Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
Update on the saga of the cloner; I clearly fucked up and didn't clean it sufficiently between runs.

I just checked it this morning and water temperature was 77, EC had jumped back up to the high 6s and the plants didn't look happy.

I figured what the heck, I'll just dump the water and start fresh. The water that came out was nasty, clearly full of some kind of grayish scum. I may have lost this run to the root rot but over half the batch is valiantly holding on.

I refilled with COLD tap water (54F), rebalanced pH and added more peroxide. I may be doing that every few days from here on.
Sounds like a productive day lol
Just getting out the door was a struggle; both the front and back doors were FROZEN SHUT!


Nerd Gone Vertical

This is what's in Clear Rez and UC Roots. Hypochlorous acid, aka pool shock.

I'm gonna give it a few more days but I think this batch of cuttings is fucked. The good news is that I have others I can get more cuttings from and I can try, try again!


Nerd Gone Vertical
To add to the nutrients conversation;

I topped up the RDWC under the flat panel grow with:
125g of 5-11-26 mix with micros
100g calcium nitrate
50g epsom salt
35g MKP as they're in week 3 of bloom

Current readings are 66F, pH 5.9, 2.1 EC. As they drink this down I'll add water and bring it down to 1.6-1.8 EC.

Air temperature 77, RH 68% it's a bit cool but I'm going with it.


Nerd Gone Vertical
This rack of 3 tubs used to have a control bucket at the near end but I had issues with differing water depths in each tub due to an excess of water flow from the pump.

I redid this one in the same vein as the flatlander RDWC seen elsewhere in this thread, so the pump is now in the middle tub, minimising water level differences. I won't need additional cooling for this or likely the next run so I can leave it this way for awhile. The replumbing took about an hour and nothing was cut in the process. It goes together like Lego.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I have a problem; my chiller has been non functional for years and I haven't found anyone with the expertise to actually fix it. As an RDWC grower, keeping the water temperature properly within parameters is critical to stabbing off the dreaded root rot.

So I got to thinking and realised that it's cold outside... Yep! I'm a genius!

Soooooo I'm hooking up a vent fan from an outside window to draw in cold air, down some 8" ducting and blowing it on my RDWC tubs. I've wrapped the tubs in panda film, which already helps and maybe gets a bit more light on the plants. I was careful to wrap the tubs so the plastic forms a rough tube, through which I can blow outside air.

Voilá! Free chilling! Stay tuned to see me make every mistake in the book while perfecting this setup lol


Nerd Gone Vertical
Ok, so after rehanging the insulated ducting, this morning's water temperature is 64! That's a drop of 8F overnight with all the lights running. I did not have it running full bore, either. It seems that modulating the cooling effect will be the main challenge.

Obviously this won't work come summer but it's going to be pretty nice until then.
I have a problem; my chiller has been non functional for years and I haven't found anyone with the expertise to actually fix it. As an RDWC grower, keeping the water temperature properly within parameters is critical to stabbing off the dreaded root rot.

So I got to thinking and realised that it's cold outside... Yep! I'm a genius!

Soooooo I'm hooking up a vent fan from an outside window to draw in cold air, down some 8" ducting and blowing it on my RDWC tubs. I've wrapped the tubs in panda film, which already helps and maybe gets a bit more light on the plants. I was careful to wrap the tubs so the plastic forms a rough tube, through which I can blow outside air.

Voilá! Free chilling! Stay tuned to see me make every mistake in the book while perfecting this setup lol
Stoner thoughts.... If the air solution ends up cooling the grow area too much to go along with your res temps a nice run of your water line coiled up like a wort chiller in a cooler/tote full of water outside then back inside I bet would work really well. Maybe too well though. :ROFLMAO:
Wort Chiller.jpg


Nerd Gone Vertical
Stoner thoughts.... If the air solution ends up cooling the grow area too much to go along with your res temps a nice run of your water line coiled up like a wort chiller in a cooler/tote full of water outside then back inside I bet would work really well. Maybe too well though. :ROFLMAO:
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The ducting sends air directly to the tubs and only after passing across those does it enter the room, which is full of lights- see pic above.

Cooling coils very much like the one in your pic- only cheaper- were how I ran the cooling water from my chiller. When I get my chiller fixed I'll reinstall them.


Nerd Gone Vertical
It looks like I'm going to be constantly chasing temperature fluctuations unless I figure out some mechanism for governing it. I think the remote temperature sensor of a thermostat would work ok so that's the next item to try.

The good news is that it's extremely effective at bringing water temperatures down; at one point my meter said the water was 57F.
It looks like I'm going to be constantly chasing temperature fluctuations unless I figure out some mechanism for governing it. I think the remote temperature sensor of a thermostat would work ok so that's the next item to try.

The good news is that it's extremely effective at bringing water temperatures down; at one point my meter said the water was 57F.
Say ttysikk have you ever just tried bennies in your RDWC system? I only ask because I see you and H going through hell(chillers, RO Water filter, UV water filters) to keep Pythium at bay I don't do any of that. My res temps can hang in the high 70's in the summer at times and my roots stay happy with a simple tsp addition of AG fungicide when I make a 5 gal batch of nutes.

I hate seeing people struggle with root rot as that shit is the WORST.

Cheers, Z.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Say ttysikk have you ever just tried bennies in your RDWC system? I only ask because I see you and H going through hell(chillers, RO Water filter, UV water filters) to keep Pythium at bay I don't do any of that. My res temps can hang in the high 70's in the summer at times and my roots stay happy with a simple tsp addition of AG fungicide when I make a 5 gal batch of nutes.

I hate seeing people struggle with root rot as that shit is the WORST.

Cheers, Z.
What's AG fungicide? I don't do RO water or UV treatment.

I've thrown some bennies in the water in the past but didn't see anything different. I didn't do it during warm conditions, however. I would very much like to be able to run my RDWC warmer.

If it's something I can make (just looked thru the LAB thread) then I'd want to try it in my cloner because I'm having problems with the snot again.
What's AG fungicide? I don't do RO water or UV treatment.

I've thrown some bennies in the water in the past but didn't see anything different. I didn't do it during warm conditions, however. I would very much like to be able to run my RDWC warmer.

If it's something I can make (just looked thru the LAB thread) then I'd want to try it in my cloner because I'm having problems with the snot again.

The way I understand it is when you add this stuff to your nutes it is essentially inoculating them with Bacillus long word strain of bacteria so other bacteria strains like pythium have no where to grow. It is super basic bitch approach and it totally works in my dwc buckets/cloner. You should totally think about scoring a small bottle(it's cheap 20$) of it and try it in your cloner with a couple of cuts if it works there then maybe give it a go in small veg, big veg, then hopefully bloom. .
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Nerd Gone Vertical
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The way I understand it is when you add this stuff to your nutes it is essentially inoculating them with Bacillus long word strain of bacteria so other bacteria strains like pythium have no where to grow. It is super basic bitch approach and it totally works in my dwc buckets/cloner. You should totally think about scoring a small bottle(it's cheap 20$) of it and try it in your cloner with a couple of cuts if it works there then maybe give it a go in small veg, big veg, then hopefully bloom. .
Sure, I'll try it! Now I'll have to go hunting for it around here...