So you've always been cool with prohibition then ? The money you "gave" to cops to shoot the guys dog down the street etc.
was willingly given by you ?
Why do you hate your neighbors dog so much ?
Total BS response, but it pretty effectively represents your posts. Except that this one is [thankfully] under a thousand words.
At the risk of looking like I'm avoiding your question I'm going to say your question doesn't prove or disprove my assertions.
Maybe you heard....weed was illegal for years, yet somehow billions of transactions occurred, despite government throwing billions of dollars to prevent it. So to say it can't or hasn't happened, well that's simply not true.
Slip sliding to 'weed' is typical you - wiggling about, evading a question you simply can't / won't answer. In fact, it hasn't happened, meaning it simply IS true, and remains true.
Whip Eurass said:
"Again - where is this no tax zone location? How is it working? Why hasn't anyone else heard of it?"
You've yet to tap dance your way into any direct response. Here's the answers, and they are factually true:
1. There is none
2. Who doesn't exist
3. Like 2, it doesn't exist.
I appreciate that you've been polite and congenial. One of my ex's used to say often, "I don't need facts or examples to justify my truths." If she were alive, I'd hook y'all up, as long as you both swore never to visit.