Briscos Bargain Beans

Amos Otis


Super Active Member
Sweet. 7 0f 9 is now a collectors item. All stock sold other than what I held back.

Nice! I see some of Susie's diamonds on those fans.
Yeah I missed out on those rainbow cookies they look pretty any chance of them comeing back
around in the future I was goin to order till the wife gave me crap :>(
like they say happy wife happy life or something like that haha

Amos Otis
Yeah I missed out on those rainbow cookies they look pretty any chance of them comeing back
around in the future
Honestly, I was surprised how fast 2 drops of those [ 7 of 9 ] sold out, so it's very possible I could revisit that one day soon. I've got a couple projects in progress at the moment, including one I'm XXXtremely excited about that's a couple of months away from being done. Could be a game changer in Brisco-ville. Stay tuned, amigo.

Also, the super duper summer promo is coming together very nicely. I think it's going to be somewhat historic in terms of being the biggest and best contest prize ever done. When youse guyz see the prizes listed, y;all gonna be like...

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