The Upward Spyral


Just some asshole
Grocery Stores are the best places in the World to hook up, Act lost , scratch Your head , look confused , The Mothering outgoing type of women live to save a lost Single Guy. Spider in web tactics. Lots of canned Ravioli and beef stew tells them ohhh that poor Man cant cook, He needs taken care of , You can literally see them thinking that in their heads as they notice You.
It always frustrates me when I have to follow a chick around isle to isle catching glances and she doubles back, throws my tracking instincts off.


So I was going on earlier about cmh finishing faster.
Here’s 1 plant. First two buds are getting hit a bit by cmh. Second two are just under the leds.
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View attachment 33535

View attachment 33536
View attachment 33537
The cmh buds are pretty much done. Led buds are not even close. Gonna have to harvest the left half of plant a week plus before the other side 😆
Rom do you have a usb scope? Would like to see the trich differences if there are any. Looking for fuzzy trichs under CMH.
A side of the Sunset Wedding we just harvested was under CMH, the other side Vipar PAR series. Didn't mark the sides though after harvesting 😕 I'm thinking we'll see a difference as well.


Clubs and ducttape...savages...😈


Clubs and ducttape...savages...😈
Dude, I laugh at how you had all these items ready with links and am also a bit 😱. 🤘🏻🍻


Dude, I laugh at how you had all these items ready with links and am also a bit 😱. 🤘🏻🍻
Almost forgot the rags...🤣🤣🤣😂

Lemme stop ahhahahaa i actually was quite surprised chloroform is legal and a rather quick search ahaha 😱🤬
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Almost forgot the rags...🤣🤣🤣😂

Lemme stop ahhahahaa i actually was quite surprised chloroform is legal and a rather quick search ahaha 😱🤬
It’s all good bro, I was just semi clowning. I’m surprised as hell about that too. Shit, maybe not a good thing for me to know. The way people act all crazy and shit around here make me wanna chlor there ass and take them up in the mountains 😂