#Heisenbeans Genetics


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Tell Gu to put on his website that the BBC will throw out some mutants. People will bitch about everything so might as well tell them up front so they know what's coming. If people don't read that note, it's on them
I poped 3 Black banana cookies seeds and got one undesirable. No complaints here. It's unrealistic to think every seed should be a keeper. As breeders, we are constantly trying to "stabilize plants" for consistency while the plants themselves have 470 million years of plant evolution to maximize biodiversity. Just a little food for thought.



Noob 4ever
@Heisenbeans any chance your gonna do some fems for the commercial side? Dont have to super top notch just something that yields well, looks decent and smokes decent. Doesnt have to look killer like these guys been posting up.
Nobody wants to pay more here if it looks fire. They just wanna get baked. Lol
He’s got a blue dream clone... @Heisenbeans . Any plans to s1 the blue dream or just crosses?


Just put 2 ice cream cake and 2 purple punch clones in the system yesterday. Can't wait to see these take off. I'll do a review Heisen as soon as I can at GP. I say that I have had a 100 % Germation rate with no mutants except for GP City Slicker had single leaves for a long time then came out of it. Not Heisen stuff, just thought I would throw that in


finally cut our Gmoozy today @10 weeks, she just kept giving. Was definitely a stretchy girl but buds were well spaced. Put in tent at about 16 inches and it ended over 5 foot but took to being tied down like a champ. Turned almost black now that tents have cooled. Large buds with huge cola's on top.


GMoozy 2.jpg

GMoozy 1.jpg

GMoozy 3.jpg
I had seven PP S1's grow out and they weren't for me. A few had a fruit punch smell that really smacks you in the face. That was about the only thing I liked.

What didn't I like?

1)The high. Wasn't potent enough for me.
2)The yield. Biggest gave me almost an ounce. The rest 21 grams or less. Small buds on all 7 of them.
3) A strange problem. What I'm going to call "clogging of the arteries".

Three out of the seven stopped drinking @ 50 days. I was surprised but I usually figure out what's wrong quickly. Except two of them had me a bit baffled. Within 2 days the main top fan leafs died quickly on 2 of the 4 colas on the plants. I was like wtf? Half the plant dying? They aint getting water at all up top. Did a gentle squeeze to the buds and they were way too soft. No water in them. I cut those colas off and looked inside the stem and didn't see any blocks. Got a razor and cut off the buds and then slit the stem right up the middle all the way to the top.

Found the block around 8 inches from the top. Looked like plaque, the same shit that kills people. I've seen this before but a very long time ago from some Pineapple Express I ran. If it were one plant I would have been "no biggie", but it was a couple so I figured let's run the clones and see what happens.

They rooted well and in a few weeks I had them vegging in the tent. I grew out the non keepers and had no problems with them, cept small buds. The 4 "keepers" (2 of each pheno) and another 12 plants were spending a week in veg and then on to the clone room. 3 days pass and I go to feed my tent full of future clones. 14 plants dry to the bone and 2 of my "keeper" phenos of the same PP are soaking wet like they didn't drink a drop in 3 days.

Now I'm wondering if some of these don't like too much food but I never go above 500 ppm in the first 2 weeks after planting rooted clones. This was also the first batch Uncle H did so it could have been that. Otherwise I missed something but it didn't deter me. I grew them all out a few times and got them to work but the yield was too low and the buds too small. I did notice the second time around they they actually needed MORE food and not less. Their leaves got light colored very fast during flower.

I look at it this way, compared to all the awesome shit I basically got for free it was a win-win. The ADUB, BBC, Stardawg and Wedding Cake gave me keepers. Not just a "keeper" either, this shit makes jaws drop. People actually lick their chops when looking at a bud in my hand :alien:

I've seen a few kick ass PP S1's tho so I know they are out there. I had something similar happen with the GG4 but they didn't get clogged and just drank really really slow. Damn things didn't grow roots very fast, even the clones took forever. So I dropped the PP and GG4 and kept the other 4 types. Still have an awesome garden full of wonderful smells.

