Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Dont Need One
So here's a strange story;
Night before last I kept waking up with chest pains. Yesterday they were still there, intermittently all day long and started heading down my left arm. So by about 5 I'm getting nervous, tell my GF what's going on and she's like "we're going to the ER" and I'm not gonna argue with that tone of voice.

So we get there, they do all the tests and my heart and blood work are fuckin' fine. 100%. They tell me people my age wish their heart, cholesterol, etc were in the same shape as mine.

But the weird thing is that they had zero explanation for what I actually was feeling. They also said it's totally fine to go to the ER and have a false alarm, so I guess that's the lesson.

So I dunno. Anyway, y'all motherfuckers gonna have to try harder than that to get rid of me!
Prob a nerve in your neck or back. Happens to me sometimes,
So here's a strange story;
Night before last I kept waking up with chest pains. Yesterday they were still there, intermittently all day long and started heading down my left arm. So by about 5 I'm getting nervous, tell my GF what's going on and she's like "we're going to the ER" and I'm not gonna argue with that tone of voice.

So we get there, they do all the tests and my heart and blood work are fuckin' fine. 100%. They tell me people my age wish their heart, cholesterol, etc were in the same shape as mine.

But the weird thing is that they had zero explanation for what I actually was feeling. They also said it's totally fine to go to the ER and have a false alarm, so I guess that's the lesson.

So I dunno. Anyway, y'all motherfuckers gonna have to try harder than that to get rid of me!
Glad everything checked out OK ttystikk (y) and bring on the MOMS!
Milf Bass 5000.jpg


Prob a nerve in your neck or back. Happens to me sometimes,
^This the worst things are pillows. I'm a side sleeper and have a shoulder injury. Now I can only get a good night's on my back.

Since we all fuss over the right vitamins and minerals for our flowers once we get to a certain age we need them too. I'd start with a good quality ionized liquid potassium magnesium and Hawthorne berry and vitamin K1,2,7. I recently switched to an integrated medical Dr and the blood panels showed what my deficiencies were and was shocked how far off I was. Most clinical Drs don't give a rip and will push statins and other Rx.



Nerd Gone Vertical
^This the worst things are pillows. I'm a side sleeper and have a shoulder injury. Now I can only get a good night's on my back.

Since we all fuss over the right vitamins and minerals for our flowers once we get to a certain age we need them too. I'd start with a good quality ionized liquid potassium magnesium and Hawthorne berry and vitamin K1,2,7. I recently switched to an integrated medical Dr and the blood panels showed what my deficiencies were and was shocked how far off I was. Most clinical Drs don't give a rip and will push statins and other Rx.

These are very interesting and I'll play them while I'm working. The ER said my blood work was 5 x 5 but they don't check everything. I eat pretty well in terms of a balanced diet with plenty of whole foods, vegetables, etc. I take a variety of vitamins and supplements.

Put it this way; there's nothing in any of my tests to give me a "cardiac history" so I need to look elsewhere for the issue. These videos are a good place to start.


This is the big let down of the medical establishment. There is no money in keeping people healthy and they on diagnose things once we have complete blockage or kidney disease and then we are the cash cow they can help. This is why they want to shut down vitamins altogether.

Lecithin is another heavy hitter one of the main building blocks of cells.



Nerd Gone Vertical
What the fuck, a few more pics of the three girls in the flatlander setup;


Needs a bit more cleanup but you can see the plant structure and the RDWC setup.


Nice white roots doing laps in their own pool.

@Heisenbeans, I'd like to direct your attention to that 1/2" tee fitting and the water it's pushing out sideways in both directions. That sideways action is creating splash and churning the surface of the water in the tub. The splash is keeping the media inside the netpot moist and the churn is preventing any kind of skin from forming on the surface. In addition, these mix the water so nutrient solution is constantly flowing past the roots. Notice also that the constant impact of the water on the surface has created a hole where the roots aren't growing. No roots get hurt here; they just can't grow upstream. The net effect of all this is optimum oxygenation and mixing in the very place it's needed most.

The tee is important; just dropping the water straight down wasn't enough to consistently create all these benefits.


Nerd Gone Vertical
This is the juvie stage. I'm not proud of how they look right now, only because they really got over crowded in their last spot. None of these will see a flower room in less than 6 weeks, so there's plenty of time to clean them up. Again, I have at least twice as many of these as I need so the losers will just get tossed. If anyone has followed me from elsewhere, you know I show the bad with the good.