Welp I’ve killed it. It’s pretty much dead. I’ll be giving this another go around the end of March/April but i’ll start em in soil this time.
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I'm having a time with a couple of those....well, one now. They were germed with some 6 other new ones which all took off, but the ds/h were way behind. Sexing revealed a Bruce and a Shirley, and since I didn't get a lot of seeds last time [and they were bought up], I figured I'd reveg them and make some F2s. Oddly enough, the Bruce, when flowered again, became Caitlyn, if Caitlyn was,k well never mind. But Bruce is flowering fully female above male sacs that never made pollen. Weirded me out, so that freak got chainsawed. I'll flower out Shirley, and get back to those at another time.
On a similar note, I got season 3 of Ash vs Evil Dead out. I'd been hesitating to watch it - I'd heard it was a step down from seasons 1 and 2. No way, it turns out. I finished disc one, with one to go, and have really dug it - Bruce playing it for laughs w/o hiding it - lots of LOL moments so far.
Note to self - Animal Pie x Black Mamba = Kelly Maxwell. Yowza !