#Heisenbeans Genetics


damnm good job.. hows those trichs looking
Thanks! They are pretty much all milky now and some amber is coming in. The fade has come in really fast over the last week, so they probably don't have long to go, and it looks like they are pretty much right on time with the flower time GPS has listed on their site.
7-20-2020 7-38-29 PM.jpg

Here are some closeups I just took of the buds.


And here's the fade now. The leaves didn't even start fading until the middle of last week.


My topanga wedding are at 72 days from 12/12 and just beginning to see some amber... just an FYI if you are interested
I have two in there. The one in the pictures is the on in the back of the tent, and it got more light than the front plant for the first 2-3 weeks of flower because I hung the light too far back in the tent. The back plant looks like it’s getting close but the front is a week or two behind it. I’m thinking it’s close because The water consumption is slowing way down and the leaves are turning very quickly on that plant.