Vegetable Gardens ??


Hobby Farmer
Tomorrow I'm moving all the hostas and other perennenials from the front garden and expanding it for greens.

It will end up adding about 5 x 8 feet and a bunch of spots. 2 branches to trim and they gain 2 hours of sun.

6 summer squash will be ready to eat in a couple days and I found and ate the first one. It was under a towel lol.

The weather here is crazy good max 78 min 65 rain every 4 days. The pot plants gained 4 inches in 24 hours. Omg the will be stupid. Colas for days. I gave a GMO cake away and am now 10p percent legal. The smell was saying get to 4 lol

I think they will pass 8 feet for sure.


Cocaine Cowboy
Here's a few pics of the fruiting progress
Only one of these is "almost full" the rest are still paper lanterns with grape-size tomatillos inside. Need to investigate when to harvest them or what to look for. But the other 4 plants are just now closing up some little pollenated flowers.
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@H.A.F. if memory serves...wait for the fruit to split the husk at the bottom, they should be about ready to harvest at that point.

Been a while since I grew tomatillos, but I think that how we did it.

When the time comes, throw a few on the grill and char them up good, make a nice smoky, fire roasted Salsa Verde. 🤤


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@H.A.F. if memory serves...wait for the fruit to split the husk at the bottom, they should be about ready to harvest at that point.

Been a while since I grew tomatillos, but I think that how we did it.

When the time comes, throw a few on the grill and char them up good, make a nice smoky, fire roasted Salsa Verde. 🤤
Looked it up and it said as soon as they pretty much fill the husk. The longer you leave them the sweeter they get. They lose that tartness.

I have Serrano's and Japs to roast with them :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@BigBallzWillie I have gotten about half a dozen cherry tomatoes, and this morning took the first hot pepper and tomatillo. They're in the window sill until I have enough for a pico.


Hobby Farmer
I have roses all in the guys just never had an evil xwife to appreciate a thorn in a rose....BITCH, Every time i think of her.

The only roses i like are tattoos. But they bring in pollinators.


They are a pretty damned flower but wow. And those big thorn ones are nice compared to these other ones i have that have thorns like steel wool hair. Spooky.

Ok i have to deal with the garden. I have been putting it off but its time. LETS DO THIS


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have roses all in the guys just never had an evil xwife to appreciate a thorn in a rose....BITCH, Every time i think of her.

The only roses i like are tattoos. But they bring in pollinators.


They are a pretty damned flower but wow. And those big thorn ones are nice compared to these other ones i have that have thorns like steel wool hair. Spooky.

Ok i have to deal with the garden. I have been putting it off but its time. LETS DO THIS
There are literally thousands of plants with flowers that attract pollinators and have NO THORNS.

Fuck roses :ROFLMAO:
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Insanely Active Member
I inherited a few Roses in the garden I took over . Every year I hack the crab out of them with a take that you son of a bitch technique, yep your not gonna make it this time and each year they spring back with defiance . Surely the work of the devil or the wife nursing them back to life while I’m away .