Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness

So I've reached that stage in life where I want to know what other people think about the stuff I've shown. Is it interesting? Is it a curiosity or are people seriously interested in doing some of this stuff?
Totally interesting to me as you really take on a lot of different obstacles and always seem to come up with really clever and efficient ways to overcome them.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Totally interesting to me as you really take on a lot of different obstacles and always seem to come up with really clever and efficient ways to overcome them.
Or maybe I'm just too dumb to know when to quit! LMAO

Seriously, it's been a really interesting challenge and I've found the process to be enlightening and fulfilling.

I feel like I'm solving a problem that could help a lot of people in the future, where arable land, water and energy are harder to come by, climate change has made farming less reliable and urbanization and land use changes have reduced the amount of land under cultivation.

And yeah- grow more weed!


Nerd Gone Vertical
@Joebud I hope you liked what you saw in the thread, looks like you read the whole thing to catch up.

I got sumthin' to show you, bro!

Sorry it took me a lil bit, but the adventure begins TODAY!

The plan is to pop these, select for females (not breeding anytime soon) and then pheno hunt for the best ones in terms of structure. Going to get one or 2 runs of three plants out of this dainty dozen!

So who's the parents of this cross? F1? F2? Just so I know what I'm working with?
@Joebud I hope you liked what you saw in the thread, looks like you read the whole thing to catch up.

I got sumthin' to show you, bro!
View attachment 129686

Sorry it took me a lil bit, but the adventure begins TODAY!

The plan is to pop these, select for females (not breeding anytime soon) and then pheno hunt for the best ones in terms of structure. Going to get one or 2 runs of three plants out of this dainty dozen!

So who's the parents of this cross? F1? F2? Just so I know what I'm working with?
I found this doing a quick search
GL on your hunt Titty!


Insanely Active Member
All four Joebud Genetics strains were ready to harvest seeds at fifty six days. They should meet the requirements for your vertical growing. The mother was Sterling Haze from Sativa Seedbank and grew christmas tree shape. The father was Chill-OM from Mandala Seeds and grew in the same fashion. The links below are to the mother and father.

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