Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
Here's the biggest ones in the "cassette" pre bloom veg. The pic sucks because it's hard to get far enough away from them to take a pic and still be in the same room! For scale, each square on the trellis is 4".


They're getting a new home in the next few days, where they'll have plenty of space and light to bloom to their heart's content.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Update on THE SNOT;

so far only the 3 seem to have been affected. The water is so soft at .2 EC that I'm adding white vinegar by the capful to bring pH down to 6.0. I've also added more peroxide. Some of the stems seem rough, like they're about to show root nubs.

Advice anyone? @Heisenbeans ?


Nerd Gone Vertical

I don't recommend waiting as long as I did to get your girls trained into a trellis, no matter what orientation it might be. That said, flatlander style is ten times the cocksucker a vertical rack would be.

But here they are;

Yeah. So that's MUCH better.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Update on the cloner saga;

First, mea culpa; last time I rinsed out the unit, I did not flush it or the pump with any kind of sterilant. That has to be why I'm having problems now.

Second, found one more plant with a bit of snot at the cut end. I cut the end off and we'll see if it recovers.

Third, the cuts that came from the plant with some nutrient deficiencies seem to be moving along more quickly, their stems are already sitting bumps. The others were much healthier looking but may have had an excess of nitrogen, I've heard that can slow down rooting.

Fourth, pH 6.1, EC 0.2, temp 75F and I'm adding peroxide every day. The last round's way success has given me hope that I'm finally getting rid figured out! That said, any and all advice is appreciated.



Nerd Gone Vertical
Okay, so y'all put your thinking caps on and help me figure this one out:

I've just run across yet another grower who says he gets great results from running his bloom room just 8 hours a day out of 24. This 8/16 cycle is something I've heard before but I had always wondered if it might adversely affect yields or quality.

This is the second person to report such results from a shortened light cycle. I'm damn tempted to try it.

What do y'all think? I'm willing to bet that my yields won't fall by a third and I see no reason why quality would suffer, either. Discuss!


The Laziest
I lowered my light times down to 8 hours in the last 3ish weeks of bloom when I ran HPS. I run 12 hours full power but I do dim them in the last 2-3 weeks. Once stretch is over you could easy drop to 10 with the power of leds.

But this is just DLI. The stronger the lights the less time you have to run them as you get later into flower. Dude must have some very strong lights if he's dropping to 8. Most will drop to 10.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I lowered my light times down to 8 hours in the last 3ish weeks of bloom when I ran HPS. I run 12 hours full power but I do dim them in the last 2-3 weeks. Once stretch is over you could easy drop to 10 with the power of leds.

But this is just DLI. The stronger the lights the less time you have to run them as you get later into flower. Dude must have some very strong lights if he's dropping to 8. Most will drop to 10.
I run LED bars. Even though most are not dimmable of themselves, all I need to do to get extra light intensity is add another bar in between the ones already in place.

Both people I've spoken with seem credible and both ran their abbreviated light cycles from day one of bloom- in one case after running the 12 and 1 gaslight timing technique in veg.
Okay, so y'all put your thinking caps on and help me figure this one out:

I've just run across yet another grower who says he gets great results from running his bloom room just 8 hours a day out of 24. This 8/16 cycle is something I've heard before but I had always wondered if it might adversely affect yields or quality.

This is the second person to report such results from a shortened light cycle. I'm damn tempted to try it.

What do y'all think? I'm willing to bet that my yields won't fall by a third and I see no reason why quality would suffer, either. Discuss!
In the summer time I run 10/14 just to make it easier to try and keep things cool. I wanna say it does effect yield a little bit though and I always kind of feel like I left something on the vine so to speak come harvest time. I would think the only way to even come close to what you would normally yield with 8/16 instead of 12/12 is if you were to blast the hell out of them for that 8 hours like 1200ppf or >. Seeing your in RDWC that might work just fine though especially if you were to employ a few cough*** hamsters.


Nerd Gone Vertical
In the summer time I run 10/14 just to make it easier to try and keep things cool. I wanna say it does effect yield a little bit though and I always kind of feel like I left something on the vine so to speak come harvest time. I would think the only way to even come close to what you would normally yield with 8/16 instead of 12/12 is if you were to blast the hell out of them for that 8 hours like 1200ppf or >. Seeing your in RDWC that might work just fine though especially if you were to employ a few cough*** hamsters.
I agree that high light intensity is part of the needed recipe for this approach. I'm working up the nerve to try it, though...


Nerd Gone Vertical
Today seems to be the day to fix shit. First, had to get out the damn door.

Then I had a problem with the furnace. Fixed that.

Now the girlfriend's car is acting up; same problems with the transmission. AAMCO took her money and gave her a warranty so she's gonna keep bugging them until they get it right. This will be the third time she's taken the car in. 2003 Lincoln Aviator 2wd.


New Member
What the fuck, a few more pics of the three girls in the flatlander setup;

View attachment 107235

Needs a bit more cleanup but you can see the plant structure and the RDWC setup.

View attachment 107236

Nice white roots doing laps in their own pool.

@Heisenbeans, I'd like to direct your attention to that 1/2" tee fitting and the water it's pushing out sideways in both directions. That sideways action is creating splash and churning the surface of the water in the tub. The splash is keeping the media inside the netpot moist and the churn is preventing any kind of skin from forming on the surface. In addition, these mix the water so nutrient solution is constantly flowing past the roots. Notice also that the constant impact of the water on the surface has created a hole where the roots aren't growing. No roots get hurt here; they just can't grow upstream. The net effect of all this is optimum oxygenation and mixing in the very place it's needed most.

The tee is important; just dropping the water straight down wasn't enough to consistently create all these benefits.
Noice roots. Does your roots stay this healthy all the way towards late flower.


New Member
Today seems to be the day to fix shit. First, had to get out the damn door.

Then I had a problem with the furnace. Fixed that.

Now the girlfriend's car is acting up; same problems with the transmission. AAMCO took her money and gave her a warranty so she's gonna keep bugging them until they get it right. This will be the third time she's taken the car in. 2003 Lincoln Aviator 2wd.
Sounds like a productive day lol