I still don't know where I'll put it but I got a shorty 2x2 for the 100w light that is now extra. I think it's 3' tall. Probably get a bigger table to house both. I want one that's plug-n-play for clones and one for seedlings - but interchangeable if needed.
The current clone set-up is worrking and since it's not the mom-tent I'll probably be good here and rig the new one for seedlings.

This is some backwards, rednecked stuff but it works. From the bottom I have a sturdy, injection molded 1020 over the thermostat controlled heatmat for indirect heat instead of cooking roots.
Then there's the dome being offset under the light. Between roots and up-pot I can slide them under the light in a new dome.
I have the thermostat in an Oasis cube that is kept the same moisture as the clone cubes. It is only set for 78F, so the heat mat mainly comes on at "night". The light provides enough heat.

Because of my low humidity I need lots of water but to keep the cubes from getting drenched I have them in the ramen trays. The thermo-couple cube is in a cut-up solo cup.
The last thing I am doing is I put the stem in the cube with it upside down. The end needs drying to callous up before roots will form, so I have the pre-cut hole as another humidity dome for the cut end. As the cube dries so will it, but I'll re-moisten it when needed.
I also have several of these domes so if anything starts to look nasty I can switch and get the old one into the dishwasher. And I have a few of the extenders as well.