Briscos Bargain Beans

Amos Otis
Nice @Amos Otis .I'd like to watch that video if you have a link.
X2.....Im always open to explore new methods
It's really not much different than what I was doing. Just substituted Rapid Rooters for peat pellets, and Quick Clone for Schultz powder. Putting each one in it's own container [ McDonalds yogurt parfait cups are perfect [ and the parfait is delicious] is, in my opinion so much more convenient and easier to work with than a multi plant unit. Here's the vid:


Super Active Member
hello everyone I wanted to update my project. my black mambas all 5 of 5 popped up out of dirt
4 of 5 jelly pie are popped up with one a little behind
I will post pics when they start growing past sucker leafs
I will say black mamba seems to be eager to grow can't wait


It's really not much different than what I was doing. Just substituted Rapid Rooters for peat pellets, and Quick Clone for Schultz powder. Putting each one in it's own container [ McDonalds yogurt parfait cups are perfect [ and the parfait is delicious] is, in my opinion so much more convenient and easier to work with than a multi plant unit. Here's the vid:


Shinobi of seeds
I'm pretty sure @thenotsoesoteric will back me on this; Black D.O.G. is a real winner from HSO. Vigorous, trouble free, and good, colorful yields of tasty smoke and good effect. I very much look forward to following your progress.
I agree, super glad I grabbed a pack and that bd with the jelly pie will be dank. No question, they'll be dank flavors for sure.


Super Active Member
1 wk seedlings all is good they look like seedlings all 5 jelly pies with 1 a little behind
and all 5 black mambas are shooting up they look lanky but they will catch up
here are some pics I am veging under 4ft leds under a shop light these are bright
full spectrum and bought them at Walmart for under 9 bucks for 2
can't beat that never used these before but seem to be doin ok



Super Active Member
update on my black mamba these are going to be some real nice bushes they are a little bit slower on the veg then my other plants but I expected that from the black dog I had the same issue with her. but oh my are they some stinkers and it's only veg20190709_164252.jpg20190709_164246.jpg

Amos Otis
View attachment 13679

Got my chuckers extras today. A cherry on top of all the sweet crosses I got from @Amos Otis. Can't beat Brisco's 😁(y)
From my stash to yours. :) Good for the USPS ! Much thanks !

Also if any of you cool hombres have missed it, @HydroRed is having a sweet contest here: