The Kitchen Sink


Just some asshole
exactly....i once threw out a whole house roof one garbage bag a week. I had a 3 bag limit so sometimes it was 1 or 2. It took 16 months but i did it.
It cost me more in garbage bags than the dump would, We used elephant....How do you eat an bite at a time.

You’re one patient patient guy lol. I bought a little dump truck and would have gladly paid the $50 and had that crap gone in one day.


Hobby Farmer
It was a game to me.

And why is a dugong talking to a kid...

interesting fact...the leather of dugongs was used a lot in the creation of the ark of the covenenat. Crazy shit eh

That is where the 10 commandments are held in the original stone look upon it is death. Real Indiana Jones shit.

Must be a fancy leather.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Trumps kids are douchebags....they should go to get kilt

Also, killing people dads(especially jihadists) tends to get their kids like killing osama AND all his sons would probably be a better world solution than not. Still horrible, but also realistic.trumps kids are bad, just like he is bad. I have less of a problem with population control than most.
C'mon man...we all know the Rethuglicans end their wars within 3 weeks time. This will be no different!
trump was never a republican. And I agree no need for wars. If they cross the line like they just did take em out quick with drones and keep our People home. Trump doesn’t want war. That’s why he said pull all troops home from Iran or Iraq wherever they were. He said he’s against wars. But he won’t back down if they come and attack us. I think the media has a lot of people believing the opposite about trumps policies. Again the media is a huge problem.

High kev

Yankee seeds
trump was never a republican. And I agree no need for wars. If they cross the line like they just did take em out quick with drones and keep our People home. Trump doesn’t want war. That’s why he said pull all troops home from Iran or Iraq wherever they were. He said he’s against wars. But he won’t back down if they come and attack us. I think the media has a lot of people believing the opposite about trumps policies. Again the media is a huge problem.
It really bothers me to see All of My fellow Americans on all sides getting lied to. And fight over the issue based of lies I feel the average person can’t make a clear honest decision because of all the lies. I feel we are back stabbed by both parties. We are def up to our chin in corruption and no one is being held responsible. And this started way before trump became president.


Just some asshole
and everyone knows Barack HUSSIEN Obama couldn't serve cus he wasn't an American in the first place...LOFL With a middle name like that you gotta be one of them "Muslins"....and Don, Fox, and Hannity all proved that fact.....over and over again...just like Don proved he has bone spurs 5 times.... bwahahaha. Still can't fix it...
I served and would trust my life with many nationalities that immigrated this country, and voluntarily signed up to go to war with a country they weren't even born into. Guys didn’t get the nickname “hadji“ being from Kentucky(those guys had another nickname). Many were badass dudes that wouldn’t think twice about giving their life for me or anyone else for that matter.

Bottom line if you attack America and we sit around and do nothing, hows that going to look to the rest of the world, and how many doors will that open for future attacks on our own soil?


Just some asshole
It really bothers me to see All of My fellow Americans on all sides getting lied to. And fight over the issue based of lies I feel the average person can’t make a clear honest decision because of all the lies. I feel we are back stabbed by both parties. We are def up to our chin in corruption and no one is being held responsible. And this started way before trump became president.
Exactly. Clear out the entire government and start over. Short term limits and fine scrutiny into your financials. Just a competition to see who can stuff their pockets the fullest.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Sticky did u ever end up ordering that light from eBay? I ordered mine recently They have like a two week span delivery time. Was wondering how long it took to deliver. And was wondering if u liked it


Lol that escalated quickly,lol thought we was playing provoke in the kitchen sink, thought I'd play. Far as wars go, main bitch for me is they forgot the Vietnam vets in their fervor, why won't they do right by them,? More homeless vets actually from all the wars, why don't they support them more or even right?


It really bothers me to see All of My fellow Americans on all sides getting lied to. And fight over the issue based of lies I feel the average person can’t make a clear honest decision because of all the lies. I feel we are back stabbed by both parties. We are def up to our chin in corruption and no one is being held responsible. And this started way before trump became president.

Are you talking about Building 7? ;)

Deleted member 60

Sticky did u ever end up ordering that light from eBay? I ordered mine recently They have like a two week span delivery time. Was wondering how long it took to deliver. And was wondering if u liked it
Yes my friend...ordered 2 of em. They seem to veg very well....very happy so far. Took a good week but came a few days earlier than stated. Just hit bloom about 4 days ago..... can't wait to see how it goes.


Heathen Basterd
I share your views @Bodyne. Smoke and mirrors. War is a great deflection from the crimes committed at home.
Fortunately....his day is way or another.

Hats off to the guys who served. It's ironic and highly telltale here... that our leader, nor any of his devil spawn anchor babies have served and have actually done all they could to NOT serve.....nor have any Trumps through history served....all the while..... they promote/create War and act all badass with threats as they send other people's kids to their deaths. The first ones to go should be his kids. That would change the direction/Pompous Ass Show fast. That...or we could hunt them like endagered animals. I'd even buy a gun for that one.....
Neither did that fucktard draft dodger Springsteen , Born in the USA , Fucking joke just like the seditious cunts McGowen , Cusack , O Donnell and the Rest of the self hating useful idiot leftists who put thier hatred of Trump ahead of country , that Iranian cunt has killed hundreds of My Brothers and deserved to die , Iran has had an ass whoopins coming since 79 , You cowards who won't stand behind a rightful action to protect American Interests don't deserve the freedom Purchased in blood by assholes like Me , go to Europe or Venezuela and worshipYour Socialist lextist Heroes


Lol bone spurs. How many weak souls sign up to soldier, then see someone get killed, get spooked, come back, get a check for ptsd. Seems like the old vets were tougher or something, and they still don't get treated right. How bout us leftists move to oh canady LMFAO I


Heathen Basterd
Murder its ok for some but not others
It's not Murder when it makes sure You have the freedom to say and do what You want as a free Man or Woman , Was it murder when I put down Somolians by the dozens for mutilating My Brothersand dragging em naked thru thier streets and filming it while the Women and Children cheered? Was it bad that I took the ears off a little Basterd bout 15 years old that was firing a 50 cal at our Boys retreating from Mogidishu's streets? I have only one regret, I didn't kill more of them fucking Bastards, some day I'll look at the All Father in the face and will do so with no shame.