rubber.
& having a swab shove'd up my nose or dick hole is not on my top 10. Note: hiv is not the proper std for drilling for oil down your one eye.
Should try hot sauce down the one eye. Good times. That one takes a week or so to go away.

I don’t care if anyone wears a mask but what good is a mask going to do when you the guy ahead of you fondled his sweaty balls, picked his nose and decided to dig around in his asshole prior to walking in the grocery store and grabbing a cart?

Making them mandatory for everyone is ignorant.
Let’s make it mandatory that you drive the speed limit, no more accidents that way.


Super Active Member
I don’t care if anyone wears a mask but what good is a mask going to do when you the guy ahead of you fondled his sweaty balls, picked his nose and decided to dig around in his asshole prior to walking in the grocery store and grabbing a cart?
Good point, I guess that's where the hand sanitizer comes in:ROFLMAO:. Masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, disinfectants, and social distancing by themselves is not a cure all, but used together, you got a fighting chance. Of course then you can always just say "its a Spamdemic-screw it, I aint stupid, Im not doing any of that shit" and hope they have room for you in a refridgerated truck if and when you need it


Its crazy...
I respect people that dont give a fuck...
Covid party til you with that.
Just dont wig out because i where a vapor tech mask.

I mean sheep no sheep....
I wasnt out at hiv orgies...without a rubber.
& having a swab shove'd up my nose or dick hole is not on my top 10. Note: hiv is not the proper std for drilling for oil down your one eye.
Ain’t nothing wrong with wearing a mask. The problem I have is with all the sheep who freak out about those who don’t wear one outside and are more than happy to give up their rights for the sake of being safe rather than sorry. I can’t stand virtue signaling fuckheads.


Good point, I guess that's where the hand sanitizer comes in:ROFLMAO:. Masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, disinfectants, and social distancing by themselves is not a cure all, but used together, you got a fighting chance. Of course then you can always just say "its a Spamdemic-screw it, I aint stupid, Im not doing any of that shit" and hope they have room for you in a refridgerated truck if and when you need it
You are such a good follower...Hitler and Stalin loved people like you. BTW, even though the MSM is acting like they just figured out that the primary way COVID spreads is through aerosol, a guy who studied the virus years ago has been telling people this since February. The chance of catching it from touching a contaminated surface is extremely close to ZERO FUCKING CHANCE.


Personally, I think a lot of us got a dose of it last year. Most had some of the "many" symptoms this "invisible" thing carries ... now.
It most likely was another virus that "commonly "comes from "space dust" etc, but some bunch of "smartasses" decided to splice a little extra of "sompthin" in it to further "agendas" and make a lot of $$$ to boot. Look back a few years on what was going on with the sun. Call me crazy, I can take it. lol


And who exactly claimed in February that they had studied Covid-19 years earlier? Id assume since you are "following" his findings you know his name and have a link to his statement. I'd really like to see that.
Michael Osterholm.

Here’s one clip of him taking about how the use of hand sanitizers, in general, is good...but that this virus can’t be spread through touch.

I really would suggest you watch the entire 90 minute interview, though. He’s been studying coronaviruses for a long time.



That's not what I asked for. I want where he said in February that he studied Covid 19 years ago.
I misspoke, and meant that he’s been studying coronaviruses for years. Are you going to use that as an excuse to not listen to what he has to say? If you watch the whole interview you can also here him explain that they predicted it spreading the way it had been, too.
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