The Kitchen Sink


Hobby Farmer
cottage cheese with a spoon of jam. I used to eat that for breakfast a lot. It was like i was training to be a porn star...but i went to the gym a lot.

I am beginning to think its just better to eat the decarbbed buds. I had half a jar left. They hit the spot and come in nice and spicy.

I dont mind the taste of them.

I am going to give an oven decarb a go with a silicone reusable sandwich bag on a pyrex dish. I will use my bbq probe to get the temp right and i bet i will do ok. I am running low on edibles...i have tons of buds.

Time to fix it :D.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Every news paper and news station called it protestors. That’s when you know there is major problems when the media is hiding other countries dirty dirt
We off two of the head bad guys - with zero collateral damage because of the surgical strikes on their vehicles (notice that?) and the left and the media are so Anti-Trump they are now Anti America - rooting for the bad guy and making excuses for them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hope y'all got kids they send over there and get their heads blown off, lol, all for drumpf to try to get reelected. Lol he tried to fake a threat with Kim, nobody believed that one and now he's bout to start ww3 over getting impeached,lol. Hoooraaa
Hoping for Americans to get killed - you prove my point.


Just some asshole
Hope y'all got kids they send over there and get their heads blown off, lol, all for drumpf to try to get reelected. Lol he tried to fake a threat with Kim, nobody believed that one and now he's bout to start ww3 over getting impeached,lol. Hoooraaa
No one "sent" me over there, I volunteered, several times. Americas fighting force is volunteer, all of it, every last person volunteered to serve their country.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No one "sent" me over there, I volunteered, several times. Americas fighting force is volunteer, all of it, every last person volunteered to serve their country.
And what the left doesn't seem to get is that it is also probably the most diverse workforce in America. Like their cries of conservative racism. I served with thousands of AMERICANS, period. They were probably different races and religions and stuff, but they were Americans. They love to leave out the term ILLEGAL, and even though they have had majorities in Congress and in the Executive seat they have not changed the laws.

Suck on that.

Deleted member 60

I share your views @Bodyne. Smoke and mirrors. War is a great deflection from the crimes committed at home.
Fortunately....his day is way or another.

Hats off to the guys who served. It's ironic and highly telltale here... that our leader, nor any of his devil spawn anchor babies have served and have actually done all they could to NOT serve.....nor have any Trumps through history served....all the while..... they promote/create War and act all badass with threats as they send other people's kids to their deaths. The first ones to go should be his kids. That would change the direction/Pompous Ass Show fast. That...or we could hunt them like endagered animals. I'd even buy a gun for that one.....