Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Just some dude
This was my experience as well @Streetpro09 not much variation in phenotypes.

I should add that for me the stretch was minimal. It seemed the branches were very sturdy. I tied down branches and it would pull the clips holding them down. Next time I run Chill Haze I'm going to run it 10 to 12 weeks.

The buds were sweet and peppery with the fair amount of Frost. The high is euphoric and couch lock when I smoke too much. o_O

@ttystikk can't wait to see how they do for you good luck and thanks for the show!


Nerd Gone Vertical
On the haze i took 2 females the distance. Both were simular structure wise during veg but one definitely grew faster than the other. Flower shape and density where very similar. I look forward to seeing what you end up with.
I just read the last ten pages of your thread where you grew out the chill haze. Looks like they went 10-13 weeks, like I would expect a haze to do. Very pretty!

Curious about the bennies you put in your RDWC so you don't have root issues? It's going to be awhile before I'm ready for that but I do want to be ready.


Nerd Gone Vertical
This was my experience as well @Streetpro09 not much variation in phenotypes.

I should add that for me the stretch was minimal. It seemed the branches were very sturdy. I tied down branches and it would pull the clips holding them down. Next time I run Chill Haze I'm going to run it 10 to 12 weeks.

The buds were sweet and peppery with the fair amount of Frost. The high is euphoric and couch lock when I smoke too much. o_O

@ttystikk can't wait to see how they do for you good luck and thanks for the show!
I'll try to put on a good show!


Nerd Gone Vertical
So it looks like I picked the right pack to start with; I really like how those Chill Haze looked!

I thought one had thinner leaves than the others but I may be mistaken. Clearly, they have no problem growing vigorously and I think they'll do well being trained onto a trellis panel.


I just read the last ten pages of your thread where you grew out the chill haze. Looks like they went 10-13 weeks, like I would expect a haze to do. Very pretty!

Curious about the bennies you put in your RDWC so you don't have root issues? It's going to be awhile before I'm ready for that but I do want to be ready.

IIRR i took them somewhere around 10 weeks. I'm pretty sure the one would be better at the 12 week mark or more but the room she was sharing needed to come down. The other one is great at 10 weeks. Luckily i have a mother of the more vigorous growing haze. Unfortunately that's the 12 weeker.

As for bennies i use hydrogaurd. @Zaphod420 uses southern ag garden friendly fungicide. I've used it on his recommendation but ended up back with hydrogaurd. I just can't get over how clear the HG is vs the muddy brown southern ag.
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Nerd Gone Vertical
IIRR i took them somewhere around 10 weeks. I'm pretty sure the one would be better at the 12 week mark or more but the room she was sharing needed to come down. The other one is great at 10 weeks. Luckily i have a mother of the more vigorous growing haze. Unfortunately that's the 12 weeker.

As for bennies i use hydrogaurd. @Zaphod420 uses southern ag garden friendly fungicide. I've used it on his recommendation but ended up back with hydrogaurd. I just can't get over how clear the HG is vs the muddy brown southern ag.
Hydro guard for the win, then. I ran a chiller to keep temperatures in the RDWC under control, as well as feeding the water cooled air handlers. I plan to get that system up and running again. In the interim I might have to grab some of this to tide me over.


Nerd Gone Vertical
And we have 11 of 12 showing. I potted the last one just to give it every chance to germinate and if it doesn't grow, oh well!

They're under a 180W LED that's made to give good veg light to a 3x3 table. 4000K, probably about 53% efficient with pin fin heat sinks and silicon lenses. I have the light low so that when they open, they're getting plenty of rays. I'm misting the soil several times a day to ensure no one dries out.


Nerd Gone Vertical
@ttystikk I have a question. When you germinated the seeds, did you set them on top of the paper towel or fold the paper towel over the seeds? Thanks
Damp paper towel, folded in half, put the seeds inside, slipped the towel inside a ziplock bag and closed it up. Kept it where it would be in the mid to upper 70s.

When they grew tails, I prepped the medium by wetting it, tapped the cups on the floor to settle the soil, stuck my finger up to the knuckle and planted each bean upright so the head was just below surface level, like 1/8". I've been spray missing several times a day and watering occasionally as needed to keep the soil moist.


Now's a good time to keep track of their growth patterns.
Look for and make note of the differences,
such as size, structure, and especially the root mass.
To me, the root mass is your engine.
And there's no replacement for displacement.
It also helps me in distinguishing the males from females early.
The seedlings are looking good.
All my dirt falls out of the containers when I hang mine that way.
What's you secret? lol
Reynolds Wrap


Nerd Gone Vertical
Now's a good time to keep track of their growth patterns.
Look for and make note of the differences,
such as size, structure, and especially the root mass.
To me, the root mass is your engine.
And there's no replacement for displacement.
It also helps me in distinguishing the males from females early.
The seedlings are looking good.
All my dirt falls out of the containers when I hang mine that way.
What's you secret? lol
Reynolds Wrap
How can you tell males from the roots?

My secret is Elmer's glue.