#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Hey Hotwire ... your a truthful and caring person and in your posting I see you quite transparent and clearly honest. Dude ... I am a newbie to this forum and you are among many respected peers of great growers. I
Look forward to your return after the cool down cause you are truly a beautiful part of what makes this place this forum straight up real life. Peace bro-
Sometimes dumb asses need to be smacked and sometimes they need to learn.

For instance: http://archive.bio.ed.ac.uk/jdeacon/microbes/panama.htm

This is just one example how the xylem can get clogged and fuck the whole stem up.

Also: https://www.leafbuyer.com/blog/fusarium-marijuana-plants/

Here is what it's all about. Since you fuckers think I'm some kinda space alien making shit up.


Do your own research and maybe something will click. I don't have anything to prove here and this is the last time I will say anything on this matter.
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Hey Hotwire ... your a truthful and caring person and in your posting I see you quite transparent and clearly honest. Dude ... I am a newbie to this forum and you are among many respected peers of great growers. I
Look forward to your return after the cool down cause you are truly a beautiful part of what makes this place this forum straight up real life. Peace bro-
Thanks for noticing.


Dont Need One
Sometimes dumb asses need to be smacked and sometimes they need to learn.

For instance: http://archive.bio.ed.ac.uk/jdeacon/microbes/panama.htm

This is just one example how the xylem can get clogged and fuck the whole stem up.

Here is what it's all about. Since you fuckers think I'm some kinda space alien making shit up.


Do your own research and maybe something will click. I don't have anything to prove here and this is the last time I will say anything on this matter.
I dont disagree that it happened but by your own words and example it's a pathogen you picked up in the water or soil. You said the plants didnt yield and were weak but if they never reached there potential than it's hardly a fair comparison.
I'm not gonna grow out genetics and get all kinds of issues and than down those genetics based on whatever shit happened in the grow.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Sometimes dumb asses need to be smacked and sometimes they need to learn.

For instance: http://archive.bio.ed.ac.uk/jdeacon/microbes/panama.htm

This is just one example how the xylem can get clogged and fuck the whole stem up.

Also: https://www.leafbuyer.com/blog/fusarium-marijuana-plants/

Here is what it's all about. Since you fuckers think I'm some kinda space alien making shit up.


Do your own research and maybe something will click. I don't have anything to prove here and this is the last time I will say anything on this matter.
What color was the vascular bundle? And again it would also help to know your medium and light source...
I dont disagree that it happened but by your own words and example it's a pathogen you picked up in the water or soil. You said the plants didnt yield and were weak but if they never reached there potential than it's hardly a fair comparison.
I'm not gonna grow out genetics and get all kinds of issues and than down those genetics based on whatever shit happened in the grow.
and if you fucking read all my posts I said it was only a couple of plants that had a problem. The other 4 PP finished fine with SMALL ASS buds and low potency. How can you miss this?

You only read what you want to read H. You bypass what you don't. You always get all huffy when someone doesn't get AWESOME results from every single fucking seed you make. Then the fan club arrives with their stupid ass fucking questions.

You told me once that you wanted the truth of everything from your seeds. I have done that with complete honesty. Now you all make fucking jokes. Good. I see now how it is and I wont forget it.

Good shit :alien:
Fungus infections are a bit different than clogged pipes.

I was under the impression the plants were healthy and just got plaqued up "arteries"/ xylem via perhaps excess salts in food.
Dude this is what I typed:
3) A strange problem. What I'm going to call "clogging of the arteries".

Strange problem. Stems were clogged. WTF else was I supposed to call it? WTF knew what it was? Am I a fucking plant doctor? The stems were clogged. How and why wtf knows but it only affected those 3 PP plants and the other 13 plants were fine. You figure it out. I chucked them. They are no longer in my garden. At least I didn't pee on them and make a video about it.

But grower error I'm sure. right?

I'm more apt to believe it was salts because there was no fungus I could see. I only posted those links to prove it can happen. Thanks.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
I so much want to fucking backhand bitchslap you right now. Seriously :alien:
I'm trying to help you, but without more information I cant.

I'll guess and say it could be Fusariosis caused by Fusarium and you need to treat all your plants/soil with Trichoderma or you will continue to have issues with future plants.

I'm adding you to my ignore list, You clearly don't want advice and I am only here to help people become better growers.
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I'm trying to help you, but without more information I cant.

If you are in soil, don't use added beneficial fungus, and there is less then 10k lumens hitting the soil's surface I would say it was Fusarium and you need to treat all your plants with Trichoderma or you will continue to have issues with future plants.

I'm adding you to my ignore list, You clearly don't want advice and I am only here to help people become better growers.
Dude I don't want or NEED your fucking help. STFU already. Read the fucking post you fucking idiot. It only happened to 3 out of 13 plants in the same fucking tent. So shove that fucking ignore up your fat fucking ass and sit on it. Thanks.
Hotwire always seemed stand up to me! Why couldn’t everyone be nice with the questions
Thx Pro.
I always post honest results when I do my grows. I have given so many great reviews on H's stuff. But the one time I post something not good about one of his strains I get made fun of and treated like a total fucking noob with fucking noob questions. That's why I'm angry.

Hundreds of good posts with great reviews and one not good review and I get shit on. This is not right. If you can't see that then why do reviews at all? Fuck honesty then huh. Fuck it.


Heathen Basterd
I'll be honest I have no idea what would cause those issues , if all the other plants are fine and assuming same environmental issues then to Me that eliminates lighting, soil, temps , plenty of times I have had multiples of the same strain growing and there be one that fed way lighter or heavier than all the others. I have the PP S1s but havnt run em yet so I will bow out saying that. If there is a personal issue that's got You all twisted up and need to talk PM Me Bro .
I apologize to everyone for my anger and curse words. I lost it but IMO have a good reason to be pissed. I can see that a "bad" review will not be tolerated so I won't post any reviews at all anymore. That's how I will solve this problem.

Please forgive my tirade. Thanks 🤐
I'll be honest I have no idea what would cause those issues , if all the other plants are fine and assuming same environmental issues then to Me that eliminates lighting, soil, temps , plenty of times I have had multiples of the same strain growing and there be one that fed way lighter or heavier than all the others. I have the PP S1s but havnt run em yet so I will bow out saying that. If there is a personal issue that's got You all twisted up and need to talk PM Me Bro .
No personal issues with anyone HR. I got mad for being made fun of and noob questions. Thanks for asking my friend. I had to smoke some of H's AWESOME GG4 and relaxed a bit ;)