I did buy those Space Gorillas that peeps are looking for. Too bad for you cause that's next!! :devilish:


Dont Need One
I had seven PP S1's grow out and they weren't for me. A few had a fruit punch smell that really smacks you in the face. That was about the only thing I liked.

What didn't I like?

1)The high. Wasn't potent enough for me.
2)The yield. Biggest gave me almost an ounce. The rest 21 grams or less. Small buds on all 7 of them.
3) A strange problem. What I'm going to call "clogging of the arteries".

Three out of the seven stopped drinking @ 50 days. I was surprised but I usually figure out what's wrong quickly. Except two of them had me a bit baffled. Within 2 days the main top fan leafs died quickly on 2 of the 4 colas on the plants. I was like wtf? Half the plant dying? They aint getting water at all up top. Did a gentle squeeze to the buds and they were way too soft. No water in them. I cut those colas off and looked inside the stem and didn't see any blocks. Got a razor and cut off the buds and then slit the stem right up the middle all the way to the top.

Found the block around 8 inches from the top. Looked like plaque, the same shit that kills people. I've seen this before but a very long time ago from some Pineapple Express I ran. If it were one plant I would have been "no biggie", but it was a couple so I figured let's run the clones and see what happens.

They rooted well and in a few weeks I had them vegging in the tent. I grew out the non keepers and had no problems with them, cept small buds. The 4 "keepers" (2 of each pheno) and another 12 plants were spending a week in veg and then on to the clone room. 3 days pass and I go to feed my tent full of future clones. 14 plants dry to the bone and 2 of my "keeper" phenos of the same PP are soaking wet like they didn't drink a drop in 3 days.

Now I'm wondering if some of these don't like too much food but I never go above 500 ppm in the first 2 weeks after planting rooted clones. This was also the first batch Uncle H did so it could have been that. Otherwise I missed something but it didn't deter me. I grew them all out a few times and got them to work but the yield was too low and the buds too small. I did notice the second time around they they actually needed MORE food and not less. Their leaves got light colored very fast during flower.

I look at it this way, compared to all the awesome shit I basically got for free it was a win-win. The ADUB, BBC, Stardawg and Wedding Cake gave me keepers. Not just a "keeper" either, this shit makes jaws drop. People actually lick their chops when looking at a bud in my hand :alien:

I've seen a few kick ass PP S1's tho so I know they are out there. I had something similar happen with the GG4 but they didn't get clogged and just drank really really slow. Damn things didn't grow roots very fast, even the clones took forever. So I dropped the PP and GG4 and kept the other 4 types. Still have an awesome garden full of wonderful smells.

I did buy those Space Gorillas that peeps are looking for. Too bad for you cause that's next!! :devilish:
In the area we live in thrips are bad. Those symptoms sound like thrips. They are so tiny they are very hard to see unless you are looking for them. They will make a plant die for no apparent reason and they always seem to strike right at the end of the flower period. Symptoms will start with the big fans turning brown and crispy and then the rest of plant looks like it just gives up and dies. A plant doing that at 50 days is definitely some other fuckery afoot. Most plants dont even swell up good till 60 days in.


Yeah man some of these growers are legit straight bitches. The banana cookies does not like to be crossed to itself BUT of those offspring you will find one that is top shelf. I can see the plant in the dudes pics. She is weird ass plant. Huge fan leaves and little side branching with long intermodal space till flower. Giant baseball nugs at the end of every cola.
stupid weird. GMOxBBC in front left she stopped growing her center cola and focused on her side naturally and all stretched even...you see the ibbc influence with a better structure from what can only be attributed to the GMO....BBC back left stupid dumb heis...and of courss Jenny all rightIMG_20191121_223209.jpg

Black banana cookies s1 from another forum
There are some serious gems to be found in those seeds if you know how to grow and can be patient.
One of your basterds in the first row of the starter...frosted out the seed.... just saying

Black banana cookies may not smell banana but to be completely honest I'm glad, lol. so far from a fan. my fam are the banana people, you know you gotta show the fam love for putting up with my shit...the nugs are swelling fast daily...the smell orgasmic...seriously eyes roll back...fire...can't wait...
Better training done on this girl and she in my control no more 4-5ft stupid stretch...
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High kev

