The Kitchen Sink


Just some asshole
I share your views @Bodyne. Smoke and mirrors. War is a great deflection from the crimes committed at home.
Fortunately....his day is way or another.

Hats off to the guys who served. It's ironic and highly telltale here... that our leader, nor any of his devil spawn anchor babies have served and have actually done all they could to NOT serve.....nor have any Trumps through history served....all the while..... they promote/create War and act all badass with threats as they send other people's kids to their deaths. The first ones to go should be his kids. That would change the direction/Pompous Ass Show fast. That...or we could hunt them like endagered animals. I'd even buy a gun for that one.....

I served under the Bush and Obama administration. Bush served, Obama did not. So you're saying Obama should have been first off the bird on the Bin Laden raid? After all he did give the final head nod to give permission to fly into Pakistan. I don't care if they served or not, I am damn glad not everyone signs up to go kick in doors. Theres a ton of other jobs I damn sure don't want to do.

Why should Trumps kids go? They didn't sign up for the military, also didn't sign up to have orange man as their dad. They were just born into the family. Thats the same as me kicking in a door, shooting dad that wants to get his jihad on, then taking out his kids just because they were born into an unfortunate situation.

I remember sitting in school 9/11/01 watching the attack on America. Knew right then what I was going to do. It made me angry. 9/11 happened because of lack of action, UBL had been on the radar for a very long time. Government/military is taking action now.

High kev

Yankee seeds
They used military and attacked the USA embossey and basically destroyed it. And some how this is about trump being impeached. So the left is perfectly fine with being attacked. I don’t care if Obama bush or CLinton was in office I would want them to do something about them attacking us.

High kev

Yankee seeds
I share your views @Bodyne. Smoke and mirrors. War is a great deflection from the crimes committed at home.
Fortunately....his day is way or another.

Hats off to the guys who served. It's ironic and highly telltale here... that our leader, nor any of his devil spawn anchor babies have served and have actually done all they could to NOT serve.....nor have any Trumps through history served....all the while..... they promote/create War and act all badass with threats as they send other people's kids to their deaths. The first ones to go should be his kids. That would change the direction/Pompous Ass Show fast. That...or we could hunt them like endagered animals. I'd even buy a gun for that one.....
He was reacting to being attacked by another country not attacking to attack. We were attacked. The problem is 3/4 of America thinks it was a protest because of the main stream news. Trump is not perfect. I’m sure he’s broken the law just like 99% of Americans and 99% of politicians Just like you and me. No body ever said he was perfect. The sadest part about this whole thing is that their isn’t several dozen clearly better canidates that stand out over him in either of the two fake paid for major political parties that are bought by the elite.

High kev

Yankee seeds
I think Iran was the problem long before Iraq. I believe they have been problematic for as long as I can remember.

Crazy shit though to blow up a general. WW1 started over something like that.

And they are nucle-capable...the fuckers.
Even crazier for them to attack an embassy that your supposed to be protecting. And then even crazier for the people being attacked to acccept being attacked. and then push false info on all main stream news stations to trick people to thinking differently

Deleted member 60

But at least it won't be another "Benghazi" :rolleyes:. Bozo made sure to let the other clowns know that right upfront.

"evil minds that plot destruction...sorcerer's of death's construction".... Just like when we wuz Great and sent all of those boys to 'Nam. least it's volunteeer service now....even if 1/3 of our young "patriots" are deemed too be too fat to serve before they can even attempt to enlist... Mooooooo.......oiink, oink....

What an out. Just be an American piglet child and eat everything you see....and your Freedom is free!

and everyone knows Barack HUSSIEN Obama couldn't serve cus he wasn't an American in the first place...LOFL With a middle name like that you gotta be one of them "Muslins"....and Don, Fox, and Hannity all proved that fact.....over and over again...just like Don proved he has bone spurs 5 times.... bwahahaha. Still can't fix it...

Deleted member 60

LOL...we did that with an entire 8 x 8 shed built board. No trash service here in the we cut it up and bagged it and took it home for the trash guy. Some of those bags weighed a ton...LOL.

High kev

Yankee seeds
LOL...we did that with an entire 8 x 8 shed built board. No trash service here in the we cut it up and bagged it and took it home for the trash guy. Some of those bags weighed a ton...LOL.
I kicked a tenant out of my place for being a hoarder. They threw everything on the sidewalk in front of the house for a two month span every week must of filled a whole garbage truck each time it came. I’m very surprised they took it all.


Always rockin’ at half mast
I served under the Bush and Obama administration. Bush served, Obama did not. So you're saying Obama should have been first off the bird on the Bin Laden raid? After all he did give the final head nod to give permission to fly into Pakistan. I don't care if they served or not, I am damn glad not everyone signs up to go kick in doors. Theres a ton of other jobs I damn sure don't want to do.

Why should Trumps kids go? They didn't sign up for the military, also didn't sign up to have orange man as their dad. They were just born into the family. Thats the same as me kicking in a door, shooting dad that wants to get his jihad on, then taking out his kids just because they were born into an unfortunate situation.

I remember sitting in school 9/11/01 watching the attack on America. Knew right then what I was going to do. It made me angry. 9/11 happened because of lack of action, UBL had been on the radar for a very long time. Government/military is taking action now.
Trumps kids are douchebags....they should go to get kilt

Also, killing people dads(especially jihadists) tends to get their kids like killing osama AND all his sons would probably be a better world solution than not. Still horrible, but also realistic.trumps kids are bad, just like he is bad. I have less of a problem with population control than most.

Deleted member 60

I bought a place that a gearhead/hoader lived in. must been 30 engine blocks rimmin the parking area....and trash everywhere. Had already signed to Contract...was a week out from closing....all of it was still here. They acted as if it was MY problem >NOT. We called the realtor and told em the deal was OFF and we wouldn't sign shit....sue us...unless they cleaned up their American Dream pronto. Came back the day of the closing to see what they did...and it was all gone. Money talks and shit always.


We off two of the head bad guys - with zero collateral damage because of the surgical strikes on their vehicles (notice that?) and the left and the media are so Anti-Trump they are now Anti America - rooting for the bad guy and making excuses for them.
I'm glad he's dead. But before you boast of "zero collateral damage" you better get out your calendar out and start looking forward.