@TreeFarmerCharlie I'm happy to discuss politics and I think Americans badly need the practice of discussing contentious issues without being disagreeable. We Also badly need to discuss politics because so much has gone wrong.
There are lots of people out there who work hard to make politics as disgusting and nasty as possible,
precisely because they're trying to drive reasonable people away. We must not let them succeed.
@bk-og @twentyeight.threefive @m4s73r and anyone I haven't mentioned are more than welcome to discuss your views with me here. I WANT to hear them because otherwise I'll get stuck in my own echo chamber.
My political philosophy is this; the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Universal healthcare is therefore a no brainer. Bringing corporate power and the rich to heel is another. Yes, I want hardcore right wingers to benefit from free college like everyone else because critical thinking skills are badly needed when dealing with the Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio crowd.