Yankee seeds
A DUBView attachment 29275View attachment 29276View attachment 29277View attachment 29278
Sept 1 started 12 12 so a little over 8 weeks under 8 qb132 3000k and 4000k there whole lives. I'm an LED and HB believer. Now if I can stop f@cking up my f and d system I'll be all set. I broke the bulkhead during move yesterday. The pics arent the greatest either. Will get some early cure pics when I go back and fix the system.
The darker purple phenos in the tent are MAC x AAW
The final pics are tester nugs taken @ 8 weeks flower. Been testing These all dayyy.
Can't wait for trim jail to begin. Sticky ✂ 4 sure
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High kev

Yankee seeds
This months POTM page isn’t generating a lot of attention you guys sleeping or all in veg?:ROFLMAO::cool:

I got second place and made out like a bandit seeds everywhere now🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗keep sleeping lol. Thank u all for the likes and prizes. I see better pics in this thread every week lol


So I popped some ECSD the other day. 2 seeds. Both seeds were cracked already out of the pack. 12 hour soak and both put out tails and into peat pellets. Both came up, but one it was the root that came up instead of the plant. Never saw that before. I re-planted it, hope it still catches.

Other notables....there was a large type triangular container holding the seeds. And...there were 8 beans. :)
What are those containers called? Where do you get them?
In the area we live in thrips are bad. Those symptoms sound like thrips. They are so tiny they are very hard to see unless you are looking for them. They will make a plant die for no apparent reason and they always seem to strike right at the end of the flower period. Symptoms will start with the big fans turning brown and crispy and then the rest of plant looks like it just gives up and dies. A plant doing that at 50 days is definitely some other fuckery afoot. Most plants dont even swell up good till 60 days in.
The thing is H, it only happened to 3 of the PP plants. I had 16 plants in the tent. 7 pp, 4 GG4 and 5 WC. 3 of the PP stopped drinking as well as 1 GG4 (the GG4 just slowed down drinking). I put a fresh bunch of 16 in the same tent right after and no problems. I also have quite a few more tents going and no problems. No bugs :alien:

I had to chop 2 of the 4 colas on two of the plants. Was so weird how only 2 of the 4 colas on those 2 plants got "clogged". Some kind of plaque clogged the top 8 inches of stem and stopped water/nutes from getting there. That's why the UPPER fans died while the lower fans were all healthy.

Then the 2 "keeper" PP stopped drinking in veg. 14 other plants in the same tent including my other "keeper" PP drank fine. I just chucked them. Some plants are like people. They carry certain genes that can kill it. This one plant had a plaque thing going and there was no life saving doctor around to save it :cry:

Other than that one plant the others grew out fine. Just the small bud and potency issue. Here is a shot of cured top cola buds from the PP and the WC. Size matters. So the girls say :alien:



Dont Need One
The thing is H, it only happened to 3 of the PP plants. I had 16 plants in the tent. 7 pp, 4 GG4 and 5 WC. 3 of the PP stopped drinking as well as 1 GG4 (the GG4 just slowed down drinking). I put a fresh bunch of 16 in the same tent right after and no problems. I also have quite a few more tents going and no problems. No bugs :alien:

I had to chop 2 of the 4 colas on two of the plants. Was so weird how only 2 of the 4 colas on those 2 plants got "clogged". Some kind of plaque clogged the top 8 inches of stem and stopped water/nutes from getting there. That's why the UPPER fans died while the lower fans were all healthy.

Then the 2 "keeper" PP stopped drinking in veg. 14 other plants in the same tent including my other "keeper" PP drank fine. I just chucked them. Some plants are like people. They carry certain genes that can kill it. This one plant had a plaque thing going and there was no life saving doctor around to save it :cry:

Other than that one plant the others grew out fine. Just the small bud and potency issue. Here is a shot of cured top cola buds from the PP and the WC. Size matters. So the girls say :alien:

View attachment 31830
You would be the first to say that about the pp cross cause my homie grew 6 packs and none of them did what your saying. These plants wanna live. They wanna grow. I've never seen genetics play a role in a plant wanting to self destruct. You had to have over looked something.