The Kitchen Sink


Insanely Active Member
I try to stay out of this type of shit, and this will be the only comment I make. This is also not directed at any specific person, so don't take it as such.

People need to wake the fuck up, and see through the right vs left bullshit because it is all manufactured by the ruling class (the billionaires, and the politicians that enable them) to keep the working class (pretty much everyone else) fighting amongst themselves, so they don't see what is really happening.

So take a second to think who you should be spending your time hating and criticizing. it's not the dude living down the street in the same economic position you are in, but with different views on how things should be ran. It's the people that have more money that they could possibly spend in a lifetime, that want to stay at the top, and keeping the working class down and arguing amongst themselves is the best way to keep the spotlight off the horrible shit they get away with.


Just some asshole
Lol bone spurs. How many weak souls sign up to soldier, then see someone get killed, get spooked, come back, get a check for ptsd. Seems like the old vets were tougher or something, and they still don't get treated right. How bout us leftists move to oh canady LMFAO I
Old vets weren’t tougher, they just had to hide their feelings from the world coming home from Vietnam because of what the left thought of the people who went to war for their freedoms.

Pretty fucking low of you to make assumptions about someone whom you know nothing about what he did or saw.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Lol bone spurs. How many weak souls sign up to soldier, then see someone get killed, get spooked, come back, get a check for ptsd. Seems like the old vets were tougher or something, and they still don't get treated right. How bout us leftists move to oh canady LMFAO I
As far as "old vets" - The President has done more for servicemembers than most any pResident in recent memory (and my memory is longer than yours...) They can finally fire officious bastards in the VA that don't help vets and are there for fun and profit. He has pulled back more troops than he's deployed, and when he has deployed them it has been for a specific purpose.

Seems it takes only about 13 minutes to secure a foreign embassy in the middle east that is under attack - not 13 hours of no response.

Deleted member 60

Sorry...not going anywhere.

It's just about to get good. :ROFLMAO:

Those lowly assumptions work both ways @Punisher84. I'm far left but I paid my own way in this world....juggling 3 jobs (and a grow) for many years to try to get ahead and provide for my kids. One of those jobs was makin the bullets/firing pins for the guns that you guys used in your military service. ( was likely before your service...unless you were in the miltiary from 77-'84)

But I'm just a libtard taker in some people's mind. However...the reality is that I fuckin love that shit cus it's oh, so everythying else those folks who toss blankets will likely say about me and other libs i know and love... that,,,,as you point out...comes completely from a place where they can have absolutely no clue whatsoever about my life/how I live/etc.

Bwahahahahaha is right @SecretSquirrel. Ray da man!
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Just some asshole
Sorry...not going anywhere.

It's just about to get good. :ROFLMAO:

Those lowly assumptions work both ways @Punisher84. I'm far left but I paid my own way in this world....juggling 3 jobs (and a grow) for many years to try to get ahead and provide for my kids. One of those jobs was makin the bullets/firing pins for the guns that you guys used in your military service. ( was likely before your service...unless you were in the miltiary from 77-'84)

But I'm just a libtard taker in some people's mind. However...the reality is that I fuckin love that shit cus it's oh, so everythying else those folks who toss blankets will likely say about me and other libs i know and love... that,,,,as you point out...comes completely from a place where they can have absolutely no clue whatsoever about my life/how I live/etc.

Bwahahahahaha is right @SecretSquirrel. Ray da man!
I dont think I made any assumptions here, was referencing his blatant blasting of veterans. It’s difficult for me to be a nice person on this topic. I’ll step out of here, you guys win, unlike the election 4 years ago. ✌

High kev

Yankee seeds
LOL.....glad it arrived safe and sound.

Mine aren't red either. He notified me he was out of red but could send silver and make my lights pronto.
I didn't care about the color of the gave him the go ahead/etc.
I would think the silver would be better for reflection but I don’t know much. I don’t care bout the color either I’m easy to please. Can’t wait to get this bitch cookin.


I dont think I made any assumptions here, was referencing his blatant blasting of veterans. It’s difficult for me to be a nice person on this topic. I’ll step out of here, you guys win, unlike the election 4 years ago. ✌
Nope I specifically said the older vets aren't being taken care of and the younger ones coming back fucked up, do it's either the training or soldier mindset after seeing some wild shit. Now you can be mean to your old lady and she's got ptsd lol. But I know a few didn't even make it two yrs, now they can't do nothing. And with more technology, drones, guns shoot around corners shit, it's gotten better for the soldier, right? They need to bring the draft back. Then it'd not so much I don't feel good u want to go home, more you got a job to do you signed up for, so do it and quit whining, knew what you was getting into. Lol
I love vets. I hate the mango Mussolini who's trying to start a war over shit we don't even belong in, just cause it's an election yr. Also throwing women in the mix didn't help, sorry, it just didn't, all the rape and fuck stories, sure they keeping their concentration


Just some asshole
Nope I specifically said the older vets aren't being taken care of and the younger ones coming back fucked up, do it's either the training or soldier mindset after seeing some wild shit. Now you can be mean to your old lady and she's got ptsd lol. But I know a few didn't even make it two yrs, now they can't do nothing. And with more technology, drones, guns shoot around corners shit, it's gotten better for the soldier, right? They need to bring the draft back. Then it'd not so much I don't feel good u want to go home, more you got a job to do you signed up for, so do it and quit whining, knew what you was getting into. Lol
I love vets. I hate the mango Mussolini who's trying to start a war over shit we don't even belong in, just cause it's an election yr. Also throwing women in the mix didn't help, sorry, it just didn't, all the rape and fuck stories, sure they keeping their concentration
Don’t belong in? They attacked our fucking embassy, how would this play out if we attacked an Iranian embassy? We were attacked, instead of standing around like a bunch of god damn cowards america took action. America needs to be aggressive, by being aggressive it will prevent further problems. Who got picked on while at the playground when you were a kid? The default aggressive kid or the loner that picked his nose and didn’t do anything if he was bothered? No one fucked with the aggressive kid, he didn’t even have to get in fights or prove himself, the way he carried himself was plenty.

The left knows what we did is right, they just don’t approve of who is in office orchestrating it.

As for pts if you’re not a brain doc or experienced it then you really shouldn’t say much about it. Vietnam and gwot are very different wars. Should be no D on the end of pts. If you go shoot people in the face and come home not change then you’re a fucking sociopath.

Technology is great but when you walk in a room, have 10th of a second to look at hands then shoot or don’t, are we gonna trust a machine to do that? Technology is better, but you still need to have boots on the ground.

Guess we should just make AOC President. 😂 She probably couldn’t find Iran on a map.

I drug myself back into this convo 😑