The Upward Spyral


Needed RO in the garage. Lugging water bottles from the bedroom RO to the garage was too inefficient, especially considering future plans.


Water inlet is teed off from the laundry faucet and RO drain uses the laundry drain. Line is plumbed through the wall into the garage and collected in a 64 gal heavy duty garbage can. Pump recirculates water and will have a hose long enough to reach the
reservoirs and whatever else needs RO.


Needed RO in the garage. Lugging water bottles from the bedroom RO to the garage was too inefficient, especially considering future plans.
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Water inlet is teed off from the laundry faucet and RO drain uses the laundry drain. Line is plumbed through the wall into the garage and collected in a 64 gal heavy duty garbage can. Pump recirculates water and will have a hose long enough to reach the
reservoirs and whatever else needs RO.
Nice upgrade man, it always feels good to make things a little more convenient.


I haven't been able to spin the air pump brrrrraaaahhhhh noise to anything like "zen waterfall" but luckily we've gotten used to it. It's sorta our fucked up version of white noise lol
I totally get it. I used to keep the doors closed on the veg rack, but in doing so I had to run the 6” fan. It sounded like an airport all day with jet engines spooled up. It was deafening. I just leave the doors open now and don’t run it at all. The 4” fan is manageable. But together they were terrible. Lol


I run their 4 inch fan in my 20” x 36” tent. It is reasonably quiet and seems to move air alright. I have it paired with their carbon scrubber, and I do get some smell drifting into the room, but it’s reasonably manageable. I think at some point I might trade up to a Phresh filter.
Yea I have a 6" and it's great. Wish they made a stronger one in that size.


End of Week 2 Veg (Flip 12/12 tonight)


Tote 3.JPG
9PB = 9 Pound Blueberry (@Phylex)
XF = X-Files
9PB going fucking nuts. These totes run 20 min flood time every 4 hours (vs. 15 min on the flowering totes). Looks like the extra time is paying off. 9PB #3 πŸ‘€ 9PB #2, the mutant runt, looks like it's straightening itself out. XF #3 & #4 chugging right along. Nice uniformity on XF #3. XF #1 & #2 are damped off replacements and are about a week behind.

Tote 4.JPG
DBB = Dynoberry Bites (@thenotsoesoteric)
CNC = Cookies n Chem (@macsnax)
DDB = Double Dawg Biscuits (@macsnax)
HH = Heathen Hammer (@Heathenraider)

Holy shit look at both DBB plants absolutely loving the regimen. We were puffin in between the tents and my GF looks over and points - "What's that one? And the one below it. I like those two." The squat uniformity on DBB #1 is very appealing. CNC, DDB, and HH coming right along. Check out the broad teeth on HH #2 blades. They're like on the back edge of a Rambo knife. I bet if they were thick enough you could make keys from them lol.

Some of the plants from both totes are "skinny bushing it up" around and down the main stem under the canopy. They're smaller leaves being covered by the big top leaves spreading out. I've noticed that only some plants do this. If left to grow out for a longer period of time in veg (over 4 weeks), this "skinny bush" turns into a long flowing dress of sorts on the plant. It doesn't spread out like the top.


Shinobi of seeds
End of Week 2 Veg (Flip 12/12 tonight)

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View attachment 26265
9PB = 9 Pound Blueberry (@Phylex)
XF = X-Files
9PB going fucking nuts. These totes run 20 min flood time every 4 hours (vs. 15 min on the flowering totes). Looks like the extra time is paying off. 9PB #3 πŸ‘€ 9PB #2, the mutant runt, looks like it's straightening itself out. XF #3 & #4 chugging right along. Nice uniformity on XF #3. XF #1 & #2 are damped off replacements and are about a week behind.

View attachment 26268
View attachment 26269
DBB = Dynoberry Bites (@thenotsoesoteric)
CNC = Cookies n Chem (@macsnax)
DDB = Double Dawg Biscuits (@macsnax)
HH = Heathen Hammer (@Heathenraider)

Holy shit look at both DBB plants absolutely loving the regimen. We were puffin in between the tents and my GF looks over and points - "What's that one? And the one below it. I like those two." The squat uniformity on DBB #1 is very appealing. CNC, DDB, and HH coming right along. Check out the broad teeth on HH #2 blades. They're like on the back edge of a Rambo knife. I bet if they were thick enough you could make keys from them lol.

Some of the plants from both totes are "skinny bushing it up" around and down the main stem under the canopy. They're smaller leaves being covered by the big top leaves spreading out. I've noticed that only some plants do this. If left to grow out for a longer period of time in veg (over 4 weeks), this "skinny bush" turns into a long flowing dress of sorts on the plant. It doesn't spread out like the top.
I think those dbb will treat you good too. The terps are real nice and bud structure is dense. Cheers they're all looking great so far!